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Author Topic: Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o  (Read 768 times)


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #60 on: October 27, 2004, 11:46:00 AM »

No, this isn't an "I told you so", as I didn't on either aspect of this (read below and beyond for a revelation!) eh...

QUOTE (eh. @ Aug 21 2004, 12:14 PM)
No, there's nothing to worry about; if you've already ran it, thanks for kindly trying to help evolve the exploit further.  This isn't an attempt at "reverse psychology" aimed at the leechers either!  Here's where I'm coming from...

M$ will do everything they can to fix the known kernel and dashboard flaws, of course. The same will happen if the scans reveal something else, especially before Halo 2's released (just in time for the Holiday season...)!

Consequently, I've decided to stop my (futile) efforts to encourage scans, move back into the shadows and wait re UD-eh! lurk.gif

(Edit: changed time reference, a spelling and punctuation of the final remark eh.)

... M$ haven't yet released an updated kernel or dashboard, but they most likely will ... notice the thread's title, the post's edit and (most significantly) what it was indirectly referring to eh? uhh.gif

"UD-eh!" is what I personally refer to as the "Uber4920 Dashboard - exploiters' heaven!".  I'm sure a few folks will "hate me" upon learning that I discovered it three calendar months ago, however, maybe they will become accepting of the "bigger picture" approach I've taken.   Many, many more current and future members of the softmod community will benefit from it (re the M$ sentence above) when UD-eh! does get released ... which will be at the discretion of (and by) the forum mods/leaders (not me, I'm just an 'exploit hunter') eh. wink.gif

I've sometimes posted clues about it, such at the two "biggies" on the previous page, as I felt obligated to the community to share this in some way (and to provide the opportunity for others to "enjoy the thrill of the hunt" too).  What it is ... well if you didn't clue in from "UD-eh!" (or "UDeh", originally) and haven't now that you've just read it's name, then think harder!  Why I believe it's so significant ... it's literally the largest softmod discovery made so far, potentially has at least three astounding capabilities, one of which could turn back time for some users and another that would force M$ to be even more on the defensive than they currently are eh! ph34r.gif

Edit: added potentially (re Pedro's following reply)... biggrin.gif


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #61 on: October 27, 2004, 12:07:00 PM »

eh. certainly has a cryptic turn of phrase.  tongue.gif

I just wanted to say that he has proven to my satisfaction that he did discover the files that facilitated the UXE exploit ahead of my stumbling across them independently.  wink.gif   beerchug.gif (So he's been looking into them longer, and may indeed have new information to share)


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #62 on: October 31, 2004, 12:29:00 PM »

Given the nature of today (in North America at least), instead of more 'trick' wording here's a 'treat'... some straight-talk about the "Uber4920 Dashboard - exploiters' heaven!" a.k.a "UD-eh!" that might (just might) give M$ a 'fright'...

UD-eh! is M$'s secret dashboard; its version is 0x17CDC100 and it identifies itself as 4920.  It's really significant because (unlike the widely known 4920's) it runs on all current Xboxes, V1.0-1.6, K3944-5838 with these features:

The UD-eh! `xboxdash.xbe` is audio, easter-egg and font exploitable;
its `xonlinedash.xbe` is font exploitable (without suffering reset-on-eject);
its `update.xbe` is font exploitable (and is being used as the UXE bootstrap).

Additionally, UD-eh! provides a new opportunity that maybe, just maybe will 'spook' M$ a little... there's a way to boot the current M$ dashboard with UD-eh! embedded (which facilitates a Live compatible exploit, if the recent defensive measures haven't precluded that)!

Edits: re "Uber4920 Dashboard - exploiters' heaven!" a.k.a "UD-eh!", emphasis and 'spook'.

This post has been edited by eh.: Nov 1 2004, 04:00 AM


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #63 on: October 31, 2004, 12:50:00 PM »

Can I get this right???

U D-eh man..  lol  beerchug.gif  what are you saying the fonts can be embeded? not to sure what you mean. This is extremely interesting, I lookforward to more on the UD-eh.

It is fun searching for these things if you actualy find em. lol

Looking at this forum with great interest, off to thailand soon for a while so will be showing the thai's what it's all about. Most have PS2's (spit) but there are one or two box's about.



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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #64 on: October 31, 2004, 08:36:00 PM »

(@OliG: I meant that UD-eh!'s 4920 dashboard can be invoked from within the booted 5960 dashboard eh.)


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #65 on: October 31, 2004, 10:33:00 PM »

Where is this dash aquired from?


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #66 on: November 01, 2004, 10:02:00 AM »

@anjilslaire and anyone else that's interested: M$ gave it to me (and many, many others) and might to you too eh... gift.gif


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #67 on: November 01, 2004, 11:30:00 AM »

Alas, I don't have live!, or my xbox hooked to a broadband connection. No games gave this dash?

This post has been edited by anjilslaire: Nov 1 2004, 07:31 PM


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #68 on: November 01, 2004, 07:20:00 PM »

@anjilslaire: I personally don't know whether any games gave this dash (and would be surprised if they had) eh.


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #69 on: November 01, 2004, 10:33:00 PM »

I have several dash versions backup up for different softmod setups. I'll check my "archives". Thanks for the tip.


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #70 on: November 06, 2004, 12:19:00 PM »

(@"treasure hunters": although the kernel version isn't their criteria, M$ only gives UD-eh! to boxes with less than 5713 eh...)


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #71 on: November 07, 2004, 03:45:00 PM »

@"treasure hunters": here are the characteristics of what M$ have been secretly giving (and taking) away, since last year eh:

xboxdash.xbe (1,634,304 bytes)

Size of certificate                 : 0x000001EC
Certificate timestamp               : 0x3F65ED95 Mon Sep 15 10:49:25 2003
Title ID                            : 0xFFFE0000
Title name                          : "Xbox Dashboard"
Alternate title ID's                : none
Allowed media types                 : 0x80000001
                                    : XBE_MEDIA_HDD
Allowed game regions                : 0x7FFFFFFF
                                    : XBE_REGION_US_CANADA
                                    : XBE_REGION_JAPAN
                                    : XBE_REGION_ELSEWHERE
Allowed game rating                 : 0xFFFFFFFF
Disk number                         : 0x00000000
Version                             : 0x17CDC100

xonlinedash.xbe (1,929,216 bytes)

Size of certificate                 : 0x000001EC
Certificate timestamp               : 0x3F65ED97 Mon Sep 15 10:49:27 2003
Title ID                            : 0xFFFE0000
Title name                          : "Xbox OnlineDash"
Alternate title ID's                : none
Allowed media types                 : 0x80000001
                                    : XBE_MEDIA_HDD
Allowed game regions                : 0x7FFFFFFF
                                    : XBE_REGION_US_CANADA
                                    : XBE_REGION_JAPAN
                                    : XBE_REGION_ELSEWHERE
Allowed game rating                 : 0xFFFFFFFF
Disk number                         : 0x00000000
Version                             : 0x17CDC100

update.xbe (1,994,752 bytes)

Size of certificate                 : 0x000001EC
Certificate timestamp               : 0x3F65ED93 Mon Sep 15 10:49:23 2003
Title ID                            : 0xFFFE0000
Title name                          : "Online Updater Application"
Alternate title ID's                : none
Allowed media types                 : 0x80000001
                                    : XBE_MEDIA_HDD
Allowed game regions                : 0x7FFFFFFF
                                    : XBE_REGION_US_CANADA
                                    : XBE_REGION_JAPAN
                                    : XBE_REGION_ELSEWHERE
Allowed game rating                 : 0xFFFFFFFF
Disk number                         : 0x00000000
Version                             : 0x17CDC100

(and the rest of it's essentially the same as the known 4920's eh... ph34r.gif)


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #72 on: November 08, 2004, 01:00:00 PM »

@"treasure hunters": sfaik, here are the most significant opportunities UD-eh! provides...

audio, easter-egg and font exploitable; (1)
* could be used as non-gamesave backdoor for current XBL-compatible dash! (2)(3)(4)

font exploitable; (1)(5)
* could be used as non-gamesave backdoor for current XBL-compatible dash! (6)(7)

font exploitable; (1)
* UXE! (1)
(1) All current kernels (3944-5838), no clock-loop nor reset-on-eject.

(2) Live console support.

(3) Exploit via EE (with supporting xboxdashdata.17cdc100 xips).

(4) Using new ST.DB from someone with rmenhal-like skills.

(5) See linked thread.

(6) Exploit via EE (with supporting C:/XOdash fonts).

(7) Using new .xtf/s from someone with rmenhal-like skills.


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #73 on: November 15, 2004, 02:32:00 PM »

I'm considering posting the method used to obtain this secret, UberDash from M$. huh.gif

Anyone have any interest in that (or otherwise) eh? uhh.gif


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Don't Run A Hdd Xbe Scan! :o
« Reply #74 on: November 15, 2004, 03:16:00 PM »

I'd like to know this, perhaps by PM would be best, lest it be stopped by m$.
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