
Author Topic: Patching Default.xbe  (Read 73 times)


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Patching Default.xbe
« on: October 09, 2005, 12:29:00 PM »

It's because there's not really any way to do this.  Most of the time DDE are a result of other thigns.  In very few cases is patching necessary.  And when it is necessary it depends on the specific game.

Read the DDE tutorial pinned in this forum for more information.

Mr Ed

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Patching Default.xbe
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2005, 02:31:00 PM »

Well I'm not sure what you are looking for but if you are trying to get NBA Live 2006 to run off your hard drive, there isn't a way yet.  There's a whole thread about it here:

When a patch is released for that game you will hear about it.

If you are a developer and can reverse engineer the .xbe, you could possibly develop a patch for this game yourself.  If you are not a developer I'm not sure what you are hoping to accomplish.

If you are looking for patches for other games to run off your HD search on the game name, and you'll be sure to find it.

If you are getting DDE with burned DVD's you don't need to patch at all it's a different problem.

You don't make it clear even what it is you are trying to do.

Moving to newbie section.

Mr Ed

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Patching Default.xbe
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2005, 05:11:00 PM »

QUOTE(DManC @ Oct 9 2005, 02:49 PM)
I dont want to sit back and wait for a patch to show up cuz i could be waiting 2 months or who knows how long, ill do it myself and once its done ill help other people patch their version of nba live 2006


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Patching Default.xbe
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2005, 02:53:00 PM »

QUOTE(xwingkiller @ Oct 10 2005, 03:48 PM)
not too sure when a media patch required the use of all of that.

Mr Ed

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Patching Default.xbe
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2005, 12:05:00 AM »

QUOTE(xwingkiller @ Oct 10 2005, 02:48 PM)
not too sure when a media patch required the use of all of that.

Mr Ed

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Patching Default.xbe
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2005, 12:19:00 AM »

Ok, let's talk about what it takes to develop a patch.  Anyone who has an XDK can improve/correct this.  I'm a software engineer and I've poked around the XDK but I don't own one, so this is a combination of my experience with other software, as well as my small exposure to the XDK.

One of the reasons this question gets glossed over is because if it is obvious you are not an experienced software developer with a working XDK, then you won't be able to develop a patch, and therefor it's not worth answering.  But I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here...

The first thing you will need is the XBOX software development kit (XDK) so you can compile native XBOX applications.  You'll also need the debugging tools included, as well as the debugging XBOX hardware.

The high level overview of patch development is like this:
1)  Run the offending application on your debugging hardware
2)  Trace through the offending application to the line of code that causes the issue (remember it'll be in assembly since you don't have the source code)
3)  Identify what the code is doing that causes the error.
4)  In parallel (if you can't think in assembler, which I can't) develop identical source code in your programming language.
5)  After developing code that compiles to the same assembly and behaves the same, start modifying the code (as little as possible) to change or bypass the offending command.
6)  After compiling the changed code, compare the hex, and develop a patch that modifies the original code to your new code.

If you can work in native assembly (a big help, and my guess is most XBOX hackers who develop patches can) you get to bypass steps 4 and 5.

More details.

You'll need to be able to step through the offending software.   This is done easily if you have the source code, however, since you are working with a compiled binary, you won't have any source code.  Instead you'll need to attach a debugging process remotely to the code running on the debugger XBOX hardware so you can pause and step through the lines of compiled assembly.  As you step through, you should be able to identify the line of code causing the problem.  It won't necessarily be the last line of code before execution stops as that may well be error handling code, so you will have to do this multiple times to identify where the root of the problem is an not simply where the error causes you to end up.  

Once you've isolated the line of code that throws and exception, errors out, triggers an event, etc. you need to figure out what that is doing.  It could be a media check.  It could be any number of things.  Once you've identified what it is doing (either by reading the assembly code, or by decompiling the app (I'm not actually aware of decompilers for the XBOX, however, they are handy if they exist)) you can start to debug what the actual problem is and a possible work around.

For example, if you find that the assembly (remember I don't read assembly much) equates to an if(a==x) statement, and it crashes if it returns false, you could rewrite the statement to read if(true).  Of course, to develop the actual patch, you'll need to understand the difference between the hexadecimal representation of the assembly code within the binary executable.  Once you know that, you can easily create a patch.

Ok, so your question has been answered.  Anybody who has more hands on experience with the XDK could fill in some details or correct any assumptions I made.

Now, let me know when you've got that patch developed, and I'll buy you a beer.  beerchug.gif


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Patching Default.xbe
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2005, 12:32:00 AM »

great, now everyones gonna pop an XDK installer in their xbox and wonder why it doesnt work anymore....


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Patching Default.xbe
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2005, 04:06:00 AM »

I can't believe this is still going on. DManC has only ever posted about trying to obtain/code a patch no other interest in this site at all. Is it honestly such a hardship to just play the original for now. I highly suspect that all the people up on their soap boxes bleating about this only know of one type of patch, the type worn over the eye when obtaining their games.
If you own the original play it and be happy for now its only one game. As for DManC you do realise that now you have stuck your name forward to try and code a patch that your PM folder is going to be full everyday with people asking you how its going and when its going to be ready. Ironic really that the very question you were asking regarding this will be the very one that occupies all your time now.
Enjoy your day. beerchug.gif


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Patching Default.xbe
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2005, 07:59:00 AM »

I highly suspect that all the people up on their soap boxes bleating about this only know of one type of patch, the type worn over the eye when obtaining their games.

we need to come out with a book of chancer quotes


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Patching Default.xbe
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2005, 08:31:00 AM »

Id like to thank Mr. Ed for finally doing something usefull towards patching and putting up that small tutorial. Its makes this site much more inviting then hearing mods say shit like "do you have any idea what it takes to patch..etc.ect..what are you an idiot" Thats not a direct quote, just feels like its allong those lines.

And now after finally seeing what it takes to develop a patch i can confidently say that i wont be able to do it, and if i did try, someone else would have it done way before i could ever make one....but see, thats what this site is all about, helping people out, not telling them their idiots for thinking they can do something they cant..cuz maybe I cant make a patch for this game, but because Mr. Ed posted that small tutorial someone else might read it and have a patch done in a week.

Thanks HorseMan