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Author Topic: Endless Softmod Problems..  (Read 210 times)


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #30 on: July 09, 2007, 09:55:00 PM »

heh, yeah that explains it all.


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2007, 09:08:00 AM »

The number of dashes is irrelevent..  Once it finds one of the files in the sequence, everything beyond will be ignored..  More of a backup incase you're a moron who deletes his dashboard, then it will see if the next on the list is present..  If you want to run alot of dashes, then look into X-Select..  Its a neat loader app that I like alot..  You can rename xboxdash.xbe to anything you want in your situation, as long as any other dashes you might want to load it from have been told what the new name is..  Also, most bioses have a dvd+4 file boot sequence..  Not that it matters, but it probably boots more filepaths..  Its kind of impossible to know without trial/error or dumping it and examining it in a bios utility..  There are actually alot of options that can be changed in a bios by a modder, you can't really go by listed defaults for the bios..
BTW, xbmc has alot more to show off I assure you..  With python scripting possibilities are
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