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Author Topic: Dashboard Exploit Kills Live  (Read 294 times)


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« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2003, 09:13:00 AM »

LOL, its no hassle like i said to earlier, big deal you have to flick a switch, read my post at the top of the page and substitute change DVD for flick switch, it still stands.


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« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2003, 09:15:00 AM »

Well, I just got done playing Mechassault, with modchip off and xploits removed, worked fine all the way through.


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« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2003, 09:16:00 AM »

QUOTE (Morglum @ Jul 7 2003, 05:13 PM)
LOL, its no hassle like i said to earlier, big deal you have to flick a switch, read my post at the top of the page and substitute change DVD for flick switch, it still stands.

You still have to install that switch.

I think soldering two easy points on the motherboard, and then flashing your TSOP back and forth is even easier.


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« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2003, 09:22:00 AM »

QUOTE (NeoKast @ Jul 7 2003, 05:16 PM)
You still have to install that switch.

I think soldering two easy points on the motherboard, and then flashing your TSOP back and forth is even easier.

Installing the switch is the easiest part of the modding process.

And you don't need to flash back and forth, if TSOP flashing is the way you are going. Didn't you hear about the multi-BIOS or the multi-version TSOP flash?


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« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2003, 10:48:00 AM »

QUOTE (Morglum @ Jul 7 2003, 06:05 PM)
QUOTE (melee @ Jul 7 2003, 05:57 PM)
whats wrong with wanting to use linuix without a mod-chip?  that and homebrew is all I want.

Nothings wrong with that at all, but we all know it wouldnt stop there and thats why these exploits need to be fixed ASAP.

There's no difference between these exploits and using a mod chip, they both achieve the same goal. You're just mad because you were dumb enough to go out and buy a mod chip and now finding out it can be accomplished for free. Yes, MS is trying to stop this, but they tried stopping mod chips by banning you from !Live if you try to play a game on it. Sure, you CAN play a backup on !Live with a modchip, but you get banned 24 hours later. Both of these methods are for the same goal, one just costs more while the other cant be disabled as quickly. The only reason I really want to do this exploit for is XBMP, not all of us even care about playing copied games on !Live. I would however like to play the only !Live game I own, Unreal Championship, but however that can wait. You need to stop flaming everyone and open up your eyes. - My 2 cents.


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« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2003, 10:54:00 AM »

QUOTE (NeoKast @ Jul 7 2003, 06:09 PM)
Playing originals is precisely what I was talking about.

Get your head out of your ass.

It's a hassle to play a purchased !Live game with any sort of mod enabled, software or hardware.

With hardware, you need to install a swtich.

With M$'s new !Live update, you have to at least disable the free-x hack, or remove it altogether.

I have not said anything, not even once, about playing pirated games on !Live.

Nor do I wish to.

"It's a hassle to play a purchased !Live game with any sort of mod enabled, software or hardware."

You know whats funny... The Xbox and XBL was designed to play without hassle for retail games on a non modified Xbox.  If you own anything that was original, you would know that it isn't a hassle to play games on XBL.
And yes I agree with Morglum, just get off your lazy ass and change the DVD...

Your justification has no merit, the only reason for the bitching about XBL updates is because you want to play pirated copies on XBL.  Give a better reason otherwise than cause its a hassle to remove the hack/install a switch.

Hell you already went through the trouble of modifying the Xbox, are you telling us you are too lazy to install a simply switch or remove the hack before going on XBL?


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« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2003, 11:26:00 AM »

I'm an idiot huh?

funny how everyone is an idiot who disagrees with you, but have no problems with the way they have their xbox modded/setup.

In fact I believe there is a very simple solution to the free-x exploit and xbl.  Though I have and will not test it as well my setup (mod) does not require me to bother with it.

To setup exploit:
Use the AUF w/ Evox gamesave. (having Evox setup for network already in the ini)
FTP in
Backup all original data onto a folder on your PC

Then create a batch file (Exploit installation) that runs a series of FTP commands.
E.g. deleting appropriate files off the HD
Installing the exploit files

Then create a batch file (Exploit removal) that will:
Remove the exploit files, including the files in the font folder
Reinstall the original files from your PC back onto the Xbox...

Then all you need to do there on is...
To load the exploit, run AUF, load the exploit savegame, it will launch Evox... then you just run the batch file to install
reboot / then you are set...

when you want to play on XBL, you just stay in Evox and run the removal batch file on the PC
reboot / then you are set...

and even if this is too much trouble for you... simply get a modchip and install a switch.


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« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2003, 11:29:00 AM »

QUOTE (NeoKast @ Jul 7 2003, 11:02 AM)
Wow, you're not only crazy, you're an idiot too.

At this point, you're just being argumentative.  Look in the mirror for a while before pointing fingers.  He has good points.

Look, it's not as easy as switching a DVD when MS is disabling the ability to update !Live just because you have two files (disabled mind you) in your fonts folder.

So, like, leaning over and flipping a switch is harder than FTPing in and renaming files?  (Now, I know you don't have this scripted to happen automatically, and even if you did, I still see it requiring more effort).

This means you're trying to play an original game with the !Live service while not doing anything in a modified state.

You're simply being punished for being ABLE to.

I'm not being punished for playing my Live game on a what looks like an unmodded box to MS.  Nobody is.  And I doubt anyone will ever be.

And yes, I've heard of putting a switch on the TSOP. It's a big pain in the ass and not neccessary.

Um, not really a pain, and it makes life much better.  Reflashing back to orig and 007'ing again to reflash seems like the pain in the ass.

So stop trying to tell me what I'm trying to do or not to do.

Do what ever the hell you want.  Nobody is forcing you to do anything.  Opinions are like assholes - everybody has one.

I've fucking stated three time already that I only want to be able to play Xbox !Live games I have purchased on the same Xbox that I play backups and use homebrew apps OFFLINE, with minimal hassle.

I mean more minimal than a switch or flashing my TSOP.

Right now, the easiest way to do that would be to rename the extensions of the font files with something like boxplorer or FTP to disable free-x from loading EvoX dash.

This way, you still wouldn't ever have to open your Xbox to modify it (version 1.0 only right now), unmodify it, and vice versa.

Not even once.

Now, you've said that we (people with modchips) are mad that we spend X amount of $$ for a modchip we didn't need.  If you'd stop to ask, I'm sure 100% of us would agree that it is a hell of a lot easier to flip the switch to go from modded to unmodded.  In the longrun, you are saving yourself and incredible amount of hassle.  
Especially when MS figures out how to fix this little problem.  (If you have Live, you agreed to the license, and therefore agreed to any s/w changes that MS wishes to make).

As a matter of fact, it would be ideal to not ever even need access to a PC (FTP) to do everything from modding the Xbox, to disabling the free-x exploit.

I don't see that happening any time soon.  

Speaking for myself, it'll be a happy day when MS does release some fix that nullifies  this (and future) dashboard hacks.   If not only for the fact that it'll stop these silly arguments...


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« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2003, 11:35:00 AM »

It would be allot easier if evox would write an install freex, uninstall freex in there dahsboard. Maybe to remove the xpoilit it could copy the font,evox, deafault.xbe files over to the E: and rename the old ones back. Im sure MS wont check there..
To reinstall you just run the 007 evox hack click on install freex and it would copy the files back over and rename what needs to be renamed...



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« Reply #24 on: July 07, 2003, 11:37:00 AM »

QUOTE (peteo @ Jul 7 2003, 08:35 PM)
It would be allot easier if evox would write an install freex, uninstall freex in there dahsboard. Maybe to remove the xpoilit it could copy the font,evox, deafault.xbe files over to the E: and rename the old ones back. Im sure MS wont check there..
To reinstall you just run the 007 evox hack click on install freex and it would copy the files back over and rename what needs to be renamed...

Actually yes it would be easy to have it built into EvoX
but EvoX needs file manage functionalities first

but for the mean time a batch file would probably be the easiest since it runs all the necessary FTP commands for you with one execution.


though I wonder because EvoX already have FTP functionalities, I wonder if there was a way to issue the FTP commands right from EvoX and not the PC, and have the batch issue from the menu


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« Reply #25 on: July 07, 2003, 11:43:00 AM »

QUOTE (estoyloco @ Jul 7 2003, 08:37 PM)

but for the mean time a batch file would probably be the easiest since it runs all the necessary FTP commands for you with one execution.


though I wonder because EvoX already have FTP functionalities, I wonder if there was a way to issue the FTP commands right from EvoX and not the PC, and have the batch issue from the menu

Then you would need a pc around all the time.. maybe some can write an apps with the XDK, shouldnt be to hard..


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« Reply #26 on: July 07, 2003, 11:43:00 AM »

QUOTE (dawhiz @ Jul 7 2003, 07:48 PM)
There's no difference between these exploits and using a mod chip, they both achieve the same goal. You're just mad because you were dumb enough to go out and buy a mod chip and now finding out it can be accomplished for free. Yes, MS is trying to stop this, but they tried stopping mod chips by banning you from !Live if you try to play a game on it. Sure, you CAN play a backup on !Live with a modchip, but you get banned 24 hours later. Both of these methods are for the same goal, one just costs more while the other cant be disabled as quickly. The only reason I really want to do this exploit for is XBMP, not all of us even care about playing copied games on !Live. I would however like to play the only !Live game I own, Unreal Championship, but however that can wait. You need to stop flaming everyone and open up your eyes. - My 2 cents.

Whats all this dumb enough to buy a chip about. We'll all see whos dumb in a months time when your begging for sites that sell modchips on because this exploit is long been fixed and removed by means of live and all new game releases updating the dash. And dont try gouding me into a flame war, because i'll rip the living fuck out of you newbie.  dry.gif


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« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2003, 11:48:00 AM »

QUOTE (Morglum @ Jul 7 2003, 05:05 PM)
QUOTE (melee @ Jul 7 2003, 05:57 PM)
whats wrong with wanting to use linuix without a mod-chip?  that and homebrew is all I want.

Nothings wrong with that at all, but we all know it wouldnt stop there and thats why these exploits need to be fixed ASAP.

Hey...retard....what's to stop people with modchips from stopping there.....

This is the most juvenile scene I've ever been a part of.  Im so sick of the bantering about this and that...boooooo hooooo my modchip is useless now....booo will kill the will only bring n00bs.......SO FUCKING WHAT!  WE WERE ALL n00bs at one time in this scene, just because you have gained the knowledge to use the tools that people made for you doesn't mean you shoudl exclude a whole new group of people interested.  So fucking what, games can be copied and was simple as fuck before with the pogo pins.....what do you all expect?  Man, you are just bitter....things change, they move forward, you pay the price to ride the wave of technology....these hacks will do nothing different than modchips in the first place.....I love the double edged sword of can have all the roms you want on your xbox, use XDK compiled programs....but NO XBOX GAMES.  You all are hypocrites, and if you are too young to know what that means look it up and understand it.....look at the big picture.......this scene was not created just for you.


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« Reply #28 on: July 07, 2003, 12:00:00 PM »

Whats all this dumb enough to buy a chip about. We'll all see whos dumb in a months time when your begging for sites that sell modchips on because this exploit is long been fixed and removed by means of live and all new game releases updating the dash

Exactly. You had to have a chip or flashed TSOP until just a week ago, in order to have a "modded" xbox.

Don't know people with chips. Remember, the people developing this "chipless" solution all have chips!

I am not mad that I paid for a mod-chip. But it does annoy me that any 8 year old punk can now perform a software mod on his xbox and think he is smarter than the people who modded their xbox a year ago with a chip  dry.gif


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« Reply #29 on: July 07, 2003, 12:14:00 PM »

I have a mod chip by the way.

Also, installing the switch is the pain, not flipping it.

Last of all, the batch file idea isn't what I'm looking for since I want to eliminate the need for a PC completely.

Perhaps Boxplorer is the best way unless EvoX can rename files.

Oh, and the reason why I am going on and on about this is because the original poster stated that he was having trouble using !Live even with the files in the font folder in a disabled state.

There has to be a way to disable the free-x hack so that wouldn't interfere with !Live updates or else, YES, it IS a big hassle.

I don't know about the rest of you, but my ultimate goal at this point is to be able to mod any Xbox without even opening it, with just a memory card, 007 AUF, and maybe a CDRW.

Right now this is only possible on a 1.0 Xbox, and on top of still have a hassle on your hands if you want to play !Live legitimately with purchased games on the same Xbox...unless you can FTP from a PC.

Has it been confirmed that the font files in a disabled state don't affect the !Live updates or not?

And sorry for name calling, it just seems like people jump to conclusions too much around here.
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