
Author Topic: Help With The Mech Exploit  (Read 34 times)


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Help With The Mech Exploit
« on: July 14, 2004, 11:00:00 PM »



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Help With The Mech Exploit
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2004, 04:57:00 PM »

how about kernel 1.00.5101.01?  can it be softmodded?


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Help With The Mech Exploit
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2004, 10:25:00 PM »

QUOTE (-LD @ Jul 15 2004, 06:57 PM)
how about kernel 1.00.5101.01?  can it be softmodded?


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Help With The Mech Exploit
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2004, 03:35:00 PM »

QUOTE (-LD @ Jul 16 2004, 11:58 PM)
yup...and?  seriously, most of this stuff is fairly vague...i'm just looking for straight answers and solid info/links

/*Begin Rant*/

I cant help but agree... You can point people towards as many sites as you want with lots of this and that, but unless its written for someone who has never done it before, its useless. I think the majority of x-s people, at least the newer ones due to the newer boxes, would be more appreciative of a tutorialistic approach to solving problems. Not just, well go here, read that, and if that applies to you, then go here and read through all that. And lastly, "just go buy a chip" is the worst answer anyone can give. Anyone can chip an xbox and flash it, that shows u have screwdriver and basic skills. But softmodders are looking for the hardway, not the cop out way. So be willing to give good advice. Not the cold shoulder to another forum where we can expect the same run around.

/*End Rant*/


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Help With The Mech Exploit
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2004, 03:59:00 PM »

Fuck, if you can't bother figuring out how the hell the Xbox works in the first place, don't softmod, okay? All you'll end up doing is toasting the system following an old tutorial - because we aren't here to serve you and provide "idiots guides". Softmodding is by far more complicated and risky than a modchip, and too many people figure that just because its all software that its foolproof. Well, it ain't, so read alot of tutorial and get to know how shit works first.

Edit: By the way, if your looking for the hard way by softmodding - why did you ask how you can use Xbox Live! to downgrade your kernel? THE KERNELS ON A FUCKING CHIP it can't be downgraded...

Edit2: By the way your Xbox doesn't have a warranty anymore, swo you should edit your signature.


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Help With The Mech Exploit
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2004, 04:15:00 PM »

#1, I'm not going to toast it, b/c I won't simply just grab any tutorial and follow it. I do some homework before I just try anything

Good! At least your doing what alot of people I put up with don't. Like noobs who replace the MS Dash with EvoX and figure it'll boot.

#2, of course it isn't fool proof. With MS changing things all the time softmodding can be very unstable.

And this would be the cause of your troubles. The 1.6 so far has been a pain for developers - but UDE2 is out, and works for US/Canadian Xboxes so far.

#3, I wanted to know if xbox live update could have UPGRADED my kernal. Obviously you can dg with live, but I wasn't sure if they had the ability to upgrade the kernal via live update.

This is what got me pissed - because you figured you had the authority to tell us to write complete guides all the time for you guys - and you didn't even take the time to figure out that the kernel is on the BIOS - on a read-only chip...

#4, it does still have a warrenty since the only on the box are gamesaves, and last time I checked, those don't void your warrenty

Actually, yes, these void your warranty. Most warranties are void of you modify the system, and guess what a gamesave exploit is? Its software but still. Whens the last time your computer manufacturer replaced a computer because you decided to install a different operating system?

lastly, go smoke a bowl or take a valium and relax and realize that blasting people on a forum doesn't make you cool, it just makes you an electronic asshole

You obviously haven't been here long. If you'd know just the sheer amount of repeat questions, whining idiots, etc, etc, that private message me for help every day on this forum - you'd agree that I should either be allowed to spazz, or weed should be made legal for me, lol...

Edit: Fixed crap.
Edit: Oh yeah - I don't think I'm cool for throwing a spazz - its the internet, doing anything on it isn't cool, so I just don't giva rats ass, lol.


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Help With The Mech Exploit
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2004, 06:17:00 PM »

Lol, well thats rambling on all right.

Anyhow if you still need any help I can help ya out. Although probably not with UDE2 as I don't have the files or anything like that...but Phoenix or anything else, sure.

And a good point when your using softmods - backup your EEPROM and don't play with programs that edit your EEPROM! ConfigMagic and XBMP have caused me problems like this before (In XBMP if you fiddle in the settings with some region codes - you can reboot into a blank screen, the Xbox won't have any video!).