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Author Topic: Dvd Drive Not Accessable  (Read 525 times)


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #45 on: July 14, 2003, 07:36:00 PM »

i got XCommander and.....i have evox and all setup... i burn it on a cd-rw and it won't read...just keeps resetting and eventually gives up and goes to evox dash...
if i ftp i can't see.....
any other ways?


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #46 on: July 14, 2003, 11:22:00 PM »



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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #47 on: July 14, 2003, 11:26:00 PM »

sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif

i have tried everythin i can think of... plz help! it just reboots the damn console!


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #48 on: July 15, 2003, 05:15:00 AM »

Well, it sounds like we need to wait for a 1.2 Loader that has the features of 1.1 and the kernel support of 1.0 + Plugins....


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« Reply #49 on: July 15, 2003, 10:28:00 AM »

what are the commands for XCommander???
the readme doesn't say how to copy without a keyboard!
B is to select....after i select how do i copy? i go into the other menu and go into the folder i want to copy it to............but what do i press?!?!?


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« Reply #50 on: July 15, 2003, 03:29:00 PM »


 By the way, I can copy games to my hard drive just fine (Max Payne, Halo, and Morrowind are the games I've done) using Xcommander AND boXplorer.  Kernal is 4034 and Dash is 4920 and I'm using Bert is Cheating on Ernie.

 BUT if I use Complex !Loader, using any patch, I can only see TS_VIDEO... very strange...  I would like to keep using !Loader, because the blinking light drives me insane.  Can I use it with only the LED patch in the patches folder?


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #51 on: July 16, 2003, 02:00:00 AM »

The pheonix project fonts won't work at all for me. Reloaded works great but if i switch to pheonix, i get the "your xbox needs to be serviced" screen and the leds flash green, red, yellow.



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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #52 on: July 16, 2003, 02:05:00 AM »

QUOTE (kraken @ Jul 15 2003, 08:22 AM)
I used a 3944 biosed xbox and I had the same problem originally.  It showed a copy of the C: contents on D:.  Then I used the xbox media player to ftp in, and it read the files fine off a backup and 007.  I booted the XBMP off of drive E through FreevoX.  I can't remember if I had reinserted the game after booting into XBMP though, and since the xbox is gone now, I can't test sad.gif.

Which version of the expliot did you use?  I also have a 3944 bios xbox, but whenever I try and view the files on D: using ftp I only see VIDEO_TS, the same as before.


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« Reply #53 on: July 16, 2003, 03:52:00 AM »

Ok guys heres an update to this....

So far I have been testing this Bert and Ernie reloaded and the Bert is Cheating on ernie font exploit.  And so far any any of the xbox's I use if you the Bert and Ernie reloaded fonts are used I can not read the DVD drive no matter what.   All I get is a VIDEO_TS folder.  Even on the 4034 kernel model.   Plus if I use the bert and ernie reloaded exploit I can not, no matter what I try, get the DVD to authenticate successfully. (This is using the ver 1.0 or 1.1 Complex-Loader hitting the yellow button)

Now if I put the snuffleupagus.xft file on the 4034 kernel xbox and boot.  The 4034 kernel will then be able to read the DVD drive and also authenticate the DVD using the yellow button. (Only tested in the ver 1.1 Complex-Loader dash).

Now if I take and put the bert is cheating on ernie fonts on a non 4034 kernel'd xbox all that seems to happen is the xbox begins the endless boot process. (Which by the way if you put the 007 or mechassault game in the dvd during this process at some point the game will boot and you can then boot the exploit as long as you werent stupid enuff to delete the save game off the hard drive. It has always come out it just takes a very long time... put the game in let it start rebooting go get something to eat take a nap something and when you stop hearing it go.... shink clunk clunk... check to see if the game booted.  Its taken upwards in the 2 hour range to come out sometimes so be patient.)

So the problem appears to lie in the updated fonts.
And also so far I have yet to be able to use the bert is cheating on ernie fonts on anything but the 4034 kerneled xbox.  Which makes reading the dvd drive limited to only xbox's that have 4034 kernel. BUT....

Has anyone replaced the ernie font in the reloaded font pack with the snuffleupagus font on an xbox with anything other than the 4034 kerneled xbox?  This is my next step.  Though I doubt it will work.  So far its looking like anyone with a 4034 kerneled box will be just fine and dandy but if you have any other bios on the xbox and use the COMPLEX-Loader with the bert and ernie reloaded font back your just going to have to wait for the COMPLEX folks to release a newer version that adds DVD authentication support for the kernel3 plugin(s).

Be warned that if you use the original bert is cheating on ernie exploit on any xbox that is running a kernel version other than 4034 you will get stuck in the endless loop.  And its a bitch to get out.



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« Reply #54 on: July 16, 2003, 05:33:00 AM »

5. Kernel 4034 + snuffleupagus.xft from BICOE + bert from Bert and Ernie Reloaded + !Loader v1.1/v1.0: ?

6. Kernel non-4034 + snuffleupagus.xft from BICOE + bert from Bert and Ernie Reloaded: + !Loader v1.1/v1.0: ?

I will try these two things tonight after work.  But I doubt they will work.

Also to note the endless loop problem can be corrected by putting a REAL xbox game in the dvd drive and waiting for it to boot.  It will take some time so be patient.  The xbox will reboot numerous times before hand but one time it will boot.

Also I have noticed that if you have the wrong fonts installed and the endless reboot begins it only takes 4 to 5 reboots before the xbox game will boot.  Were as if the clock actually goes dead or looses its info it takes MUCH longer.  Like one time I had to wait for almost 2 hours.



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« Reply #55 on: July 16, 2003, 08:44:00 AM »

QUOTE (SkyFire360 @ Jul 16 2003, 04:52 PM)
check this thread: here

Can anyone help on this promising work-around?

I will try the work around later this evening......

It sounds promising honestly.... BUT... if my guesses are correct it chances are will not work.  I have a feeling the problem lies in how the executable is being mounted on bootup by the font exploit.  Regardless of whats in the drive during boot.  If the version of Evox is a more recent version then it should work yes.  This chances are will not work with the !Loader-Complex dash.  You will have to boot evox as your main dash first and have an item on your list to load the !Loader-Complex Dash.  

The only reason that I say to use the loader dash as an option is because it does the .xbe signing on the fly.  Were as if you used evox you would have to sign all your .xbe files to get them to boot with the font exploit properly.

But we shall see...
Im urgently awaiting another hour or two to pass to leave work  laugh.gif



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« Reply #56 on: July 16, 2003, 09:22:00 AM »

QUOTE (SkyFire360 @ Jul 16 2003, 06:15 PM)
Hey woog, got a quick question about !loader

When I create the menus with the <apps$>e:apps</apps$> command, 'apps' shows up in the list, but when I select it in !loader it simply freezes.  

Any suggestions?

+/- 5 hours 'till I get home to help test this work-around.

Well for starters how deep is the executable your using to make the link to?  The $ sign in <apps$>  Should only be used if the default.xbe file is tucked away deep in a folder under a folder under a folder deal.  I havent looked into why they have you put the $ in the name but I suspect it has something to do with long file name support on the filing system.

I have to play with a few things myself when it comes to that.  For some reason I can't get XBox Media Player version 2.4 to boot on a non modchip exploit.  I know its possible.  People have done it.  I've just been to busy working on this D drive authentication issue.



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« Reply #57 on: July 16, 2003, 04:14:00 PM »

Hey I havent read this hole thing but I think I fixed the DVD problem. I was having the same problem, o nly being to play games of the hd, when I tryied to lad a game it just reseted back to Evox. SO I went back to the original dash using Krakens method and for somereason it said the year was 8034 or something like that so I fixed it to the right time and wham I couls play my original DVD's again i hope this helps you guys.



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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #58 on: July 16, 2003, 04:20:00 PM »

QUOTE (Barton @ Jul 17 2003, 01:14 AM)
Hey I havent read this hole thing but I think I fixed the DVD problem. I was having the same problem, o nly being to play games of the hd, when I tryied to lad a game it just reseted back to Evox. SO I went back to the original dash using Krakens method and for somereason it said the year was 8034 or something like that so I fixed it to the right time and wham I couls play my original DVD's again i hope this helps you guys.


Playing original games isnt the problem.
What is happening is if you have an xbox on the 4817 kernel and boot into either Loader or Evox it doesnt authenticate the drive so you can FTP into it and pull the game information off.



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« Reply #59 on: July 16, 2003, 04:41:00 PM »

QUOTE (ezek13L @ Jul 17 2003, 01:31 AM)
Hi Wooger
im intested in ur sentence:

>'The only reason that I say to use the loader dash as an option is >because it does the .xbe signing on the fly. Were as if you used >evox you would have to sign all your .xbe files to get them to boot >with the font exploit properly.'

I used the phoenix on a 4034/4034 // then removed it with the reloaded
by that;
i shot my dashboard
due to i forgot the settings were on auto-resume // no err msg so i simply forgot
--> should b thought of in the next tutorial wink.gif

now i have alreadey unlocked // booted on a modded //
recovered the original BICOE // locked hd

but i still get err16...

will i have to sign these fonts before copying ?!
or is this another security-mechanism ?

No you shouldnt have to sign the fonts... the fonts are actually what execute rogue code.   You would sign any .xbe file to use that exploit in the xbox.

I don't fully understand your short hand there sorry...   huh.gif
What exactly is the problem? And what did u do?

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