
Author Topic: Injecting A New Ver Of Evox Into Current Auf Hack  (Read 40 times)


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Injecting A New Ver Of Evox Into Current Auf Hack
« on: June 24, 2004, 02:34:00 AM »

[damn not being able to edit the title *sprays fire retardant on the post*]

ok, this question has prolly been asked a dozen times in a dozen forms, but the google search was no help and 162 pages of info would leave me too blind to do anythin with the information i gatherd.

So, without further adu.....

I dont want to perminantly install evox because i play live pretty hard core and im broke as far as a hard mod goes. I looking to be able to hack my game files (PSO and the like) but the current evox i use to FTP (as in i havet installed it nor flashed)wont let me use any of the higher end functions. (like HDD backup, not backing up the HDD)

I have been hearing things about loading evox from a CD. Is it possible to do this? Evedently, its not with my current incarnation of this hack as the eject resets the box every time. *sigh*

I will eventually breakdown and get a no solder mod so i can play live until they shut it down, but its only gonna be as a last resort. I am a collector (yes even my case mod is being done on an extra (broken)box, the original case is in safe keeping), as far as my *extreem mods for extreem reasons*, that ended with my PS1.

I think all the stuff you can do with an Xbox is awsome, but if i want a full on media center PC ill build one with more funtionality (granted a bit more expensive and unattainable atm) than an xbox can give.

oh and sorry for the babbling, i have been playing with the AUF hack save for about 7 hours and i havent been to sleep in 24 =).