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Author Topic: Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux  (Read 2034 times)


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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #240 on: October 31, 2003, 09:09:00 PM »


one more question:

Type the following commands in EXACTLY as below:

mkdir /xbox/Skins
cp -rf * /xbox/
cd /xbox
mv bert.xtf fonts/
mv snuffleupagus.xtf fonts/

This copies the files to your xbox HD and puts them in the right place also."

the following codes above said "mkdir /xbox/Skins" while the folder that is included in the bert.rar is named "Skin" without the "s" at the end...

and what does cp -rf * /xbox/ stand for?

and since i have a dashboard version 4034, i don't have the fonts folder, so what do i suppose to do with the last two command:

mv bert.xtf fonts/
mv snuffleupagus.xtf fonts/

should i change it to this since i'm already in the xbox hard-drive directory?:

mv bert.xtf
mv snuffleupagus.xtf

and also, do i type the following codes are in at once, or do i have to press enter after each:

mkdir /xbox/Skins
cp -rf * /xbox/
cd /xbox
mv bert.xtf fonts/
mv snuffleupagus.xtf fonts/

please please explain this simple steps to me guys sad.gif only need this command to finish my media player...

or can someone write a much more clearer tutorials than this... man, he didn't include the commands to copy the default.xbe and evox.ini files over to the xbox hard-drive plus doesn't the "mkdir /xbox/Skins" means that it only make a directory name "Skins" instead of create a folder name Skins and also the files in the folder too?

this is so darn confusing, please please please explain it clearly yah sad.gif


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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #241 on: November 01, 2003, 05:49:00 AM »



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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #242 on: November 06, 2003, 02:13:00 PM »

okay, my xbox was shipped to me yesterday and luckily enough, I have a version 1.2, lol, i guess that is the main reason that i buy online was to get that version as for the local store only have those new bundle model sad.gifs...

the xbox came with a samsung dvd-rom drive which i've tested with every single cdrw brand that i currently use and it read it all, even those very cheaply made memorex cdrw hehe biggrin.gifs... but it doesn't read not even one single cdr's!!!!!!!!!

oh well... here is to make this tutorials a little clearer biggrin.gifs...

the biggest bug of this whole tutorials is this part of code:

"mkdir /xbox/Skins
cp -rf * /xbox/
cd /xbox
mv bert.xtf fonts/
mv snuffleupagus.xtf fonts/"

where the cp -rf * /xbox/ is...

when you type that it after making the skins directory, it will copy every single file on your computer c:/ drive to your xbox c: and d: drive sad.gif... but my doing this, you can skip the part where you have to type in the command to transfer the default.xbe and evox.ini over biggrin.gifs...

one more thing is the Skins folder is not needed unless you want to use the phoniex skins in evox dashboard which looks like shite hehe biggrin.gifs... the default.xbe has already had a preinstalled original evox skins in it so there is no need to type in the mkdir /xbox/skins/

and to say skins... the "s" ins't suppose to be there... so go in your evox.ini and edit the skinname to this:


AutoLaunchGames   = No
AutoLaunchDVD   = No
DVDPlayer   = "e:appsdvdxdefault.xbe"
AutoLaunchAudio   = No
AudioPlayer   = "c:newdash.xbe"
MSDashBoard   = "c:newdash.xbe"
UseFDrive   = Yes
SkinName   = Pheonix
IGR      = no
UseItems   = Yes
ScreenSaver   = 5
Fahrenheit   = No
ShadeLevel   = 90



AutoLaunchGames   = No
AutoLaunchDVD   = No
DVDPlayer   = "e:appsdvdxdefault.xbe"
AutoLaunchAudio   = No
AudioPlayer   = "c:newdash.xbe"
MSDashBoard   = "c:newdash.xbe"
UseFDrive   = Yes
SkinName   = Original
IGR      = no
UseItems   = Yes
ScreenSaver   = 5
Fahrenheit   = No
ShadeLevel   = 90

oh, and the last and most important thing is you have to rename the bert and ernie font to Xbox.xtf and Xbox Book.xtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so if you don't want your whole hard-drive to copy over to the xbox c and d drive, type this in for part G:

mkdir /xbox/Skins (don't type in this code)
cp -rf * /xbox/ (don't type in this code)
cd /xbox
mv Xbox.xtf fonts/ (dashboard version 4920)
mv "Xbox Book.xtf" fonts/ (dashboard version 4920)
mv Xbox.xtf /xbox/ (dashboard version 4034)
mv "Xbox Book.xtf" /xbox/ (dashboard version 4034)
mv default.xbe /xbox/
mv evox.ini /xbox/

umount both cdrive and xbox then type in reboot for xlinux to shutdown the xbox and pc for you as if you type in umount xbox, it will mostly likely say the hard-drive is busy...

and this font expliots bert is cheating on ernies was original designed for xbox dashboard version 4034... biggrin.gifs..... but it woks on 4920 as well biggrin.gifs...

anyways, for some reason, after i have completely done with this installation, doing the first few days of using it, everytime i turn my xbox on, it always have to reset itself for like 3 - 4 times until it get in the evox dashboard...

when i first boot on my xbox, the xbox animation logo run, then it sent me to the xbox original dashboard but it is not fully loaded, it only loaded the background and then pause for like 2 seconds and start to fade then boot to the evox dashboard... but for the first 2 days of using it, it boot to the original dashboard background then reset and repeating that for like 2 more times then it can boot into the evox dashboard, don't know why but after the third day, it stop reseting biggrin.gifs...

well, maybe it was becuase i connect in the ethernet cable plus i change the skin to the evox original one biggrin.gifs...

but still, i have to sign all my .xbe hehe biggrin.gifs...

so far, xbox media player is working fine!!! that's all i need...

and last comment is to say!!!



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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #243 on: November 09, 2003, 07:28:00 AM »

jester.gif  glad to see ppl use xlinux  still, im still takin some somewat
sugestions if i ever wanna continue on that mini project.. reach me on efnet


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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #244 on: November 09, 2003, 11:18:00 AM »



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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #245 on: November 09, 2003, 01:07:00 PM »

lol, wtf are you talking about? how can you overwrite your original font when you have already renamed those original font to xbox.old and xbox book.old in the first step of this tutorials? what i have done is just a modification to part G... you are the one who are clueless my babe biggrin.gifs...

the reason for renaming those file to a different extension is to not overwrite it...

and in fact, if you have all the expliots renaming and correctly in place, even if you overwrite those original font, it will still works... those originals font are just backups files for if you want to go back to the original font, you can rename it again...

and by doing my method, you will not overwrite it... unless you skip all the first step of this tutorials hehe biggrin.gifs...


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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #246 on: November 09, 2003, 03:27:00 PM »

okay, is there any expert linux people in here? read my above linux command again and see what part of it will ruin your xbox!!! i have done that command step by step and got my font expliot to run using xlinux!!!

if you were to type in the original command in this tutorials from part G, it will copy all the directory/folder and files where your skin folder is to both of your C and D drive!!! so that's why i modify those command again to only copy the bert/ernie, default.xbe, and evox.ini to your drive...


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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #247 on: November 10, 2003, 12:18:00 AM »

H E L P !

I Have a new 1.4 XBOX and an old 1.0 Version (This one Modded with Matrix Xodus).
Now I want to upgrade the hdd of the new 1.5, but I haven't a compatible modchip.
Is it possible to install Exploit to a non original 160Gb Hdd??
I can access hard disk with my old 1.0 Xbox modded, and i think is it possible to install EVOX into the new 1,5 Xbox without soldering or mounting any ModChip.

P.s. I haven't a  MemoryCard.




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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #248 on: November 10, 2003, 12:20:00 AM »

Hem. Sorry for confusion... There's no 1.5 Xbox... all 1.5 must be readed 1.4


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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #249 on: November 12, 2003, 12:49:00 PM »

Hey the tut looks great, but I haven't been able to try it out  yet. I got hdd driver from x-bins, but its missing .dll files. I found the first one that came up missing, but can't find the sec. Any info on were to get the missing .dll's would be appreciated. It says I'm missing MSVCRTD.dll.  Has any one else had this problem with HDD Driver?


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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #250 on: November 12, 2003, 03:23:00 PM »

search for those dlls files in yahoo searches or so, cuz that's where i found mine biggrin.gifs...

my keywords are ussally start with "download" then the dlls names...


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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #251 on: November 12, 2003, 07:12:00 PM »

thanks i got all the files i needed now


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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #252 on: November 17, 2003, 09:51:00 AM »

Hey I have some questions.
With that hack, I won't need Pheonix Bios Loader right?
And, do this hack include Evox in the files bert.xtf ?
Thx !


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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #253 on: November 19, 2003, 03:00:00 PM »

how do you delete files, specially ghost files
I can see it with "ls" but it won't let me move it copy it or remove it.

Also I tried to start the xbox for the first time after I did the hot swap and put the fonts on there
and now it only loads to the M$ dashboard but there are no works or xbox icon like: Music Memory Settings
all I see is a green grid which is a backround, I wait but it doesn't load evox. Does anyone know what is wrong?


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Guide To Installing Free-x/evox Using Xlinux
« Reply #254 on: November 21, 2003, 02:26:00 PM »

Hi guys !!!

Thanks for this tut !!! My problem is that my mount command fails :
when :
mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 (or hde1 for me) /cdrive

it says : wrong file system

My pc hdd is a windows fat file system !
help please smile.gif
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