
Author Topic: Xecutor Vs. Xbit.......  (Read 67 times)


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Xecutor Vs. Xbit.......
« on: December 30, 2003, 04:56:00 AM »

Ive even tried slamming my xbox on the ground on my bathroom floor by raising it around 1 - 1/2 feet and dropping it

Bet that did the Hard drive the world of good biggrin.gif


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Xecutor Vs. Xbit.......
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2003, 08:17:00 AM »

please help me understand the difference and advantages between these two chips

for xecutor please note whether you are talkin about lite or pro

i'm looking just to play backups and get on xbox live

also looking for an easy and reliable install

thanks all jester.gif


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Xecutor Vs. Xbit.......
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2003, 08:30:00 AM »

they  both are easy as they both have solderless installations available, although they are not recommended as they misalign very often when the xbox is moved. And as for the difference between lite and pro of xecuter, there is no difference, except the pro comes with an external programmer. To find the differences between xecuter and xbit, click here


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Xecutor Vs. Xbit.......
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2003, 08:36:00 AM »

yeah - i've seen the table

a little bit TOO much detail for my mind that knows very little about computers etc. wink.gif

thanks for some info though

which do you recommend or prefer?

what's an external programmer??

how easy is it to bump the pogo pins out of place???  i mean, i don't really mess with the box aside from pulling it a little closer to us - but it is on wheels biggrin.gif

also - with the ones that have an external switch to change the bios....are those hard to install???  

how are people getting to xbox live these days?? still switching the bios every time right??

thanks again!


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Xecutor Vs. Xbit.......
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2003, 08:45:00 AM »

What are you talking about? I have the Xecutor 2.3 Lite+ and mine NEVER misaligns or unaligns, but then again, i did have to find a better screw.

Cant give you much info on the Xecutor 2.3 Pro, except that it requires soldering, and can be flashed via USB cable or LPT.

The Xbit has an "idiot-proof" installation which is solderless and extremely easy. The downside of this chip is that flashing the modchip (which is a 2mb bios) takes a long time. This has twice the amount of memory as the xecutor 2.3 Lite chip (1 mb) and uses the DMS software that is required to flash it (though some have had problems with it). The benefit of this chip is probably the fact that it comes with a programmer that can allow you to reflash your chip incase of a bad flash, or incase you want to reflash so you never have to worry about messing up your chip.

The Xecutor 2.3 Lite is also pretty easy to install and can take around 10 minutes if one knows what hes doing. The problem with the Xecutor Lites is that without the programmer, the chip cannot be reflashed if its flashed wrong, meaning if you flash the chip with a 512k bios, then there is NO way to fix your chip without a programmer or without another modded xbox. Even though this may sound risky, messing up your flash is kind of hard (unless you cant read numbers and SEE that the bios you are flashing it with is 1 meg). Another problem that people complain about is their modchip Unalligning, I have run into this ONCE but that was only during installation when i was moving the chip around to find the d0. It has an easy fix, just find a screw slightly larger than the one that your retailer sends you, that can fit in the washer.

Speaking of misalligning, I was going to my friends house one night, but we were all going to see a movie before we left to his house and were meeting at the local startime. I came a bit late, and everyone had already dropped their bags off on his dad's car, who left before i came, so i had to CARRY my xbox in a bookbag around for 3 freakin hours and it DID NOT get unalligned. Ive even tried slamming my xbox on the ground on my bathroom floor by raising it around 1 - 1/2 feet and dropping it and it DID NOT misallign (more tests coming soon when i get the balls to do em).

The Xecutor Lite chip has 1mb flash memory (though you only need 256k) and is supported by many of the Xecutor Programs (FlashX).

All in all, if you find an Xbit in stock, and cant sodder, then i would tell you to go ahead and buy it (if you're willing to pay the 60 bucks for it). If you want a pretty easy chip to install, and know how to sodder (35 bucks) I would recommend you get the Xecutor 2.3 Lite.

If you dont know how to sodder and dont have a lot of cash (atleast not the 60 sumthin dollars that divineo charges not including shipping), then i suggest you get the Xecutor 2.3 Lite+ (from cuz they are pretty reliable), though its only a few bucks cheaper than the X-Bit.

Hope this post helped  wink.gif


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Xecutor Vs. Xbit.......
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2003, 10:19:00 AM »

helped A LOT dude - thanks!!!

more opinions/experiences are ofcourse welcome!


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Xecutor Vs. Xbit.......
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2003, 11:23:00 AM »

laugh.gif  tongue.gif  biggrin.gif


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Xecutor Vs. Xbit.......
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2003, 12:57:00 PM »

Check this page:  Modchip Comparison Charts

That gives a side by side comparison of all the different chips and their features.  Having installed both chips in the past I would recommend the Xecutor chip.  If you are just looking for the basic functionality that you described then I would go with the Xecutor 2.3 Lite.

I hope that helps.  smile.gif


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Xecutor Vs. Xbit.......
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2003, 12:59:00 PM »

Go with the Xecutor 2.3 Lite.  It will give you all the funcionality you need at a very reasonable price.

For what you are looking to do you don't need more than the 2.3's two BIOS banks.

I hope that helps. smile.gif


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Xecutor Vs. Xbit.......
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2003, 01:15:00 PM »

C'mon seedybrick, don't be upset.

I would like to give you this picture of Anna Kournikova as a peace offering--an ancient custom with my people.

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May our families be united under peace and harmony.  smile.gif


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Xecutor Vs. Xbit.......
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2003, 01:38:00 PM »

Your thread title:
Xecutor Vs. Xbit

From here
We're seeing a lot of "Mod Chip 1 vs Mod Chip 2" threads and "Which Mod Chip Is Better Threads?" Please refrain from creating any such threads. We simply cannot have every user, or every other user, creating topics so they can have their own personalized response on what mod chip to use. It takes up too much space and ends up annoying the users who frequent the forums.

I haven't been enforcing this as of late because of the holidays, I just wanted to point out that people really don't read the pinned topics, and have the nerve to jump on people that do help them.  Kind of f*cked up, don't you think?  rolleyes.gif