
Author Topic: What Is The Most Compatible Dvd Media?  (Read 348 times)


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What Is The Most Compatible Dvd Media?
« on: July 19, 2004, 08:51:00 AM »

What kind of dvd+r did u use i tried burning the image from nero and my xbox kept trying to read it over and over and over agan but never successfull but evo x seems to recongnize it as a game but my xbox is a v1.0 would dvd-r be better for me ?


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What Is The Most Compatible Dvd Media?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2004, 09:36:00 AM »

Wow.  Now that's an awesome faq...

Just one suggestion...

Could we get the same neet color grids pertaining to the three xbox drives?

Am I just missing out on a huge database somewhere?


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What Is The Most Compatible Dvd Media?
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2003, 11:00:00 AM »

Q: What is the best type of DVD blank to use for XBOX, PC, PS2, and TV set Top Box?


Q: What is the best/Recommedmended Burner Type? (DVD-RW, DVD+RW or DVD + & - RW)

A: Any new Burner.. that supports DVD-R and DVD+R formats. why be limited to any one format.. when all of the major manuafacturers make dual mode burners now.  Incluiding the Pioneer of the DVD blank format.. PIONEER.  With their latest (at this writing 7/17/03) burner.. the A06 support DUAL MODE.

Now.. you'll be asking.. is this just an opinion.. that DVD-R is better?  or is this based on staticial facts.

Well.. it's a fact.  and plenty of unbiased authorities on the subject have published their finding.  The following.. is just some of the wealth of info that is out there.  I've chosen sources.. notorious for being UNBIASED and fair.  They are extremely well respected in this area.

You will find that DVD-R simply provides higher compatibility.  Pioneer developed it a long time ago.. and it's been a workhorse of a format.  Phillips came up with DVD+R.. since they didn't want to get left behind in the DVD wars. (they made/invented CD so they wanted to maintain their presence in the dvd market as well)

Bottom line.. Compatibilty is high with the DVD-R type media on all units played on.  Set Top players, XBOX, PS2, PC readers.. etc.

For some excellent.. and unbiased info..

There.. you can check compatibility.. but I've done some of the work for you..

DVD-R Compatibility 90%

DVD+R Compatibility 85%

Check those two links.. you'll find they are quite comprehensive.  DVDRHELP is also one of the leading authorities in this area.  

For more info.. and more states.. here's another great site..

This site has a wonder article today.. with another thorough set of tests done.

Compatibility results:    DVD-R=96.74%   DVD+R=87.32%

CDR-Info, has determined that DVD-R is clearly the most compatible DVD recording format on the market. To assess the compatibility level of DVD Formats we created video content on a DVD writer using DVD-R/RW and +R/RW media. These discs were then played back in other DVD players and DVD-ROM drives –over a 1,000 combinations of drive, media and player were tested.

The content created on a DVD-R/RW writer using a write once DVD-R disc played back in virtually all (96.1 percent) of the DVD players and DVD-ROM drives used in the research. DVD+R discs played back in 87.6 percent of the devices tested.

Since the market for recording to DVD has developed, and different formats have emerged, consumers have been concerned about the compatibility of their DVD recording devices with DVD players and DVD-ROM drives. The findings suggest that for customers who wish to create content on a DVD writer and interchange this with other PC drives and consumer DVD players, DVD-R is the clear format of choice.

For more info.. read the url above.  It's a LONG read.. but very informative.

...and for those of you that like pictures...  (thanks to CDRinfo)




You may suggest.. however.. that DVD+R has some unique features to it's format.. that.. is true.  By all means.. use that format if you have a use for that unique feature.  But if you don't.. using DVD+R means sacrificing some compatibility.  

The final knife in the back of DVD+R media.. cost.  It's still more expensive.  

I hope that this helped some of you with questions regarding compatibility of DVD-R and DVD+R



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What Is The Most Compatible Dvd Media?
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2003, 05:27:00 AM »

Damn thats a nice little tut type thing you wrote there! Thanks!