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Author Topic: Endless Softmod Problems..  (Read 211 times)


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2007, 07:32:00 AM »

If you wipe it with Slayers you need to disable the Shadow C before wiping. Without disabling Shadow C it can't wipe the entire drive, you'll end up booting the recovery dash.

One way you can wipe with Slayers is to boot MA, boot the softmod menu, then select to remove the softmod and restore with a rescue disc, then select YOUR kernel (make sure you select the correct kernel). It will then patch some files and reboot (Shadow C is disabled now). Then you can boot with Slayers and select to restore to stock (you'll probably have to coldboot Slayers for it to boot). After you reboot you should be 100% stock with a fresh 5960 dash.

Shadow C can also be disabled by going into Krayzies Extras also.

Either way (CASH or Slayers) will work fine, just be careful of which options in Slayers you use (like never unlock your HDD on a softmod).


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2007, 07:55:00 AM »

QUOTE(melat0nin @ Jul 9 2007, 09:22 AM) View Post

Since I have FTP access through the MA gamesave, is it not simpler just to wipe the drive and copy over the C folder from inside the Slayers ISO?  Also, if I do the restore with rescue disk thing, where does the data come from?  I don't have a rescue disc.. only the HD backup.  Or is the rescue disc the Slayers ISO, which I would have to burn and insert?

If I remember deleting everything via FTP results in the same as wiping without disabling Shadow C (you boot to a recovery dash).

Yes, Slayers is used as the rescue disc which you burn and use. If you restore from HDD backup, you'd be in the same boat as when you began (before you installed the softmod).


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2007, 08:10:00 AM »

You said in your first post your kernel was 5838, so use just those kernel fonts when restoring.


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2007, 08:21:00 AM »

I'd go with the M$dash and go with 5101 then.

Either way if you select the wrong kernel fonts.. you shouldn't be able to boot Slayers even from a coldboot. If you can't, then just pop MA in and then select another kernel (5838 if you have to do it again), and if it still will not coldboot Slayers you can pop MA in and start over and select generic fonts. So no biggie if the first one you select isn't the correct one.  wink.gif


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2007, 08:47:00 AM »

That's what it's supposed to do.

Yeah, use the option "3B2 RESTORE RETAIL XBOX HDD TO FACTORY". It's then going to wipe the drive and when you reboot your xbox will be 100% stock like the first day you cut it on.

The other way you listed would be fine also but I think it shuts down after restoring (don't think you have a chance to FTP, but not sure). In that case after it's restored you can just put MA in and boot the softmod menu and you'll have FTP access (don't install anything, but just FTP over the C drive contents).


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2007, 08:52:00 AM »

Hmm, if you got a burned disc to boot, then the fonts and nkpatcher must actually be working..  (Softmods actually boot from the hdd invisibly first before seemingly booting from dvd)..  Perhaps the problem is a corrupt or missing e:\dashboard\default.xbe..   It can't hurt to manually replace e:\dashboard\default.xbe with another copy of evox or unleashx..  Also, unleashx creates a file called items.xml (I think) that I've seen freeze boxes when corrupted somehow..  I imagine config.xml could do that too..  Evox on the otherhand basically boots no matter what..  If there is an items.xml file you can delete it without worry..


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« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2007, 09:52:00 AM »

Yeah, just make sure you have the evox.ini or unleashx.xml file with it. (those do not need to be renamed, but the .xbe needs to be default.xbe).

Basically just take the contents of an Evox or UnleashX folder and dump them into E:\dashboard\ and rename just the .xbe to default.xbe and your fine.


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2007, 10:00:00 AM »

Here's another idea, if slayers disc isn't the way to go.. what if I remove the softmod normally using the MA gamesave and reinstate the HD backup (which should therefore get rid of the shadow C, no?) then manually FTP over the stock C drive from 'SYSTEM/ALL/C' on the Slayers disc to replace the restored C drive backup? WOuld that work instead?
if you run the gamesave you can delete all of C:\ and FTP
the files from slayers 'SYSTEM/ALL/C'  then delete everything on E:\ except Udata and Tdata the xbox will be stock..
the relaod the gamesave from the mem card in the ms dash and start over (you could FTP the gamesave instead, while the old gamesave is running if for some reason it is getting corrupted)


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2007, 10:59:00 AM »

is the led yellow ??
try "In Game Reset" R+L back black

will it boot slayers disk with FTP
if so compare the files on C:\ to


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2007, 11:46:00 AM »

Here's another idea:  since I can run Slayers disc, and therefore non-MS discs, then why not ignore the EvoX/UnleashX installations of Krayzie and instead get a CD image of something else which can be booted up then installed?

All I really want is XBMC and/or linux, so if that can be done using a bootable disc which will install itself 'over' Krayzie's EvoX/UnleashX (which is clearly where my problem lies.. the softmod obviously works since I can boot a non-MS disc, it's just the EvoX/UnleashX dash which is somehow buggered) with all the necessary files, thereby replacing the botched EvoX/UnleashX installation with something completely clean.  How's that sound?  Is it even possible?  I don't really care what dashboard I use to get things running, all I want as an end product is XBMC, and in a perfect world, a way to run linux also so I can check emails etc and do the few things that XBMC can't do.

...but if we can continue with the above processes and fix Krayzie's installation then I might as well do that to begin with!


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« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2007, 12:42:00 PM »

The Orb freeze is actually another flavor font freeze..  Go back to the fonts you could boot Slayers with..  I don't know if krayzies installer clears the e:\dashboard directory, did you delete items.xml if you installed unleashx? Or tried evox? If not, then it will persist in its corrpted state..  Making a cd won't make it any easier since you'd probably just end up with the same problem using the cd..  I'd rather know whats in your dashboard directory, than verify that C:\ comparison since the Orange LED means things on C:\ are working fine..


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« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2007, 12:55:00 PM »

You have very weird problems.The orb hanging screen is indeed a font problem which is usually solved by setting a kernel specific font. Why don't you try a UXE based exploit. It has another font/bootstrap method. you could restore to stock and use my uxe 2.8 installer.


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2007, 01:11:00 PM »

I've just discovered a really strange thing...

I redid the Slayers return-to-stock HDD format as Krayzie suggested in the above post, then I rebooted to the MS Dash, put the Slayers disc in ... and it booted.  Does this mean, and excuse my immense noobness over the last several hours if it does, that the box is actually modchipped?

I bought it a few days ago, and on close inspection it does look as though the torx screws have been opened... I was under the impression Slayers disc (or any non-MS disc) could only run with either a softmod or a hardmod installed.  Since I've wiped away the softmod with the Slayers disc, that would suggest that there is in fact a hardmod at work.. alas I don't have torx screwdrivers so i can't check for myself.  Is this likely to be the case?

The Bios entry in the Slayers EvoX screen (the first screen when i put the Slayers disc in) says 'EvoX M7ej'.. I wonder if that is relevant.

I spose if there is a chip inside it then this has been a massive waste of time, but should make the rest of the process easier.  Anyone with an informed opinion?


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« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2007, 02:26:00 PM »

Ah ha, yes, either chiped or tsop'd with evox m8 I bet..  That will report the kernel as 5838 IIRC and I wouldn't expect a softmod to boot with a hacked bios, but I would expect any cd to boot regardless..  Keepin' us on our toes huh?smile.gif


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« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2007, 06:15:00 PM »

You can get a more recent compiled xbmc at xbins (kinda)..  Basically just unrar/upload the entire directory structure such that you get e:\aps\xbmc\default.xbe (the exact path is only important if you want to use the loader).. Basically ready to go right away, but you can spend about as much time customizing iy as you can windows..

My guess is your bios will try to boot any or all of:

although it may have been totally customiized, but probably not..  So one or more of those, and your xbox will boot..
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