
Author Topic: Mame Roms Disappearing. Please Help!  (Read 21 times)


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Mame Roms Disappearing. Please Help!
« on: February 19, 2006, 09:57:00 PM »

Small problem, alot of my roms in MAME have seemed to disappear. They seem to be mostly roms starting with the letter "R"

I have looked in my files and they are still there. However in MAME they wont appear. I have tried rescanning the roms to get them back. I have also tried going into the xbox main dash and deleting the mame savestate so mame would have to reload when you start it. I know these roms worked before cause I played R-Type Leo. I have no idea why they disappeared and mame won't reconise them when there in my roms folder.

I also made sure the rome were sorted by name. Actually I tried every way to search for them in Mame.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!