
Author Topic: Xboxhdm Issues....  (Read 118 times)


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Xboxhdm Issues....
« on: February 11, 2005, 09:18:00 PM »

well... I unlocked the drive using the eeprom on the linux unlocking utility, then I tried to "create a fresh drive" using Xboxhdm and it formatted the drive and then I got a prompt to put in a CD with the -c and -e files in it, but they were on the CD that I used to boot the xboxhdm... so I ejected the cd and put it back in, but no go... it didn't find the files, so I ran "xbrowser" and copied everything over, then when I went to lock it with the locking tool it said "the drive is frozen" and that "unselect auto detect in the bios" so I did so, then I go to lock it again, and when I type "lockhd -a" it "ready to attempt locking" "are you sure you want to continue" then I said yeah and then as soon as I hit enter it instantly said "Aborting!" (yes with the exlamation mark!) and it remains unlocked.... this is frustrating anyone have any advice?


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Xboxhdm Issues....
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2005, 05:52:00 PM »

son of a bitch, I have the same problem. lol.  Man, I dot know what to do but I do recall, a long while ago, that when creating the ISO with XBOXHDM that you have to edit a file and write -allow or soemthing.  

Perhaps thats why.  Other than that, man, wtf.  

Any help would be appreciated.


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Xboxhdm Issues....
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2005, 07:20:00 PM »

the most current version of xboxhdm [ver. 1.9] doesn't require editing of anything to use. i know this for sure because i've used xboxhdm to build new HDD's many times and have never ran into that problem. are you sure your HDD is lockable? i think there is a way for you to generate a lock code from your eeprom so you can manually type it in. Either that or stick in your stock softmodded HDD and find out the lock code for that through your dashboard. If your new HDD isn't lockable and you don't want to buy another one then consider flashing your TSOP or buying  a modchip. that way you can use an unlocked HDD

This post has been edited by misterhoangdai: Jul 11 2005, 02:22 AM


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Xboxhdm Issues....
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2005, 09:59:00 PM »


I have a Seagate 80 GB HDD.  ...I'd think, since MS uses seagate as their origional hdds, could be done.   This is the first time this has happened and i did use 1.9  ... damn.

This post has been edited by twicked: Jul 11 2005, 05:08 AM


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Xboxhdm Issues....
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2005, 02:56:00 PM »

i was having trouble locking my new 120g western dig hd also i think i found a way to fix it.  make sure the hard drives are not locked and set the hds for master and slave inside your pc.  i ran the xboxhdm1.9 iso boot up selected option 1 for vga....and typed xboxhd and chose the option to clone hd.  also make sure you know which on is hda and hdb.  after cloning it the 120g hd only used 5g partition well because it's cloned.  to fix that i went to the xbox installed the new hd backup everything again to start a new xboxhdm1.9 for the 120g hd just to make sure it copied all the important files.  i then ran the new iso'd xboxhdm1.9 and start from scratch.  everything worked for me.

but now i have a new problem i downloaded XBMPlayer bad move for ver. 1.6 (now that i found out) the only thing i did was resize the screen and rebooted and BAM my xbox is in coma.  what it does is boot up on xbox green screen and it goes on to show the big X with micro$oft under it and it will go to a screen with white and yellow lines.  i tried pretty much that was suggested.  ran enigmah, reformat hd, flash the eprom with configmagic none of it worked.  since i just softmod my xbox i'm not really sure if im burning and iso'ing the files correctly for the xbox to boot from the cd.  im using sony dru 800a as a burner with nero.  ctools for making isos. and still i can't fix my xbox im thinking of just buying a new one of chipping it but don't know yet if that will help.

thank you,


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Xboxhdm Issues....
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2005, 05:47:00 PM »

use xboxhdm and rebuild your C drive.


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Xboxhdm Issues....
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2005, 06:57:00 PM »

check my hotswapping faqs, it explains a little about freezing.


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Xboxhdm Issues....
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2005, 12:12:00 AM »

The number one reason why I own an Xbox is because of the almost-overwhelming sense of community.  Not just because of its fantastic games and online ability, music saving, soundtrack playing, and better graphics—because of you guys.

Sure, I wasn't able to save this HDD (but I threw it on my PC and bought another one instead) but you guys really come out and save the day.  Everytime.  All the time.

Once again, I love you guys.
