
Author Topic: Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox  (Read 56 times)


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« on: January 09, 2005, 02:58:00 PM »

i have twoxbox's here i want to tsop flash, one is a 1.0 with a hyn tsop, and the other is a 1.2+ which has 5101.01 dash, i'm not exactly sure what bios to flash it with and what package to use from the usual place ( ;) ). I have dl'ed alot, now the winbond chip that is on the 1.2 to 1.5 xbox iv'e read i need to use raincoat and make sure it's .7, now, i only own mech assault and am not sure what to do, i have purchased a memory card, and also have axx to a modded xbox, i have mad the solder points on both xbox's, now i just need a little help in the proper direction of which game save and bios to use with these xbox's, please, any help would be Greatly appreciated, thanksguys, i've been readinjg for days, and there is just touch info and espically conflicting issues.


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2005, 03:11:00 PM »

get mecheurasia and x2 4983.06, those will work for both those xboxs (and any other 1.0-1.5 you come across)


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2005, 03:33:00 PM »

thanks man, your saving me countlesshours of scanning forums :), i know it sounds like i'm from a hole in the ground, but it's this laptop keyboard :(, anyway, i'll give a follow up, i have soldered the pionts on the 1.2 or greater, the 1.0 i have seen acouple pics, i'm told there is only a point on bottom and one on top of motherboard, the twoon top were easy on the 1.2 or greater, but the 1.0 i get confused, cause i see a pic all over with a wireand several wr# points and stuff, but then i've also read about no wire needed and just joining two joints,....sigh thanks for you quick and helpfullresponse :)

o ya, i also forgot, so the winbond will not be affected by the mech assault, or i mean, mechurasia uses raincoat? cause i thought i understood evox could not flash a winbond, but that shows the little knowledge i have i guess

This post has been edited by buildingcourage: Jan 9 2005, 11:35 PM


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2005, 03:44:00 PM »

those pictures out there are confusing on the 1.0 all you need to do is the two points on top and the wire on the bottom where the pics show that you have two bridge the two points the dot right underneath r7r4 and the one on top c7r3. awire between those two and then flash with 1mb bios for the v1.0 and the v1.1 now check the bios name if you have a sharp you have add an additional wire follow the tutorial. h
 hope this hlps sorry for the grammar I lost my left pinky today playing football. bye


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2005, 03:52:00 PM »

ok, thanks, so in slushie's guide, just connect owr# and owe# together with a peice of30awg, ignore the other things, thanks guys for all your help, i have located the mechurasia and bios you suggested, i'm just waiting for ride to house with modded xbox  to transfer files to, i really appreciate you answering outta the 271 pages of questions
i know the soldering was probably the hardestpart, but i'm scared about the steps since i've never done it, after the first sucsessful time i'm sure i'll be more confident and not such a utter idiot.  Also, so, i use game exploit,get bios on machine, then i can rip out the stock hd and snap in a 120 right? and then just use slayers 2.6 to format/install dash? am i on theright track ior is that to wishfull?


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2005, 06:13:00 PM »

sad.gif, this is strange, i've tried two mech assault packs, the eurasia one, and then a mech assault with raincoat, i replaced the raincoat to .7, but it's to large, i see three icons in my mech assault save games, one is a linux installer with a green check, the other two are red, and are a dashrestore and a linux something, but the thing is, the mech asault i do get to fit on mem card, says it can't run in mech assault menu.  I just get a can't launch , but the raincoat build, i can't get to fit on card, it's just abit oversized, any suggestions would be great. I just keep coming here to check for help since it's been the only postive place for me, thanks guys.


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2005, 06:43:00 PM »

sounds liek youve got a patched opy of MA, sadly this wont work with any gamesave exploits

try hotswapping the HD and installing a dashbaord exploit


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2005, 06:58:00 PM »

o god, it sounds like it might be better if i try and go rent a old copy of that game, i'm not to sure about the hot swapping technique, just cause iv'e read so much up on this, i feel.....whored.. lol, damnit! that sucks bigtime , any good tuts you yourself recommnd that would be close to the method you would use? i was looking at that option, but thought this route would be easier :(


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2005, 11:12:00 PM »

maybe i am missing something, cause i've been reading forums on other meathods,  maybe i have to sign something in those mec and 007 packs i'm dl'ing, if anyone has knowledge, i'm at the point where i get everything on xbox mem card from modded box, and i have solder points down, i have a 1.0 and a 1.2 to.15 here with a winbond in it, and a hynix in the 1.0.  I gotta sleep, but thanks for the input , it seriously is appreciated,  i was reading a forum and saw i was a M L1 on the mec disk, so i'm sure it's the orginal release, i got a friend to rent 007 , but the moron got it for ps2 :(, my luck sucks. It has unknown everything for the linux install and ldash restore and linux restore game saves i've tried, but then when i go to launch, it just says can't launch game, press a to continue, i just got this shitty memory card from m$, and they stuck me on the price to :( 48 bucks cdn.

This post has been edited by buildingcourage: Jan 10 2005, 07:15 AM


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2005, 10:44:00 AM »

i believe i saw in another forum post here that lordvader129 said/posted some pics of a 1.0 with only a solder ponit on top and one on bottom, no wire needed, just joining those two(much easier IMO), anyway, if you could clear this up for me lordvader129, i have full faith in your opinion after seeing your knowledge demenstrated all over this place lol


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2005, 12:47:00 PM »

I had the same question a while ago and "lordvader's" solder points are in the fourth reply in this post :

And for those still trying to get a working and correct package for TSOP flashing ...

I've been using 'Highway_007mech_Flash_pack' for a while and it works perfect. (And .. is still on Xbins)

No need to replace anything just make sure you put a BIOS in the correct folders. (yes they do state : 'put bios.bin here')

Get this Bios : x2.4983.BIOS from 'the usual place' and use the 'x2_4983.06_256k.bin' bios rename it to bios.bin

Just make sure you have the correct bios size, 1.0 and 1.1 require a 1 MB bios, a resize tool is provided in the bios package.

Choose 'Flash using eurasia' and it will flash any bios.

1 exception, if you run accross a 1.0 with a sharp bios, you need to solder 1 extra wire (never seen any though)

Good news for those looking for a 'James Bond AUF' package : that safegame is included in the same package.

This post has been edited by Soullar: Jan 10 2005, 08:50 PM


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2005, 02:39:00 PM »

here is the original of "my" enable pics (actually the work of davicoro)

he has pics for 1.0/1.1s, 1.2-1.5s, and the dreaded Sharp


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Game Save Expliot To Use With 5101.01 1.2+ Xbox
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2005, 02:40:00 PM »

thanks for both your help, you guys rock, i tried on the 1.0 first, but the f'ing xbtool didn't resize the bios for me, it's still ...i dont' even know, whatever i have the size clicked as when i close xbtool, it just says that's the size of the bios when i load it :(
i'm gonna try the three wire trick, then re load a 80 bios that i know is 1mb. so the three wire trick, it makes the xbox boot back up in what? i dont' quite get what point that will get me to.