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Author Topic: Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch  (Read 1754 times)


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #105 on: May 12, 2004, 06:25:00 AM »

Is it OK to build the drive while there is 2 things attached to the IDE cables?  If not, I'll try and redo everything with nothing but the XBOX HD and the CD Rom connected...  I'll let you know if that works.

Thanks again!


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #106 on: May 12, 2004, 06:31:00 AM »

No its OK to build the xbox HDD with xboxhdm while having a second drive on primary slave. Doesn't matter. The tools included will however assume  the xbox HDD is primary master. I just found that I could only lock the new HDD when I put it on primary slave. Otherwise it would just show as 'Not lockable'


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #107 on: May 12, 2004, 06:34:00 AM »

With any luck - this is the last question...

Just want to clear this up...when you say put it on the primary mean jumper setting?  I've spent so much time trying to get this working, I just want to make sure I'm correct with what I assume...sorry for being a neusance.


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #108 on: May 12, 2004, 06:36:00 AM »

Also - the E drive rebuilding error....all i caught was Unable to open ...... and it listed the two folders I had in there...couldn't see the rest.


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« Reply #109 on: May 12, 2004, 06:40:00 AM »

Dont think the E-drive thing matters. Cant really see what could cause an error...

No, I didn't refer to the jumber settings. Depends on you PC, but I just keep mine on 'cable select'. When I say master and slave I refer to the actual ide channels. The first ide connector on the ide cable is the slave, and the last one, the one that ends the cable, is master.


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #110 on: May 12, 2004, 06:46:00 AM »

I agree with you on the E drive issue...cause like I said...I found the files to actually be there anyway.

I switched the jumpers...had the ide connected to the primary slave anyway...but tried it just in case...

Now, I was able to once again, rebuild from scratch using said options...BUT...with the drive being on the primary slave...I'm still getting the Not Lockable problem.  I decided to go ahead and run HDlock anyway to try it out....according to the program, it was locked with the calculated code I was given.  Upon rebooting, I find that unlockx still shows the drive as not lockable.  

Any idea what in the hell I'm doing or not doing?  It has to be a step I'm missing or something because I have also done this to a Quantum drive with no success....same issues...


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #111 on: May 12, 2004, 06:53:00 AM »

You still didn't try locking it from primary slave did you. Not running xboxhdm with the drive on slave, just unlockx. To recap :
- put the new xbox hdd on primary slave
- have nothing on primary master
- run unlockx from cdrom or floppy (preferred).

So you should see you drive as second option in unlockx and hopefully as lockable.


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #112 on: May 12, 2004, 07:40:00 AM »

OK, I tried running unlockx with XBOX HD on PSlave...not lockable.  Created a floppy from your CD, switched HD back to PSlave...rebooted with floppy...ran UnlockX - Not Lockable.  

I gave up on that drive for right now.  I'm not sure what's going on with it...I've checked a few compatability lists and it seems to work for others...Maybe later on I'll give it another shot.

My Quantum drive - I'm giving this one a shot now...Have XBOX HD on PMaster while running xboxhd....using option 4 to format current fatx partitions for building from scratch.  ****Noticed something new...I noticed that once it finished formatting and rebooting...upon loading of xboxhd...I saw this: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock or too many mounted file systems(or something very close...comp goes too fast)****

I'm going to go ahead and try to use xboxhd to run option 1 (2 times with reboot between) to rebuild once again.  First time it builds the partitions 1 record in, 1 record out (not sure how many times).  Second time - formats partitions (looked like about 5?).  Continue copying files from /xboxhdm/c - yes.  We've agreed to ignore the E drive error...

After that (correct me if I'm wrong) I could use the floppy to boot to dos and use unlockx (hopefully with a Lockable option!).  

These are exactly the steps I'm taking/took.  Do you notice anything different about how I'm doing it?


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #113 on: May 12, 2004, 07:45:00 AM »

Update on the E drive problem - It appears Slayer has inserted a couple text files in his folders...your program had a problem opening these files.  No biggie - just a heads up for those of us who are using slayer's dash downgrade.

As for the other issues:
I booted from floppy after rebuilding the drives.  Here's something I noticed this time:
   - InitDiskillegal partition table - drive 00 sector 0
   illegal partition table - drive 00 sector 0
   illegal partition table - drive 00 sector 0
   illegal partition table - drive 00 sector 0

All this was directly under the FreeDOS project copyright info.  Any clue???


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #114 on: May 12, 2004, 07:48:00 AM »

Don't wanna jump the gun here but I was able to successfully lock the drive using UnlockX with this error.  I had forgotten to switch it back to PSlave, but thought what the hell...Upon reboot to floppy to doublecheck illegal partition error....just error reading partition table drive 00 sector 0 (4 times).

According to UnlockX - Drive is Lockable and Locked.  

Now I'll put it in the box to check......keep your fingers crossed


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« Reply #115 on: May 12, 2004, 07:52:00 AM »

Now - Error 6.


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #116 on: May 12, 2004, 08:18:00 AM »

Well - sounds like you are progressing. Don't know what caused the incompatebility with your other drive though  uhh.gif

The messages you see flashing by in xboxhdm and FreeDOS you can sefely ignore.

Error 6 now! It cannot unlock the HDD - meaning you used a wrong password. You did generate a new password for his drive right? It's not the same as the old one...


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #117 on: May 12, 2004, 08:24:00 AM »

yeah, i used xboxhd to generate a new pw.  I didn't get a chance to verify the new password in LiveInfo because I had the PC HD unplugged....Now, I can't seem to get my comp to boot into Windows...Keeps telling me disk boot can read that there's a disk there, but I fear I may have locked it by accident with either unlockx or hdlock (is this even possible on a non-xbox formatted drive???)

One thing I had noticed from the other drive when I checked LiveInfo...LiveInfo displays the password in all caps....xboxhd displays in lowercase....should I use all caps or lowercase?  I remember reading something that said to type it in exactly...but exactly from which source?

for every step I go forward...seems I manage to fall a few behind!!!


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #118 on: May 12, 2004, 08:30:00 AM »

Passwords shouldn't be case sensitive.
I believe you could lock your win HDD. It's a ATA feature, not an xbox feature. You can check the status in unlockx.
If you did generate the password you must have typed it incorrectly. You have to look through the log files of unlockx to unlock it again.


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Build A Working Xbox Hd From Scratch
« Reply #119 on: May 12, 2004, 08:52:00 AM »

mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif
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