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Author Topic: Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch  (Read 1742 times)


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #120 on: May 12, 2004, 12:42:00 PM »

Hello Idots, thanks for the interest... here's the story.

My roommate owns this xbox and from what he has told me there has been several mod chips installed, 1 was installed into his friends xbox, smoke and burn, and the others are bad and being RMA'd.  He asked me to solder his board for a TSOP flash.  I soldered the points and ran the MechAssult hack, saved the password, installed linux on the game save folder (against my protests, lost all free space there).  The screen resolution was very bad, which made it hard for me to find the ftp agent and I was very tired (4:30am), so I went to bed.

{My roommate wanted to get the TOSP hack over to his xbox so he removed the had drive and installed it into his PC, used a dos boot disk and unlocked the drive. Then rebooted the computer and used FATXhdExplorler(?? it is a french program) to access the drive, but it crashed over and over.  He then rebooted and relocked the drive and now the error}  

I use {} because I am just going off what he can rememberand cannot get any more information about the situation, sorry.  You already know the rest of the story.

I did not completely wipe the partition table and I will do that ASAP.
The drive is stock Western Digital WD80EB-28CGH2, no change in jumper settings (i.e. should be  ::::1where 1 is pin 1&2, Cable Select setting).


This post has been edited by XboxHD: May 12 2004, 08:01 PM


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #121 on: May 13, 2004, 08:36:00 AM »

OK, tried the Western Digital once again....redid the ENTIRE process...this time....keep getting the Not Lockable under unlockx.



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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #122 on: May 13, 2004, 09:45:00 AM »

Don't know what's wrong here? It cant be the build process! The ATA password features shouldn't care about what's on the drive. So if you did the cloning instead, I bet you would get the same "non lockable" issue.
Only thing I can think of is trying to lock it on another computer...


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #123 on: May 13, 2004, 10:28:00 AM »

OK, well maybe it has something to do with my eeprom....would make sense since both your program and live info use the eeprom I setup....

How I got my eeprom: Like I said, I have MKJones's softmod on my box.  Unfortunately, I seem to have misplaced my wonderful MechAssault game disc and therefore cannot load evox through gamesave...but i can load it through the audio hack from MKJones.  When I do this, I go to where my backup is, and that's how I got my password.

I read that you should run a game/save evox to get your eeprom, but I did that as well and got the same information.  At least the hdpassword was the same.

Is there another way to get this info?  Maybe I've been using the wrong one all along and that's why I can't lock/unlock...hard to do if your using the wrong password...


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #124 on: May 13, 2004, 11:04:00 AM »

You could try to ftp ConfigMagic to your xbox. This app lets your get the hdd pw and eeprom aswell. I doubt that will make any difference though.


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #125 on: May 16, 2004, 02:15:00 PM »

Hello Idots,

Well I rebuilt the HD partition table and that made no change, which left me with one very real possiability... broken ATA controller chip.  So I grabed my roomates 80 Gig Maxtor drive that he used to have in his xbox when it had the chip in it, pluged it in and turned it on to see if I got the same error, and the xbox booted without any problems!!!  :lol: This HD had not been used in this  xbox for over 8 months, according to unlockx the drive is "Not Lockable!",  any attempts to lock or unlock this drive failed and even Max Blast reported a really bad hard drive  :blink:   My best guess as to why this happened is that during my roommates hot swaping adventure, he hooked up a unlocked hard drive and the xbox reverted to some kinda Last Known Good Configuration setting which required the 80Gig Maxtor HD again, I guess.   :rolleyes:

Anyways, transfered the 007 exploit across and flashed the BIOS, now the Xbox is in perfect condition.

Your software works really good, had an error on reboot of linux, IC2 that loops forever.  There are alot of errors if you try to boot linux with a locked drive, non that said locked drive.  Its not a big deal but it would help in troubleshooting a strange drive that someone gives you to work on.

Some advice for beginners, use Dynebolic Live CD to transfer your save games across via FTP.  It has easy to configure network settings and mounts the partitions right on your desktop.  It supported Logitech wireless USB mouse & keyboard and comes with a unzip utility, plus FTP.  I had a unknown command "unzip /dev/blahblah" error when I extracted the save game but I considered it minor since the readme's looked all right and the BIOS did flash properly in the end.

Thanks for the software Idots :beer: , you made some good stuff.   Whole new world with your own xbox BIOS, I must thank M$ someday for this ultimate toy  :D  


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #126 on: December 05, 2004, 03:43:00 PM »

I have run into BIG trouble. I used the hdlock or was it lockhd working from floppy after (2days of) cloning old Xbox modded drive to my new 40G Seagate. It asked for a password. I didn't know what it was because I thought it hunted for the eprom.bin on the floppy so I hit the <esc> (ape) key. Oh dear! I got a <\> I tried it again, another <\> on a new line. Hit <CTRL+C> and got ^C on a new line. I gave up and hit <enter>. Great my drive was locked with 0 (that's a picture of a heart and a zero). I ran unlockhd and tried to enter the same sequence but it didn't work.
I've tried copying the log files into the \input directory and renaming as hdpass.txt but it fails. The program in question is 'HDD Security Unlock tool v0.91'. I've use ATAPWD also but it bails out at the first <esc>.
So, did the tool used above set the MASTER or USER password?
-If it is 'just' the USER one I can enter the MASTER, erase the disk and start again no? If so what is the MASTER password for my Seagate Barracuda? I tried <seagate>, <SEAGATE>, serial no and just blank etc. but to no avail.
I have an expensive paperweight don't I?   :(
Thanks in advance.


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #127 on: December 05, 2004, 04:06:00 PM »

As far as I know only valid characters are a-z & 0-9.

you can check in atapwd, does the L have a + under it.

It should have only set the user password. You should still be able to unlock with the master.
if you were using hdlock, then just type hdlock at the prompt to give you its options, I am of course refering to xboxhdm option 3

big ben bullet

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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #128 on: December 05, 2004, 04:25:00 PM »

and the masterpw could be XBOXSCENE


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« Reply #129 on: December 06, 2004, 02:55:00 PM »

atapwd gives '+' under master, user and locked.
I tried 'XBOXSCENE' in atapwd for master and got nowhere. Shall I try it with <hdunlock> tonight.
Thanks for suggestions. :blink:  


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #130 on: December 06, 2004, 03:19:00 PM »

I used <XBOXSCENE>  with unlockhd and it worked. Then I could see/edit the passwords/locks for the drive in atapwd.
How it got in I have no idea because I remember trying it at the time but it failed. Back in working order now -well- time to set the correct password and let it boot in the box!
Thanks! :beer:  


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #131 on: March 25, 2008, 05:57:00 PM »

sorry to bring up an extremely old topic but im trying to use this method but when i get to "hexedit head" it says that head is not a file. this is pretty much my only hope since my computer is too new and i cant use xebian (kernel panics) and xboxhdm doesnt support my sata dvd drive


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #132 on: March 25, 2008, 05:38:00 PM »

QUOTE(brando56894 @ Mar 26 2008, 07:57 AM) View Post

sorry to bring up an extremely old topic but im trying to use this method but when i get to "hexedit head" it says that head is not a file. this is pretty much my only hope since my computer is too new and i cant use xebian (kernel panics) and xboxhdm doesnt support my sata dvd drive

hexedit header.
head is a linux command. header should be the correct filename. Actually you are looking at the thread that started the development of xboxhdm so the same file is now available in xboxhdm. It is now renamed head.raw under the xbox folder inside the linux folder inside xboxhdm folder.


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #133 on: March 25, 2008, 08:44:00 PM »

awesome thanks for the quick reply, but ive ran into another problem (same one that happened in xUbuntu) when i try to echo FATX it still tells me that im denied access..

brandon@ra:~$ sudo echo "FATX" | dd of=/dev/hda seek=1 bs=512k
dd: opening `/dev/hda': Permission denied


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #134 on: March 30, 2009, 07:11:00 AM »

QUOTE(whitefox4 @ Mar 30 2009, 03:29 PM) View Post

I seem to be getting stuck at this command:  
dd if=header of=/dev/hdc bs=512k

I have my "replacement drive" 120GB, cloned from a working xbox with an accidental wrong EEPROM to match the wrong machine.  I have the correct eeprom handy on another computer backed up for both x-boxes.  

The replacement drive is getting this message:

dd: opening '/dev/hdc': Permission Denied

The hard drive is setup as secondary IDE channel on the motherboard, jumper is set to master.  And I'm running my Xebian boot disc from DVD-ROM on Secondary IDE channel, jumper set to slave.  I also have another hard drive hooked up to the Primary IDE channel which has XP on it, if that matters?  as far as I understand this command is working on the secondary IDE channel master jumper so; no harm, no foul.
Also has anybody noticed some keys are not right, such characters as:   | , " ,  = .... I understand how to remap the "|" character to space bar from the directions and I have found out:
Shift+7 is =  /forwardslash
Shift+2  is  "doublequote
Shift+0 is  =equals
the purpose of this was to find out why is "Permission Denied" for /dev/hdc setup as secondary master?

Some words of advice:
1. Use xboxhdm, it automates the whole process nicely.
2. If you really must try this, google on sudo and df commands. I suspect you are not login as root.
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