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Author Topic: The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene  (Read 272 times)


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #30 on: July 09, 2003, 02:16:00 PM »

QUOTE (CabaretVoltaire @ Jul 9 2003, 02:56 PM)
What makes you think that people using the software mod wont be doing exactly the same thing as you?  

Also you've been able to play bootleg PS2 games for years with DVDX or Action Replay and a cut up credit card.  PS2 games still seem to be selling pretty well.

I don't think Xbox bootlegging is going to be that big a deal..  If you want to play copies you have to add a bigger harddrive or a decent DVD drive, right?..  Surely that's too much work for the average joe?

Your own post implied that the spread of a software-only exploit would increase bootlegging, especially with the "You can't have your cake and eat it" admonition.

  (CabaretVoltaire)Are you worried that if more people can use bootlegs less people will buy commercial games? If noone buys games then no games will be made, which means you wont be able to get your bootlegs anymore?? You can't always have your cake AND eat it.

My point was that the Xbox's situation with bootlegging is different from the PS2 because it does not have the vast marketshare that Sony holds. PS2 piracy will not kill the PS2 because developers aren't going to jump ship from the number 1 leader down to the number 2 rival.

If developers jump ship from number 2 Xbox due to perceived low sales predictions, they will simply move to number 1 Sony. Sony developers can easily handle piracy much better than Xbox developers because they already have a larger market to cushion those losses.

Xbox bootlegging is EASIER than PS2 bootlegging. There's no need for a bigger hard drive, although a bigger HD just makes things even easier. And why exactly would you need to replace the Xbox DVD drive to play DVD-R copies?


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #31 on: July 09, 2003, 02:28:00 PM »

Dont need to repeat.  Just want to say that Troed pretty much said it all.


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2003, 02:41:00 PM »


Despite the easy bootlegging PS1 + PS2 have blown away the competition..  Who doesn't have a modchip in their playstation?  I don't know a single person whose PS1/2 is not chipped.  Yet software is still selling..  Maybe people don't want a free ride?  The occasional copy here and there is great, but I think people like the complete package.  I like to have the nice cases with the artwork, etc rather than a crappy CDR with "HALO 2" scrawled on it in my terrible handwriting.  I like funding game developers (but maybe not the publishers), rather than the dodgy people pressing HK silvers.  I suspect most people are the same.  


My point was that the Xbox's situation with bootlegging is different from the PS2 because it does not have the vast marketshare that Sony holds. PS2 piracy will not kill the PS2 because developers aren't going to jump ship from the number 1 leader down to the number 2 rival.

Sony got their massive market share despite (because of??) the simple bootlegging, why can't MS do the same?  


Noone with an internet connection really needs to buy a music CD ever again..  Everyone knows where you can get MP3s from.  You don't need to do anything fancy to get them working, you don't need to even look hard.  Just fire up some p2p app > search > download > play.  Yet, despite what the RIAA wants you to believe, CDs are selling amazingly well.   People aren't going to bootleg Xbox games just because they can.  

Anyways I'll shut up now wink.gif  People should calm down, this isn't going to kill the Xbox.  Yeah, maybe it'll kill the modchip scene but so what?


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #33 on: July 09, 2003, 03:48:00 PM »

Ok this shit is cracking me up, I just have to point this out since it isn't obviously apparent: (um, isn't that redundant?)

P.S. Heinrich was very hurtfull towards me and bruised my tender feelngs and I would like some fairy godmother to come down to him and give him a good talking to!

If I insulted you on IRC...

IRC is there to be insulted on, if you cant take it ill just lmfao...

Once again, its not about how much knowledge a 'n00b' has, its its willingness to read and learn...

Ok, first off can you read "hurtful towards me" or "my tender feelings" or "fairy godmother" or "a good talking to!" without cracking a smile?  Hell, I though "fairy" alone would incite giggles, guess not.  I THOUGHT that shit would be seen as an obvious joke... and then for Heinrich to say "read and learn" when he clearly did not read MY obvious humor.... well, I may not be as funny as I think, but I am laughing in my head... or is that the voices, I can never tell...  they're so DAMN LOUD!

Listen:  So then people start going off on the rules of the channel, no one said fuckall about the rules of the channel, what the fuck are YOU talking about?  Learn to fucking READ you ass master!  Go to a happy place, go to a happy place, go to a happy place.... ahhhhhhh...

So, in closing, LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP!  

P.S. I'm spelling impared so fuck you very much!

P.P.S. Heinrich, please stop touching me, it makes me uncomfortable and kinda warm and sticky....


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2003, 02:59:00 PM »

i wish i had an xbox


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2003, 03:18:00 PM »

amen brother.


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2003, 08:47:00 PM »

QUOTE (Jse @ Jul 9 2003, 12:58 AM)
too many n00bs here now that dont know how to use a search button and the scene is getting far too much attention

Please commit suicide when you're home alone, laughing at "n00bs".


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #37 on: July 27, 2003, 11:42:00 PM »



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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #38 on: July 28, 2003, 02:35:00 PM »

This topic is old and I suppose I should not be really bothered... however I'm a little annoyed by the pompous attitude displayed early on.
The fact of the matter is there is a LOT of conflicting info some relevant some not. There are many exploits and many ways to skin a cat. My heads spinning and I'm sure most n00bs are in the same boat. For me this is another distraction like so many things before. PS1/PS2 DC/goldcards(sat TV)/Phone  locks VCD/DVD/DIVX etc. I don't learn it for profit or notoriety... it's just another thing for me to understand and beat. I'm just curious. I've been an active member of soooooo many forums etc and when I attain a level of knowledge whereby I find myself in a position to help, you're damned right I try. Sometimes staying up all night helping out just 1 individual, spending hours tailoring a tutorial for 1 solitary person. Do I want any recognition or groupies? Do I fuk. I'm not a snob or elitist. Sure it's infuriating when for the 50th time in 1 day you are asked how do I convert x to y etc. Sure I've been blunt once or twice and shouted READ THE BLOODY FAQ's. But to be down on all n00bs and their often simple questions is just plain ignorant. Somebody fresh on "the scene2 could easily in theory achieve your level of knowledge and heaven forbid surpass it in next to no time, so why so arrogant?
As for it screwing the scene... grow up. Create an invite only forum if you're so bothered by the general public being in your oh so superior presence.
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