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Author Topic: Endless Softmod Problems..  (Read 212 times)


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« on: July 07, 2007, 05:31:00 PM »

Have you tried using the save games available through AR community saves? Use the one that says Run Linux - the one that works, that worked for me. Hope this helps x


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2007, 01:06:00 AM »

the dashboard failure is probably since you have left over softmod files on your hd
the loading failure is probably because the specific fonts need to be set.

both of these things are mentioned in the readme...



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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2007, 06:12:00 AM »


Right, I've had a positive development..

I took my box to a friend's house (who has decent broadband -- I've just moved so cable isn't installed yet, been using dial-up) and updated the dashboard, even though it said it was 5960 already.  I entered XB Live and it said I needed and update, then it downloaded and installed it.  All's good.

I then tried to install nDure, with the Basic Installation -- and it works!!  At least, the install works.  When I reboot, I still get the blank (black screen) after the Xbox logo.  But at least the thing is installed.

Therefore I presume the only remaining problem is with the fonts, which Krayzie mentioned above.  Can you point me in the direction of some solutions?  I've scoured the documentation for the nDure (1.1 and 1.1.1) packages but I can't find anything.

Any help much appreciated!!

PS I tried specifying the 5101 fonts but that didn't change anything.  Judging by the message ('make sure you pick the right fonts for your kernel') I don't want to try the others in case it messes something up, unless I get expert advice to do so. biggrin.gif


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2007, 06:42:00 AM »

It won't let me edit a post twice so i've got to post another one, apologies..

I tried all the different kernel font replacements (i thought i'd give it a bash) but every one has the same problem with the box hanging after the Xbox logo ('flubber').  My kernel is 5101 according to the MS dash.

I'm stumped sad.gif


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2007, 07:22:00 AM »

The kernel report makes it sound like you're using a bfm bios like Evox M8 rather than nkpatcher..  As for the fonts, have you altered many msdash eeprom settings like language etc?  Changing some settings alters the memory layout, and doesn't play nicely with fonts that expect something different..  There are times when xboxes are just jerks though, and s.xtf files are needed with the normal fonts..


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2007, 11:05:00 AM »

Network Settings causing it would baffle me, and I've never heard of PAL settings being problematic, but on the otherhand, more than a few ppl have experienced unexplainable problems with fonts..  The font freeze is typically when it freezes with the X-Logo, and M$ text visible, just to clarify incase you are infact having a different problem..
Also, I assume you can still load krayzies from MA and ftp?


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2007, 12:46:00 PM »

Krayzies gamesave installer has an option to tweak the fonts..  Choose your kernel specific 5101 (if you're sure thats truely it..   If that doesn't help, then try adding s.xtf at the very bottom..
I'm not sure about the 5838 anymore since krayzies uses nkpatcher..  Perhaps new nkp's show that as 5838? Or perhaps an older softmod still persists more than presumed, and its fonts were never replaced.. That could also result in the freeze..  If you look at ernie.xtf from c:\fonts\ in a text editor do you see \Device\Harddisk0\Partition2\nkpatcher\;default.xbe, or a different path?


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2007, 01:22:00 PM »

QUOTE(melat0nin @ Jul 8 2007, 08:44 PM) View Post

I'll check that stuff and get back to you in a few minutes, cheers!

First of all, I was stupid and didn't realise the kernel list went beyond 5101... so I tried all the s.xtf files with 5101, none worked.. tried all the s.xtf files with 5838, none worked.  If it helps, the LED was green for all of the 5838 attempts, and it was amber for almost all the 5101 attempts (the fourth s.xtf was green).

There is no ernie.xtf file in my c:\fonts folder on the xbox.. only 'XBox Book.xtf' and 'Xbox.xtf'... is the absense of ernie the root of the problem perhaps?!

Cheers for your help!!


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« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2007, 02:40:00 PM »

I think you're looking in shadowc, not true c:\..  Load up the save, it should tell you shadowc is disabled or something..  Beyond that, I'd gather up the msdash files, return the box to stock through ftp, and try to resoftmod it with a clean setup..


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« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2007, 02:45:00 PM »

QUOTE(triggernum5 @ Jul 8 2007, 10:16 PM) View Post

I think you're looking in shadowc, not true c:\..  Load up the save, it should tell you shadowc is disabled or something..  Beyond that, I'd gather up the msdash files, return the box to stock through ftp, and try to resoftmod it with a clean setup..

I don't see any messages about shadowc.. but then I don't really know where to look.  I see in the top left that the C: drive has only 1.41mb of free space.. which would suggest it is the shadow C.  If that's the case, how can I look at the files from the real C?

If it's better to start from scratch, I'm not totally convinced that my msdash is totally clean -- in which case, where will I find a proper vanilla installation?  i've seen the name Slayers 2.7 about the place, but i'm not totally sure what that's about.


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« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2007, 11:06:00 PM »

Sorry, I had a brain fart, the ernie.xtf would be in c:\xodash\..  And no, the dashupdate would not wipe anything it did not need to overwrite..  The file you looked at is the correct source-file, but that doesn't check to see that the file was indeed copied to its active location..


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2007, 03:21:00 AM »

[deleted bad post]


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« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2007, 06:13:00 AM »

I just found another post which seems to be about the same problem: fonts

it says something about SCRAP fonts being mentioned in the Readme file.  Either I'm blind, or I have a different readme file, because mine says nothing.  What does SCRAP fonts mean and is it something I should give a try?  Is it just the s.xtf thing, which I've already tried?

Any ideas anyone? sad.gif


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2007, 06:49:00 AM »

Aren't you using Krayzies Ndure softmod?

That post you linked talks about Ndure PC installer (not Krayzies softmod). That's probably why you don't see mention of the SCRAP fonts files in the readme.

Not sure exactly what the problem is, sounds most like it's most likely the fonts though. If you still wish to wipe everything and start over fresh though you can use CASH v1.1 (just follow the manuals section for "how to format Ndure v1.1 and go back to stock+Ndure v1.1.1"). With that you can wipe the drive and it will install a stock 5960 msdash, then follow the rest and you can install Ndure v1.1.1. If you still have the problem after doing that, it should definitely be the fonts and you'll just have to find which fonts work.


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Endless Softmod Problems..
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2007, 07:25:00 AM »

If i go with Slayers am I right in thinking that the 'c' folder in the 'SYSTEM/ALL' folder is a vanilla 5960 dash, and all I need to do is wipe the C drive of my box and copy that over, then reattempt Krayzie's softmod?

The CASH download is a bit slow at the moment and I'm anxious to get things going, so if I can achieve the same result with the Slayers dashboard then I'm game for that, since I've already downloaded it.

Apologies for the noob questions but I just want to be sure. smile.gif
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