
Author Topic: Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit  (Read 108 times)


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« on: July 05, 2003, 04:21:00 PM »

if u dont want to use LIVE and u know someone with a modded box(chip) the exploit is the way to go... if u want to use live... get a chip that can enabled/disabled... the exploit isnt that hard once u sort through it all... but most ppl dont like the idea of opening the box... and dont wanna hastle with the mega-x key... anyways... i have a modded box and my cousin wants his modded (and he doesnt and never will use live)... so im using the exploit even though i think that chips are teh way to go cause (as of now) they are a lot more versatile but bitches to install (sometimes)... thats my 2 cents... later


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2003, 04:34:00 PM »

LOL man this should easily go in the FAQ as I'm sure it will be asked at least 1000 times more

But wait the only thing is we don't know!  Because the exploit is new and still being developed.


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2003, 04:36:00 PM »

Get a modchip, hopefully M$ will have a new dash version being released soon over Live! and in new games to remove this exploit.


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2003, 04:45:00 PM »

trob... im not trying to start anything... but if someone is a noob at soldering... putting one in is a bitch... yea there are no-solder chips... but those can be tedious to install and they even bump out of place.... i dunno... if i was a noob at soldering... teh idea would scare the crap out of me... this kid i know fried his whole xbox bc he sucked a soldering...


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2003, 05:40:00 PM »


i really hope this exploit gets blown out of the water with new FLAGS in newer games...hopefully it doesnt blow the chips too....


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2003, 06:18:00 PM »

will someone tell me why M$ has any say over what i do with MY xbox ... and don't feed me that its not my xbox bullshit because i what i please with what i PAY for with MY money... how can M$ try to get me in trouble for playing with something i own... thats like saying you shouldn't put mods on your car because Nissan made it... thats goofy as shit.


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2003, 06:22:00 PM »

it is your with it what you like.
copied games that u dont own are illegal.
xbox live has every right to check for and ban modded boxes.
you have the right to mod which in of itself isnt illegal...they have the right to say no to a private service if you do it.
buy the games if you want to go on live.
its as simple as that.


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2003, 06:27:00 PM »

Using live for scanning and/or removing XBE would be a very bad move by M$:
1) People will stop (or not even start) using XBL
2) Negative press - M$ already has a very bad reputation when it comes to spying on their users

IMHO its more likely that they simply update the dash, which would sound like a good thing to the average user ("wow, a new dashboard, kewl"). This would at least eliminate 2) but nonetheless most people will avoid using XBL and M$ will lose money... so they might just ignore it and simply make the new revisions harder to hack.


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2003, 06:27:00 PM »

I read in one of the very early posts that when you use Loader, in order to use Live you must have the retail game, and boot that up on startup, as opposed to booting it up via Loader.  This way, you can use Live and the Dash exploit (albeit, legit games for Live) and not worry too much.

Is this true?  There are actually a few of us who still wanna use retail games for Live, and the exploit mod for other reasons.

Thanks in advance (and I apologize for the newbie question)!


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2003, 07:48:00 PM »

nah it wont do anything to ms or prevent xbox2.....they have lots and lots of money to waste. but stealing games is still not cool......


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2003, 08:47:00 PM »

QUOTE (ZakMcRofl @ Jul 6 2003, 03:27 AM)
1) People will stop (or not even start) using XBL

i really dont think people would stop using xbox live, i only got an xbox for xbox live, dont need tons of games, just buy the xbl games that are good..


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2003, 09:19:00 PM »

QUOTE (msn25 @ Jul 6 2003, 02:40 AM)

i really hope this exploit gets blown out of the water with new FLAGS in newer games...hopefully it doesnt blow the chips too....

couldn't have said it better myself.


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2003, 12:19:00 AM »


Go with a mod-chip! Hardware modding wins over software modding any day of the week  beerchug.gif


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2003, 12:53:00 AM »

I'm just amazed at how many ppl with modchips feel insecure about the software exploit hoping it will be blown out of the water; suggest to them that they might also be blown out of the water because of the potential for unsigned xbe scanning by XBL and it is dismissed as ridiculous... sincerely, I hope modchips remain unaffected but the reality is M$ can do whatever they like and don't necessarily believe that people with unsigned code on their harddrives are loyal customers.

as was said before you have the right to mod your box any way you like, especially via an exploit which inherent isn't circumvention of protection - however M$ appears to have the right to essentially lock down your box if its modded as stated by the XBL terms and conditions.


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Should I Get A Modchip Or Use The Dashbord Exploit
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2003, 03:35:00 AM »

QUOTE (Dunny @ Jul 6 2003, 09:23 AM)
TBH I wouldnt buy a modchip at this moment, this exploit seems to function well on a 1.0 xbox, so wait and see.

I do have a mod and Ive tested Loader which works just as good ... people can say "MS will stop it" but basically they havent a clue what will happen.

the exploit does NOT work exactley the same as a fully featured mod

all you have is k3rn3l features (and not all of them either - especially not of X2 4977)

the only thing better than a mod is signing the games to direct boot with no modifications whatsoever

until then you wont beat a quality hardware mod (when i say quality i mean X2 or Chameleon - no other mod comes close right now - and X3 will do much more than any software exploit will allow)

however right now you all have a choice - but do you kids know how gay it looks bitching about mods if you use this exploit, and bitching about the exploit if you use a mod - man if anything will kill the scene it will be this attitude - nothing else

IMHO this exploit is less of a big deal to the scene than flashing tsop using 007 hack

those that say this will kill the scene - swap chips / swap discs have been out on PS2 for 2 years - i dont see the PS2 scene doing too badly for both modcchips and other exploits

from a personal point of view im more than happy to see this hack - im more involved in the homebrew aspect than anything else - and it just shows how talented some ppl are in this scene - but to read threads with 13 yr olds bitching at each other is just so embarresing - some of you really need to grow up - its just a games console ffs.