
Author Topic: Hdd Driver Alternative?  (Read 55 times)


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Hdd Driver Alternative?
« on: July 09, 2003, 05:13:00 PM »

Whenever i attempt to open HDD Driver it says it need the following DLL`s MFC42D.DLL and MSVCRTD.DLL so i d/l those from google and put them next to the program..
Now when I open it it says something about _chkesp and libraries...i really cant explain what its says because its to technical and its in spanish "No se encuentra el punto de entrada del procedimiento _chkesp en la biblioteca de vinculos dinamicos MVCRTD.DLL."
I already installed .NET in Windows XP+SP1 and no go  mad.gif ...this program is supposed to have no problems under XP

Please if anyone knows an alternative program that lets me backup/browse my Xbox HD plz tell

PD: Sorry for my English lack