
Author Topic: Avaluanch Freezing Up The Xbox  (Read 37 times)


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Avaluanch Freezing Up The Xbox
« on: August 06, 2005, 04:40:00 PM »

First of all, I just want to say I'm no noob and I know how to FTP.  I've done it a bergillion times and it has always worked.  I have an ndure softmodded xbox and I replaced the evox dash with the latest Avalaunch.  I love Avaluanch, I have used it for quite awhile now.  I am now having some problems with it that I was having with it about a month or so ago with Krayzie's UXE.  I can connect to my xbox just fine, but when I start transferring files, it freezes at the same spot every single time.  It's almost like a perfected time bomb, because I can transfer good for about a minute and then my xbox freezes right at the same spot in the transfer everytime.  It's like the FTP server of Avalaunch is screwed up or something.  I have only recently had these problems, and I don't have them with EvoX or UnleashX.  Please help me, as I don't have any clue why it's happening and what to do about it.  I want my Avalaunch back, I love it and all of it's features, but not when it doesn't FTP correctly.


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Avaluanch Freezing Up The Xbox
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2005, 04:44:00 PM »

Just athought but have you tried another FTP client?
Have you tried qwix to see if you can ftp with that its designed for avalaunch


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Avaluanch Freezing Up The Xbox
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2005, 08:15:00 AM »

Um, basically anything I try to FTP will freeze up my whole xbox.  It can be MS dash files on the C drive and it still freezes.  I'll try disabling the screensaver, plus does Background Music have an effect?  What about making it static instead of DHCP so there isn't any interference from the internet?