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Author Topic: Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide  (Read 84 times)


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« on: February 16, 2004, 11:35:00 AM »

dry.gif Im working on a V1 box and i have all the needed files to do the font exploits.  I hotswapped my HD and my computer detects it in DEVICE MANAGER, HDD_driver made 2 backups of the box HD.  I opened one in WINHEX and did the offset thing didnt work cause you cant save files bigger than 200K.  I tried to HDD_UNLOCK the box password and that dont work, I tried to HD_VIEW , that didnt work.  

WTF is going on?  Should my drive show up in MY COMPUTER along with the C: ?

Im tearing out what little hair i have left here trying to figure this out.  Apparentl it works for oher peeps so could sum1 please help me to get it to work for me? beerchug.gif


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2004, 11:17:00 AM »

I'm tring to fix a problem on my xbox. Ended up doing a format for F: drive inside of Evox. Ever since that button was pressed, the only thing that will play is xbox original discs. No backups, or audio cds. I'm using softmod fonts. I originaly got them on through game save hack with splintercell. I still have the save on my memory card, but not on my xbox hard drive. So I can't load the save off the memory card cause one, I can't get to MS dash anymore and two, Splintercell requires to load all saves from hard drive. I've tried the HDD Drive guide here, everything is working up until a point. The Hot swap is fine. My PC and HDD sees the xbox drive. I'm able to make a backup of the drive and restore from the back up. Only thing I'm having a problem is with this step.


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2004, 04:21:00 PM »

Ok I've gotton further. I can get hdd_driver to see the xbox harddrive. and I have these dirs.

Game cache 0
Game cache 1
Game cache 2
User Save

Now the tut calls for opening the system folder to expand it. Now when I expaned the System folder, I only have one folder in there and no other files. The name of the folder is,


I can't open this folder. Every time I do, it gives me an error and three options. Abort, retry, ignore.

Please, someone shed some light over here. Just give me a suggestion and I'll go in that direction and see what we come up with.


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2004, 04:36:00 PM »

I did it. I found away around it. I finally found a way to get evox back up on this xbox. Now all I got to do is ftp and fix what ever the "format F:" did. I'll go into detail when I get my xbox fixed. I'll go ahead and tell you what it did. I deleted my whole C: dive.


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2004, 12:36:00 PM »

im like okayama. but i my game save dont work anymore and the dash is messed up, so i cant load new saves and fix it. I got the infinite file size error. But i hex edited it but system and user partitions are whats causing the problem. So all im able to edit is Game Cache 0,1, and 2. I need to put in a new Mechassault save or something. Cause all of the sudden my Run linux save i click it and then it brings up a nother screen thats doesnt list any game saves click A again. Then the screen tints gray and starts shaking.


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2003, 08:18:00 AM »

This Tutorial is for the ppl who have had a DOG of a time trying to get this exploit to work (i know i did). It dosent require a mega-x key or 007 or mech assualt in fact all you need is your xbox,  PC with the internet and some spare time.

If the ADMIN FINDS that this is a good tutorial PLEASE sticky it.


Things Used:
the font exploit - contains the fonts and a default.xbe etc.. (look on the net_
the program called (its on the console section of

Version-XBOX  V1.1
DASH  4920 (you can get this dash by updating with a xbox live enabled game)
Kernel  4817

im pretty sure this exploit should work with ALL xbox's but just to be sure update your dashboard via xbox live atleast.

go on update your dashboard (i used "splinter cell" to do this)

Ok now your first step is going to be to take the XBOX casing off and remove the Hard Drive (if you dont know how to do that check this out

make sure your xbox is plugged in also (BUT DONT TOUCH ANY PART OF THE XBOX POWER SUPPLY)

Ok so now you have your XBOX casing taken off. now take out the hard drive (HDD) and unplug the power plug from it (LEAVE THE IDE CABLE IN FOR THE MOMENT). Make sure that you have your PC case open and your xbox right next to it (plugged into the tv aswell to make things easier). Now get a Hard drive power cable from your PC and plug it into the XBOX hard Drive. You should now have the XBOX HDD IDE cable plugged in from the xbox HDD to the XBOX itself and The Power cable from your PC running to the XBOX HDD).

<<<<NOTE!!! Make sure that you are using the SECOND IDE CABLE with nothing plugged into it (no cd-drives or hdd's) it has to be totally free of any other IDE device using that same cable>>>

Ok now Boot Up your PC. Wait for it to get to the point just before where it says "verifying Pool Data...." and press the pause/break key.

Ok now turn on your xbox and wait fo it to load up to the dashboard (make sure you dont have any cd's in the xbox).
Once Loaded unplug the IDE cable connecting your XBOX HDD to the XBOX then plug in your IDE cable from the PC to the XBOX hard drive.  then press the "enter" key on your keyboard to continue booting the PC. You have now just completed a "HOT SWAP".

Ok wait for the PC to load into Windows. wait another 1-2 mins (this is usally needed to let windows detect the drive.
Now Open Up the Program "Called HDD Driver" (Yes the one you downloaded before attempting this).

Ok now if you have problems starting the program eg... "cant find Msvcirtd.dll" goto and look for that file name. Download it and put it into the directory where the "driver.exe" is located (YES the HDD driver). It is also a good idea to update your MS Visual runtime files with the latest version located at http://www.M$.com

Ok so up comes the window and it SHOULD tell you that its found the XBOX Hard Disk. (if not try the hot swap AGAIN!)
click the ok button and usally a few errors will pop up ("invalid file size") ignore these and keep hitting "OK" until it gives you access to the drive (i only get about 5-10 errors).

<<<<VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>
If you dont do this you will be very sorry!!!
ok goto the "tools" menu and click Backup HDD.
Make sure you have atleast 11-12GB's on your normal windows partition for this.
ok proceed with the backup (this takes about 30-45 mins BUT DONT SKIP THIS OR YOU WILL BE F*****)

30 mins later....

Ok so now you have a backup. GOOD (wasnt that worth waiting for?)
the next thing to do is to extract the font exploit you downloaded previously. (can be found all over the place)

Now re-open the HDD Driver (it usally closes itself) and expand the "system" partition on the left. Ok there should be a whole heap of files in here (dont worry if it all looks corrupted its NOT) now you should see a "fonts" folder here (providing you have a newer XBOX version or you updated the dashboard using a XBOX live enabled game).

expand the "fonts" directory. there should be 2 files in there named "Xbox.xtf" and "Xbox Book.xtf". Ok now right click these files in the LEFT window (one at a time DUH!) and choose "properties" now chage the extension on each file from ".xtf" to ".old" DO NOT LEAVE THE .XTF EXTENSION ON THESE FILES!
I also found that those files were located in the main directory so i just renamed them aswell.

Now extract that Xploit file you downloaded earlier.
Now using the LEFT pane of the window go back to the "fonts" directory and right click it.
select the option "insert file". select the "Bert.xtf" (yes the one we downloaded and extracted) and insert it into the directory. do the same with the "ernie.xtf".

now browse back to the main folder (the parent directory for "fonts") and insert the file that we downloaded in our exploit pack "default.xbe".

Ok now shut down the PC and remove the hard drive. Put it back into your XBOX and boot it up without any cd's. it should Now come up with the evolution-X dashboard here you can now do lotsa cool stuff.

Ok now if youve buggered it up and you cant get back to your normal dashboard dont worry. i screwed mine up last night and was unable to "unlock" the HD for hot swap because i couldnt get into the dashboard. Ok all you have to do is boot up your console with a game disk when doing the HOT SWAP and just wait for it to load into the game. now your HD is unlocked.. PHEW!
there is ALSO another problem when it screws up once you go back to the HDD driver you will be bombarded with error messages but dont worry just ignore the errors and click the "tools" menu and select the Hard Disk Restore Option. this will make it so that your xbox is back to normal and so that you can try the process again as it wont give you infinite error messages next time you load the HDD driver.

Okies well i hope this has been helpfull for you ppl that have had as much trouble as i have had and didnt want to go out and buy 007 and a mega key or anything like that.
There are some AWFUL tutorials out there for doing this exploit so i decided to write one that WORKS!

please tell me if you have any problems with the tutorial.



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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2003, 08:40:00 AM »

finally someone takes the time to care about the community and post a descent tutorial.

thnx alot! Now to see if this works for me.


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2003, 09:49:00 AM »

Wow... HDD swap part amazingly close to the simpler half-guess guide I wrote a few pages ago, aside from the fact that you don't really need to swap the Xbox HDD power cable for a PC one, as long as you keep the Xbox switched on while doing the swap trick.

Edit: Y'know if you swapped the HDD swap part of this for my 10-step guide, which is easier to follow, this would be the ultimate guide to using this method. Just an idea. smile.gif


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2003, 09:55:00 AM »

im glad you guys like the tutorial. its torture trying to read the really dodgy guides so since i found most of what i needed to find on this forum i decided to take the time to write up a guide for the community so they wouldnt have to tear there hair out aswell lol

now if anyone can do the tutorial and tell me how it goes that would be great

P.S im from Australia biggrin.gif


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2003, 09:57:00 AM »

QUOTE (Tsurani @ Jul 7 2003, 06:55 PM)
im glad you guys like the tutorial. its torture trying to read the really dodgy guides so since i found most of what i needed to find on this forum i decided to take the time to write up a guide for the community so they wouldnt have to tear there hair out aswell lol

now if anyone can do the tutorial and tell me how it goes that would be great

P.S im from Australia biggrin.gif

Sounds virtually perfect to me. Considering the lack of info on the HDD swap topic I'm pretty impressed. Might try writing up a simplified, cleaned-up step by step version of this soon. wink.gif


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2003, 10:00:00 AM »

QUOTE (STKD @ Jul 7 2003, 05:49 PM)
Wow... HDD swap part amazingly close to the simpler half-guess guide I wrote a few pages ago, aside from the fact that you don't really need to swap the Xbox HDD power cable for a PC one, as long as you keep the Xbox switched on while doing the swap trick.

Edit: Y'know if you swapped the HDD swap part of this for my 10-step guide, which is easier to follow, this would be the ultimate guide to using this method. Just an idea. smile.gif

You wrote the guide about HDD swap? Man, I must have been living in a parallel world, 'coz AFAIK, the HDD hotswap guide has been in existence for the longest time and the detail is exactly the same dry.gif


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2003, 08:57:00 AM »

i've lost the time on my xbox and now it wont let me boot into evox anymore.. and it wont boot any dvd either.. using this method do you think it would enable me to fix everything on the hd like it was before  ?

This post has been edited by samzor: Jul 7 2003, 03:58 PM


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2003, 10:10:00 AM »

QUOTE (james_row @ Jul 7 2003, 07:00 PM)
QUOTE (STKD @ Jul 7 2003, 05:49 PM)
Wow... HDD swap part amazingly close to the simpler half-guess guide I wrote a few pages ago, aside from the fact that you don't really need to swap the Xbox HDD power cable for a PC one, as long as you keep the Xbox switched on while doing the swap trick.

Edit: Y'know if you swapped the HDD swap part of this for my 10-step guide, which is easier to follow, this would be the ultimate guide to using this method. Just an idea. smile.gif

You wrote the guide about HDD swap? Man, I must have been living in a parallel world, 'coz AFAIK, the HDD hotswap guide has been in existence for the longest time and the detail is exactly the same dry.gif

You've misread that. I meant it as that I put together a much simplified guide (i.e. easier to follow) on the HDD swap trick under Windows by combining the little information there is on doing it without any modifications to the Xbox, and posted it for people to try.
I never claimed it was an original, I was just trying to give people the easiest possible step by step guide to doing it. I was working on `best guess` information, which was why I was pleased I got it right according to the above tutorial. I think I can rewrite this as a workable "idiot-proof" step by step proper tutorial that would be easy for the vast majority of people to follow. I'm hoping to be helpful while I'm here, as I've tried to be so far.
Apologies for any confusion, credit due to the various people who originally worked out that trick naturally. I just think we can improve the documentation on doing so which I don't think anyone would complain about right now. wink.gif


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2003, 10:12:00 AM »

QUOTE (STKD @ Jul 7 2003, 06:10 PM)
You've misread that. I said I put together a simplified guide on the HDD swap trick under Windows by combining the little information there is on doing it without any modifications, and posted it for people to try. I never claimed it was an original, I was just trying to give people the easiest possible step by step guide to doing it.

That's much much better. Have an ice-cold beer  beerchug.gif , on me.


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Xbox Hot Swap Evox Install Guide
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2003, 09:25:00 AM »

if anyone has problems with hdd driver (i'm sure there are loads of them) i suggest you use xlinux and burn the necesary files on a cd the mount both units (the xbox  one with hot swap and the cdrom as usual) then copy the files on the cd to the xbox drive and renaming the fonts, to rename them you can use the command mv -a oldarchive newarchive
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