
Author Topic: Mech Assault Help  (Read 36 times)


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Mech Assault Help
« on: April 26, 2005, 03:02:00 PM »

well i am trying to help a fellow hacker to the best of my knowldge but have fallen short...

He downlaoded the softmod instller 2.0 and extracted the mech assalut folder with exvox and evryything over to his documnets, he downloaded xbox essentials, and tried dragin the .rar files like evox and patch but it says ivalid game save, so on mega key he puts all of the files into the save folders but when he opens the mega key program nothing shows up at all nothing, also he said windows doesnt reconixe xbe files.


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Mech Assault Help
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2005, 04:10:00 PM »

well i think your problem is right with the softmod part. if you are TSOP flahsing his xbox you want to pick up mech assualt gamesave with RAINCOAT. then you EXTRACT the RAR file on your comp and FTP the directory onto your xbox. then boot up your xbox and go to the MS dash and save that game save to the memory card. then bring the memory card to his xbox and copy it to his HDD and then launch the game (set your IP adress in the range it needs to be. is the xbox's i think so set yours in somewhere around there) then load the gamesave and it should all go black and the eject light should turn orange, and you should hear music. now read the read-me in the RAR file for the commands to type into the dos prompt