
Author Topic: Fixing A Live 2.0 Xbox And A Tut  (Read 123 times)


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Fixing A Live 2.0 Xbox And A Tut
« on: December 27, 2003, 02:23:00 PM »


I flashed a xbox for a friend today, and he had updated to hes xbox live yestoday. (ver 1.3)

but I got error 21 all the time.

many hours l8er I restored my old backup from my xbox to his xbox hdd.
and added bigfont.

and then it worked great!

so.. if someone updated there xbox live, just restor it with a backup from another xbox.

and btw.. is there any one out there that want a xlinux automatic boot cd, so all u do is boot a cd at ur computer with xbox disk connected and it will install all mods needed.

if so, I could make one.

and btw. sorry for my bad english.