
Author Topic: Xecuter 2 Bio And Softmodding?  (Read 78 times)


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Xecuter 2 Bio And Softmodding?
« on: August 01, 2005, 02:50:00 PM »

I have a xbox, non softmodded and I was wondering in order to bio flash, does the xbox need to be softmodded before hand, also I dont understand the point of flsahing the bio, other then for new hardrive support? My xbox want down and I just grabed another one. With a bigger hardrive to boot, my idea is unlocking it ghosting it to the bigger one, then with the unsoftmodded xbox flashing the bio so it support the hdd. Will this work,? Also if I ghost a hardrive that going to a bigger then oringinal hardrive. Could I run into troubles?