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Author Topic: The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene  (Read 271 times)


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2003, 07:32:00 AM »

If I insulted you on IRC and you were asking/talking anything about the software exploits, go cry me a river, you should have read the channel rules that stated we didnt discuss them.  If there was some misunderstanding....... its the internet, and life goes on.


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2003, 07:45:00 AM »

Okay. I don't usually post here I just browse. But this has "inspired" me. You said you agreed with people that should read yet you didnt bother to read the topic and/or the HUGE ASS onjoin we have that explains the rules on the IRC channel (I dont know what IRQ is). Yeah usually people that don't bother to read the rules are kicked / banned, but at times it's fun to have fun with them and tell them to go to other channels because they didnt read. If you need help on the channel there are usually more than enough people there willing to help out however we have grown tired of people not bothering to read the rules or just flat out ignoring them. If you're willing you can always come back to the chan and ask questions and you will see what I mean. Oh well I had to say it because it needed to be said and ya make the channel seem like it's always some evil place. I'm done.



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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2003, 07:46:00 AM »


The new exploits have upset a lot of people, its not just the people that help but also the developers. I have spoken to quite a few over the last few days and a lot are considering if all the bull Shiite is worth it or not.

#xbins channels do not want anything to do with the exploits and has a Zero tolerance for it. If you go there asking questions expect to be removed (kicked or banned). Its not because we dont like you, its because we dont like the concept.

OK modchips cost a few $ but at the end of the day think how much time it takes to develop them, write the bios's for them and all the homebrew software. I dont think a $40 contribution to the scene is a lot to ask for all the great things we can do with our xbox.

A lot of people only want to pirate games (another zero tolerance on xbins), they are the people that will end up using the exploit, why should we (#xbins-help respected supporters) waist our time on something people like this.

Buy a modchip, support the developers, Get great applications.

Repect to all the ppl that know me.

All the others Flame away  biggrin.gif


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2003, 07:54:00 AM »

true, but not everyone feels the same way you do. others simply want to keep that knowlege to themselfs.


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2003, 07:56:00 AM »

I thought jse was leaving??


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2003, 08:03:00 AM »

QUOTE (swolsten @ Jul 9 2003, 03:46 PM)
#xbins channels do not want anything to do with the exploits and has a Zero tolerance for it. If you go there asking questions expect to be removed (kicked or banned). Its not because we dont like you, its because we dont like the concept.

That was one of the most stupid things I've ever read - but it doesn't surprise me since a lot of kids who think they are elite act like jerks as soon as they get POWER (you know .. power like being an operator on an IRC channel .. )

These exploits are VERY useful for Xbox hacking. Anyone who doesn't understand that should stop posting altogether. They might not be perfect for playing pirated games - but a lot of the hacks used to produce the modchips aren't either.

bunnie could've used a buffer overflow like the 007/MechAssault hacks, if he had known, instead of having to snoop the hypertransport bus to get the RC4 key in the first Xbox revision (together with some MCPX-trickery developed for v1.1).

Chew on that for a while. And please. Being able to solder a modchip and kicking people on IRC does not make you part of the Xbox-mod scene ..



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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2003, 08:34:00 AM »

Once again, its not about how much knowledge a 'n00b' has, its its willingness to read and learn, and not expect everything to be handed on them on a CD.  Of course when you just start you arent going to know much, but coming on IRC, in a channel where the topic states: "No Exploits or +b", and ask 'can someone walk me through this bert and ernie thing'.....what do you expect to happen.  Its not that I think I'm any better than that guy, its just he cant follow very simple rules.  When you goto an IRC channel for help, its not about who is '1337' and who isnt, it is about the channel rules.  The channel is not a democracy, the ops set set rules, you follow them, or get thrown out.  Its a rather simple concept.


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2003, 08:58:00 AM »



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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2003, 09:53:00 AM »

QUOTE (Troed @ Jul 9 2003, 05:03 PM)
QUOTE (swolsten @ Jul 9 2003, 03:46 PM)
#xbins channels do not want anything to do with the exploits and has a Zero tolerance for it. If you go there asking questions expect to be removed (kicked or banned). Its not because we dont like you, its because we dont like the concept.

That was one of the most stupid things I've ever read - but it doesn't surprise me since a lot of kids who think they are elite act like jerks as soon as they get POWER (you know .. power like being an operator on an IRC channel .. )

These exploits are VERY useful for Xbox hacking. Anyone who doesn't understand that should stop posting altogether. They might not be perfect for playing pirated games - but a lot of the hacks used to produce the modchips aren't either.

bunnie could've used a buffer overflow like the 007/MechAssault hacks, if he had known, instead of having to snoop the hypertransport bus to get the RC4 key in the first Xbox revision (together with some MCPX-trickery developed for v1.1).

Chew on that for a while. And please. Being able to solder a modchip and kicking people on IRC does not make you part of the Xbox-mod scene ..

have to agree with you there troed


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2003, 11:06:00 AM »

Wow this has gotten very old very fast. ::sigh:: This is why I never bothered to post before. I come to browse and see what's goin on and all I here is a bunch of babies whining about the rules on a flippin IRC channel.
Reguardless, don't start talking about people that are actually out there helping people and contributing. No we dont want exploit talk an no we dont allow slayers talk. We are there to help people learn about the stuff you can do with the xbox and help them along the way.


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2003, 11:57:00 AM »


#xbins channels do not want anything to do with the exploits and has a Zero tolerance for it. If you go there asking questions expect to be removed (kicked or banned). Its not because we dont like you, its because we dont like the concept.

But what is there to not like?

The "concept" isn't the "newbies", etc..  It's the hack itself.  Why wouldn't you like the concept of a free software only mod that could potentially do everything a modchip does?  Are you guys sponsored by modchip sellers or something?

I can't understand this "anti-softmod" mentality..

Personally I don't see how this could ruin any "scene".  Dreamcast has bootdiscs and selfbooting tools, yet the homebrew stuff is still coming out for it long after its commercial death.

Are you worried that if more people can use bootlegs less people will buy commercial games?  If noone buys games then no games will be made, which means you wont be able to get your bootlegs anymore??  You can't always have your cake AND eat it.  

Are you worried that you wont be able to charge people £xx for fitting a chip anymore??

Are you worried about people (newbies) asking silly questions?  I'm sure it's nothing new, surely you've been getting "OMG I soldred my face 2 D0 and my matrix explded what do i do???!!" since the "scene" started..  If anything this will cut down on "newbie problems" once the creases have been ironed out of these hacks and the documentation gets around.  I mean it's much easier to tell someone "you have to put those files in /fonts, not root" than to explain how to resolder a component they broke off or whatever..  This cuts out all the hard messy stuff!

Seriously, what are you guys scared of??



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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2003, 01:30:00 PM »

QUOTE (Xeero @ Jul 9 2003, 05:54 AM)
I'd LOVE to require a quiz before users could register.  We have had roughly 300 people register in the past few days; they would likely just hammer away at the quiz before they got it right.  So, unfortunately, this wouldn't be feasible.

Xeero, the quiz could easily be made feasible. All you'd have to do is force a restriction on how often a particular IP could attempt to take the quiz.

So for example, you could have a 20 question multiple-choice quiz based on frequently-asked information found in X-S tutorials. If they got 75% of the questions correct then the user registration process could continue. It would be up to the quiz designer as to whether wrong answers were specifically pointed out, or whether the quiz-taker would just get a total score.

If they failed the quiz, then they'd be required to wait 24 hours before attempting again.  blink.gif

That way, we could cut down on users who are too stupid to use the search button and too lazy to read the tutorials that contributors took the time and effort to write out.  mad.gif


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2003, 01:45:00 PM »

QUOTE (CabaretVoltaire @ Jul 9 2003, 12:57 PM)
Are you worried that if more people can use bootlegs less people will buy commercial games?  If noone buys games then no games will be made, which means you wont be able to get your bootlegs anymore??  You can't always have your cake AND eat it. 

I use my modchip for homebrew software such as classic-game emulators and XBMP. I also buy all my Xbox games.

If the spread of bootlegging due to an easy mass-appeal software-only mod kills commercial development, then that means I won't be able to buy new Xbox games anymore. The Xbox's marketplace position against Sony is already weak. We don't need to see developers decide to jump ship and go Sony-exclusive just because they're worried about weak sales on the Xbox platform.


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2003, 01:46:00 PM »

Xbins shouldnt host the files on ftp...then promote the help channel...for...HELP it makes no sense...basically ppl go there for nothing...All the ops do is get off on +b everyone who asks any kind of a question...I had an xbe question earlier today...which has the possibility of not even being related to the dash xploit or whatever....did i get an answer of yes, or no to my question?  Fuck no...swolsten banned me for nothing...the xploit isnt ruining the's intollerant LAMER ops that are runing it. Same thing happened to the ps2 we go again.


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The Exploit Has Screwed The Scene
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2003, 01:56:00 PM »

I use my modchip for homebrew software such as classic-game emulators and XBMP. I also buy all my Xbox games.

If the spread of bootlegging due to an easy mass-appeal software-only mod kills commercial development, then that means I won't be able to buy new Xbox games anymore. The Xbox's marketplace position against Sony is already weak. We don't need to see developers decide to jump ship and go Sony-exclusive just because they're worried about weak sales on the Xbox platform.

What makes you think that people using the software mod wont be doing exactly the same thing as you?  

Also you've been able to play bootleg PS2 games for years with DVDX or Action Replay and a cut up credit card.  PS2 games still seem to be selling pretty well.

I don't think Xbox bootlegging is going to be that big a deal..  If you want to play copies you have to add a bigger harddrive or a decent DVD drive, right?..  Surely that's too much work for the average joe?
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