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Author Topic: Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit  (Read 511 times)


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #75 on: July 04, 2003, 08:11:00 PM »

I've done some thinking since my post earlier in the topic ( and this 'thinking' gave me a migraine earlier too).  Is it okay if I flame myself?

Regardless of whether or not self-booting downloadable dreamcast games contributed to the demise of said system, this exploit just isn't the same thing. The exploit still requires you to get some obscure USB memory card or acess to the save from another source.  I'm of the mind that the exploit it tough enough still that the average Joe won't just pop it in. It'll just be one of the ways people who'd have had a chip installed have it done by someone else anyway. No difference.


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #76 on: July 04, 2003, 11:58:00 PM »

Somewhat offtopic, but people have been mentioning dreamcast as of late... Lots of people dont realize that well before the Utopia boot disc was available, there were modchips around. Sega also took the stance of "we dont care, they just boot imports". Imports were one of the first things that brought me to the whole modding scene, back in the good ol PSX days. Just figured I'd throw that in.


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #77 on: July 05, 2003, 02:54:00 AM »

hi guys i would just like to say that the dreamcast was dead at the start line when they first announced it i knew it would have some shit hot games cos its sega and they know the score like nintendo but their hardware was a failier at the start it had no dvd drive infact it used DG rom which i thaught must be more expensive to produce and more awkward for the developers and even if it didnt it couldnt play dvd in future it had no future the ps1 is a piece of shit hardware and every man and his dog had one except for me =] but only 3 peaple i know personally ever baught a dreamcast it cost me £50 brand new and i baught a further 10 games in time which cost me next to nothing but to be honest they where the only games worth owning in my honest opinion the xbox happens to be loaded with shit hot hardware compared to any console sega or sony have ever used mod chips never stopped the rediculous amount of games developers produced for the gaystation and it will never stop it on the xbox it wont die becouse bill gates doesnt want to look like a prick in public he will spend crazy amounts of millions to protect the name they have with the general public that wont question their superior.


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #78 on: July 05, 2003, 03:41:00 AM »

QUOTE (falconsfan @ Jul 5 2003, 06:42 PM)
I'm not slamming the xbox, as it IS a decent machine and what is able to be done with it, amazes me, but damn.. don't say that piracy is gonna kill it, numbers don't lie, if the xbox would not have
been hacked it would have died along time ago.... IMHO !! smile.gif

i agree with this, because i would not have bought an xbox if i did not know it could be modified, the thing that brought me into the scene was the fact that we could play snes, atari etc. games on the xbox.


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #79 on: July 05, 2003, 04:37:00 AM »

smile.gif this thread is now useless


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #80 on: July 05, 2003, 10:47:00 AM »

Just my 2 cents,

A> Cost of games is not related to piracy, it took a year before the xbox was hacked and durring that time the games had the same high cost that they do now.  THe prices on the xbox games didnt go up when modchips came out.  Software is always priced higher than it has to be.  Always has always will.

B> Anybody who wants a mod'd machine can have one.  This exploit isnt any easier than the other ones, and at the moment is harder than 007/mech and less powerfull than a modchip/tsop which can be turned off.  I do believe it can be pushed alot further, and it will be, and has already.  This will encourage a few more xbox console sales, but not enough to kill the system.

C> I think a number of people didnt read all of free-x 's statement.  They came to the conclusion (at least thats what i read) that MS wants the xbox hacked. More Console sales=Bigger market share = more they can charge for licenses. which is where MS makes its money.  MS has a few games they publish and thus make money on.  but mostly its the license, it doesnt matter how many games the other software company sells, MS still gets its $$$.  There is a catch 22 though... If its gets too big then software makers will ask ms to lower license fee or they will stop making the games for the xbox.

D> Is it good or bad? thats debatable. someone said whats a better headline "ms bows to hackers" "another security hole found"  MS can fix this security hole easily a patch in every new game, a xblive patch.  the 007/mech they cant fix.  This is not the kind of hack that will force MS's hand.  Infact it will help them gain respect with developers becuase MS refused to BOW to hackers AND can fix it in all future consoles, and with games/xblive updates.  I think MS wins in this one.

.. let the hacking continue

Things i would like to see...

-free x style hack to launch a hacked ms dashboard (which can already be done)
-xblive clone (i dont wanna play on MS's xblive i want my own server)


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #81 on: July 05, 2003, 11:09:00 AM »

everything is a cycle, MS will get smarter on xbox 2, crackers will get smarter too


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #82 on: July 05, 2003, 11:15:00 AM »

QUOTE (roscoeac @ Jul 5 2003, 08:09 PM)
everything is a cycle, MS will get smarter on xbox 2, crackers will get smarter too

and newbies will seem even more stupid.


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #83 on: July 05, 2003, 11:46:00 AM »

QUOTE (stanneh @ Jul 5 2003, 10:54 AM)
hi guys i would just like to say that the dreamcast was dead at the start line when they first announced it i knew it would have some shit hot games cos its sega and they know the score like nintendo but their hardware was a failier at the start it had no dvd drive infact it used DG rom which i thaught must be more expensive to produce and more awkward for the developers and even if it didnt it couldnt play dvd in future it had no future the ps1 is a piece of shit hardware and every man and his dog had one except for me =] but only 3 peaple i know personally ever baught a dreamcast it cost me £50 brand new and i baught a further 10 games in time which cost me next to nothing but to be honest they where the only games worth owning in my honest opinion the xbox happens to be loaded with shit hot hardware compared to any console sega or sony have ever used mod chips never stopped the rediculous amount of games developers produced for the gaystation and it will never stop it on the xbox it wont die becouse bill gates doesnt want to look like a prick in public he will spend crazy amounts of millions to protect the name they have with the general public that wont question their superior.

where did you get this info?? DG ROM eh? hard to develop for? you have no clue what you are talking about, not even gonna explain why

lock the thread


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #84 on: July 05, 2003, 12:44:00 PM »

I'm not sure why the people are so against the hack- only reason I see is selfishness.  You guys just don't want others being able to hack it so your own interests are served, I feel the same way but theres no way a small group who did it the hard way in the beginning can prevent the masses from hacking it.

I think this hack will be the only way for people to realize that they don't have any extra rights to be able to pirate/run homebrew that the newer adopters who buy the xbox now just to run this exploit.  You all contribute to the downfall of the xbox in the same way.  I'm pretty sure most of the modders here pirate games, and it's no different than those who will do the same with the recent exploit now.


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #85 on: July 05, 2003, 01:36:00 PM »

gimme a break.  piracy has been part of the seen for ages and became comonplace with the first psx modchip and advent of cdrs 8 years ago.  the industry grows bigger every year, surpassing the movie industry even.  all that talk about hurting developers is bullshit.  piracy is such a small fraction of the market.  more than enough people buy games to keep the industry well afloat.  me and everyone of my friends has a backup of the madden series every year and EA still sells this franchise like hotcakes.  then you're gonna say that EA has deep pockets, what about the fledgling companies?  well look at grand theft auto.  no one ever bought the first 2 in the series when it was on a pc, where piracy is even more rampant.  gta3 comes out on ps2, where there is a larger install base and modded install base as well.  the game sold millions of copies even though peope could easily download and copy the game.  take 2 interactive is doing just fine.  this plea is an empty exploit is an exploit regardless of how accessable and easy it has become.


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Plea For Stance Against Dashboard Exploit
« Reply #86 on: July 05, 2003, 02:49:00 PM »

I dont know if this had been said before but i'll say it anyways,

there's still a huge percentile of people who actually buy the games to have a hard copy of something. not just 1's and 0's. They actually like the green case, and the boxart and the booklet and whatever registration card that is included. Also, there's a huge number of people who dont even know about these things, and are far too dumb to even get to this point.

Look at the music industry, there's tons and tons of piracy issues with that, yet everytime i walk into bestbuy i see tons of people in the music asisles[sp?]  

Dont for one second think the number of everyone online determines the mass of people buying stuff. no sir.  we're just a small fraction of the entire people.

But! i will agree with those of you that mentioned that the xbox would've been gone by now if pirating wasn't made available last april. Or M$ would've felt like the loss wasn't so bad and just kept on producing.  

* also, those of you who haven't played Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter. do it now! It was terribly underrated and i consider it the best xbox FPS,  yes it does lack MP and other stuff, but fuck, it looks great, its long and hard [heh.], runs great, sounds are done well (i think it's the only professional 5.1game the rest are just mistakes) and running @ 480P [given you have an HDTV of course] is uncanny.   The water effects give me an eerie halflife2 feeling.. !

i love you all,    bye bye.
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