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Author Topic: Dvd Drive Not Accessable  (Read 524 times)


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #30 on: July 09, 2003, 12:54:00 PM »

huh.gif Just 1 ? Using this exploit on the xbox will it run dvd-r copy's of the games. I have it working and running games off of HD but will it run dvd-r's i have copy of them but it keeps rebooting itself over and over Please Help! Thanx


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #31 on: July 09, 2003, 06:50:00 PM »

As i have posted before, running Sunuffleufagus instead of earnie, I can't even get the box to boot.  Just endless loops.  Running the default.xbe from cheating on earnie, I can't play backups.  Only the Free-X one will play backups for me.


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2003, 07:16:00 AM »



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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2003, 02:28:00 PM »

My Xbox: Kernel: 4034,  Dashboard 4034

I use Bert is Cheating on Ernie + XCommander and can copy files of game disk to E drive.



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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #34 on: July 13, 2003, 09:17:00 AM »

any word onif any groups are planning a fix? maybe a !loader 1.2 with 3944 support?


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« Reply #35 on: July 14, 2003, 05:49:00 AM »

I have 4034 also and installed Xcommander. I can only see drives C and E, but I'm not sure how to change drives to see D?

Anyone know the joystick command to do this?


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #36 on: July 14, 2003, 08:21:00 AM »

QUOTE (Whoop @ Jul 14 2003, 02:49 PM)
I have 4034 also and installed Xcommander. I can only see drives C and E, but I'm not sure how to change drives to see D?

Anyone know the joystick command to do this?

If I remember correctly. press "Y" to jump to parent folder. Then you will see C: D: E: F: X: Y: Z: Take a while to read the instruction file in XCommanders package. Good luck.


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #37 on: July 14, 2003, 08:55:00 AM »

QUOTE (AGamer @ Jul 14 2003, 05:21 PM)
QUOTE (Whoop @ Jul 14 2003, 02:49 PM)
I have 4034 also and installed Xcommander. I can only see drives C and E, but I'm not sure how to change drives to see D?

Anyone know the joystick command to do this?

If I remember correctly. press "Y" to jump to parent folder. Then you will see C: D: E: F: X: Y: Z: Take a while to read the instruction file in XCommanders package. Good luck.

Ahh, this would only make sense huh...

I was thinking I would need to press a button to change a drive, it never occured to me to look in the root.

I did read the instructions (though now I feel stupid)

Thanks though - i will on this working or not tonight.


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #38 on: July 14, 2003, 11:02:00 AM »


I have tried every font there is, now, on 3 different XBOX's, and all I ever get is TS_Video.

There must be some secret here.

Someone suggested running evox from within evox, with the No_Mount D option.

Haven't tried it yet, though.


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #39 on: July 14, 2003, 02:12:00 PM »

QUOTE (Whoop @ Jul 14 2003, 10:47 PM)
QUOTE (Telemachus @ Jul 14 2003, 08:02 PM)
It won't matter.  It won't work.  smile.gif

I have tried every font there is, now, on 3 different XBOX's, and all I ever get is TS_Video.

There must be some secret here.

Someone suggested running evox from within evox, with the No_Mount D option.

Haven't tried it yet, though.

Works for me

HALO has the following


sending it to the E drive now, will update when it works smile.gif

4034 kernal, v1 xbox (i think)

Are you running Evolution X, or the complex loader?


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2003, 03:06:00 PM »

works fine for me as well...4034 and 4092......complex 1.1 loader with their bert and ernie...i insert disc after dash loads and press y...loader authenticates and D drive is visible and accessable in either boxplorer or ftp


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #41 on: July 14, 2003, 03:43:00 PM »

QUOTE (SkyFire360 @ Jul 14 2003, 11:27 PM)
QUOTE (Whoop @ Jul 14 2003, 10:47 PM)
Works for me

HALO has the following


sending it to the E drive now, will update when it works smile.gif

4034 kernal, v1 xbox (i think)

Okay, this is very good news!  If you wouldn't mind, it would be really helpful to the community if you provided us with the following information:

What Bios?
What Kernel?
What method of software xploit? (ernie, audio, etc)
What *version* of the software xploit did you use? (reloaded, phoenix, the original, etc)
Did you swap out your HDD at any point?
Did you use the memory card cheat?
What new dashboard are you using?
What version of the dashboard hack are you using?
Does it work with all games, or is it HALO only?
Did you have to re-insert it to the xbox for it to read it?
Are you copying it over with xCommander, ftp, or another program?

I know that's a lot, but quite a few of them are quick yes/no/ernie/whatever answers.  Please get back to us as soon as possible.  It would be great if we could get this figured out.

Oh yeah, and if you point to any files (EvoX for instance), would you mind putting the version number so others can emulate what you've done?

What Bios?

Under the Evox settings it says Unknown

What Kernel?


What method of software xploit? (ernie, audio, etc)

Bert is cheating on ernie

What *version* of the software xploit did you use? (reloaded, phoenix, the original, etc)


Did you swap out your HDD at any point?

No, virgin XBox

Did you use the memory card cheat?

Yip, 007 with Action Reply

What new dashboard are you using?


What version of the dashboard hack are you using?


Does it work with all games, or is it HALO only?

I have tried many backups - all seem to work (no signing). The only thing that doesn't work is that HD loader program.

Did you have to re-insert it to the xbox for it to read it?

I pressed the eject button (it was off) - and dropped it in, then it booted Halo. While halo was booting I hit eject again and then the Evox dash came up (the door was open) and I pushed it shut. Sometimes I have to do this a couple of times before it works.

Are you copying it over with xCommander, ftp, or another program?

I copied it from D to E with xCommander - didn't bother to FTP it off but I could do it with flash if I wanted to.

Hope that helps. If you want any more info your going to have to tell me where to find it smile.gif


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« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2003, 04:27:00 PM »

QUOTE (Whoop @ Jul 15 2003, 12:43 AM)
I pressed the eject button (it was off) - and dropped it in, then it booted Halo. While halo was booting I hit eject again and then the Evox dash came up (the door was open) and I pushed it shut. Sometimes I have to do this a couple of times before it works.

Whoop, thanks for all the info... lets see...

I've tried the same things as you - I did the HDD swap, no problems there - except for the above statement.  I'm going to try that for a bit to see if I can get EvoX to come up.  At what point during the Halo boot up do you hit eject?  Specifically, what screen?  When the main halo menu comes up?  When the bungie logo comes up?  Just after the X disappears?

Also, when you hit eject for the second time, does your xBox reboot? (as in the reset-on-eject fix is not present)

We're gonna get this... if we do, I'll write the (temporary) Tutorial and then wait until the undergrounds release a fix for this.


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« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2003, 05:56:00 PM »

QUOTE (SkyFire360 @ Jul 15 2003, 01:27 AM)
QUOTE (Whoop @ Jul 15 2003, 12:43 AM)
I pressed the eject button (it was off) - and dropped it in, then it booted Halo. While halo was booting I hit eject again and then the Evox dash came up (the door was open) and I pushed it shut. Sometimes I have to do this a couple of times before it works.

Whoop, thanks for all the info... lets see...

I've tried the same things as you - I did the HDD swap, no problems there - except for the above statement.  I'm going to try that for a bit to see if I can get EvoX to come up.  At what point during the Halo boot up do you hit eject?  Specifically, what screen?  When the main halo menu comes up?  When the bungie logo comes up?  Just after the X disappears?

Also, when you hit eject for the second time, does your xBox reboot? (as in the reset-on-eject fix is not present)

We're gonna get this... if we do, I'll write the (temporary) Tutorial and then wait until the undergrounds release a fix for this.

Ok going to try it right now.

1. Xbox is off

2. I press the large button (the one that makes the door open)

3. I put in the disk, then press the large button again.

4. Odd, this time it went to Evox, then booted the game.

5. I let it go all the way to the main halo menu (camp/multi/set/demo)

6. Press eject again it resets xbox at the bungie screen

7. Game started again

8. Ejected again, reset and the game started again.

Its strange how it happens. I gave up this time.

I think the problem has to do with how evox starts. If i have no games in the box will either start on first try with evox or might reboot up to 10 times.

I'll mess with it more later.

BTW: Playing halo right now off the HD and the load screens are SO short smile.gif


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Dvd Drive Not Accessable
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2003, 06:01:00 PM »

Ok after countless tries of every combination of things I could think of I still get the same result.  No matter what I try I get the Video_TS folder on D.  Even booting other dashboards rather than the !Loader dash it still shows up which leads me to believe it is something about the dvd drive not being unlocked for reading.

It would also back up my theory since in ver 1.1 of the !Loader you can do a drive authenticatoin and it will show you all the content.  This is done by using the 4034.dll and the dash heavily using some of the calls in that dll.

Does anyone know of a way to authenticate the DVD-Rom drive after boot?


forgot to add.... that after replacing the 4034.dll with the new kernel plugins the Y button to update the DVD Players TOC / Authentication doesnt seem to work anymore.  Thats what I am asking, if there is another way of doing so.
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