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Author Topic: Mordens Audio Hack  (Read 203 times)


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Mordens Audio Hack
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2003, 06:43:00 AM »

This needs to be pinned to the tutorials thread or stickied.

Very important stuff.

Great work Morden, how about putting this in the readme of the package?

BTW, I have one for you: If I have an older version of your package that is working, do I need to upgrade?

This post has been edited by evil_inside: Aug 18 2003, 01:44 PM


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Mordens Audio Hack
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2003, 08:19:00 AM »

I recommend it. I found bugs in the old one. Most won't hurt you, but I would hate to be resposible for your system getting messed up in any way!



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« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2003, 09:23:00 AM »

I have another question:

I am 99% sure that I renamed the original xboxdash.xbe to orig.xbe when I first installed the mod. I DID backup C: onto my PC before renaming files and installing any apps.

I was a little confused by this when I originally did the mod, but I know that I copy the original BEFORE changing the name and still have it on my PC.

Am I screwed? Can I copy over the backup xboxdash.xbe that's sitting on my PC's hard drive,  and restore the system?

I CAN boot my Xbox to games and the MS dashboard, so this means I have a good copy of dashbaord.xbe right?


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« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2003, 12:19:00 PM »

How do I add skins to your V3 Package? - FAQ - V3

To add skins, do the following:

1. Create an E:\Skins dir
2. Open e:\mxm\mxm.xml in a text editor
3. Add the following line under <Main> :


4. Place any skins you download in folders under e:\skins, just like you would with evox.



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« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2003, 04:13:00 PM »

I try to boot the savegame and get error 21 or a black screen even though I followed the directions! What did I do wrong? - FAQ

This is usually caused by not transfering the whole savegame to the XBox. use your prefered method to transfer it again.

This can also be caused by using some third party memory cards. Try an official MS card, or an alternate method to get the savegame to your system.


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Mordens Audio Hack
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2003, 09:48:00 PM »

yeah thats my problem everytime that i chose run linux from mechassult it crashes and i get that damn error 21 man i hate that error anyways
i have action replay and am using the memory card that came with it so that should work shouldnt it?
how can a saved game not fully transfer?
im thinking maybe the saved game one i got is bad

i tried to use the mechinstaller v1.0 which gives u the upgraded one so u can still use live but for some reason i cant get action replay to save it as a valid save maybe i have to put that datelinfo somwhere else ill keep trying (the GameSave directory is alot different from the original one too)

maybe the problem is though ive updated to live using RTCW and maybe i was connected to the internet im not really sure how would i go about delteting the updated dash then if this is the case can i hot swap and delete the files through linix on my pc im just so confused this is supposed to be easy stuff right
thanks in advanced


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Mordens Audio Hack
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2003, 07:23:00 AM »

First, punctuation is your friend!

Second, slow down and explain your problem!



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« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2003, 09:32:00 AM »

Xbox v1.0
kernel 4817
Dash 4920

live updated with return to castle wolfenstien. (possibly while connected to the internet)

i put the linux game save on my memory card using action replay, then i transfer it onto the xbox hardrive.  Now when i go into campain and select "Run Linux" the screen flashes and error 21 pops up.

So i guess thats the basic problem i have theorys on why that is the problem but not really any solutions.  Any help that you may provide would be fantastic thanks.


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Mordens Audio Hack
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2003, 09:34:00 AM »


try to boot the savegame and get error 21 or a black screen even though I followed the directions! What did I do wrong? - FAQ

This is usually caused by not transfering the whole savegame to the XBox. use your prefered method to transfer it again.

This can also be caused by using some third party memory cards. Try an official MS card, or an alternate method to get the savegame to your system.

Just to clarify the above... the AR card is about as useful a tits on a bull....

Use an MS card!


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« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2003, 09:42:00 AM »

ha are u serious thats the problem cause i have no money and i gotta buy Xmas presents yet ha
Well yesterday i took some halo gamesaves and transfered them onto the xbox and they work fine so doesnt that mean that it does work?


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« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2003, 09:49:00 AM »

Normal game save = 200K

This gamesave = 3500K (give or take)

Odds of a 200K gamesave landing on a bad sector on a mem card = low

Odds of a 3500K gamesave landing on a bad spot on the card = HIGH (it is almost half the card!)

Question it all you want, but do you think I would have posted it in the FAQ if it didn't work?

Also, this thread is for ME to post solutions to common problems, if you have questions please use the main thread for the package.



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« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2003, 09:53:00 AM »

ok well 3500K you say huh is that after u zip the file or before? cause the ziped saved game when i do it is like 1900K maybe thats my problem.
im not trying to diss u or anything, it's just that i have been working on this for 2 weeks straight different types of hacks and everything im just getting real frusterated.

Do you know where i can find the right gamesave then?

thanks again


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« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2003, 10:00:00 AM »

I was thowing out numbers to show my point.

Plus the size of the zip doesn't matter as it's not the ZIP that gets put on the mem card, but the files themselves.

Just for your info, the actual size is not 3500K but 5642.24K



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« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2003, 10:02:00 AM »

Alright well thanks for your help,
i'm off to walmart to buy myself a new memory card.

I'll let ya know how everything turns out thanks again.


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« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2003, 11:51:00 AM »

Well now i spent the money getting the new M$ memory card and when i put the mechassultlinux hack onto it it says error coppying file.
I have tried many different verisons of the hacked gamesave and none of them will save on the card it accepts them just fine but then halfway through transfering i get an error, man this is frusterating.
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