
Author Topic: Strange Raincoat 0.7 Observations  (Read 57 times)


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Strange Raincoat 0.7 Observations
« on: February 26, 2004, 04:52:00 PM »

The other day I went to use raincoat 0.7 to flash a 1.1 and did my usual pop the memory card in, copy it to the HDD, boot 007AUF, load hack... but this time the light turned orange as normal however I could not telnet in. It seemed as if no telnet server was running... strange. So I rebooted the box and it fragged, seemed raincoat had gone ahead with the flash without being issued a command to do so. I got the tsop restored with a 29 wire homebrew (sometimes these are lifesavers). I redownload raincoat and reinstall it on my MS memory card... go to do another box, this time I am splitting the tsop incase there is a problem :) and sure enough the hack is loaded and the front eject light does not change, a soft reboot happens and an error code 21 is displayed. Meaning the machine was told to reboot with that error flag. Strange!! Anyone got any idea why 0.7 is giving me so much grief when I am using the same equipment as with 0.501.



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Strange Raincoat 0.7 Observations
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2004, 05:05:00 PM »

well whatevers going on it probably is just a coincidence that its the same time you updated to .7, the xbe is just a linux shell, it has nothing to do with raincoat (unless your using eurasia or some other auto-flasher)


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Strange Raincoat 0.7 Observations
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2004, 06:09:00 PM »

just redownloaded it and retransfered it to the machine and it works now, apparently it had gotten corrupt... weird!



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Strange Raincoat 0.7 Observations
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2004, 02:29:00 AM »

Occasionally I get problems where I can't telnet in.  Sometimes it's Windows 98 on the laptop that's playing up, and after a few minutes it'll ping again.  But I've also had cases where it's not the laptop.  A combination of re-copying the save and cleaning the contacts on the Ethernet port seems to eventually fix them.


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Strange Raincoat 0.7 Observations
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2004, 02:40:00 AM »

lord i wanna know why u are sooo faith full over V7?


just wondering :)

and wuts wrong with my eurasia methode? huh? huh?

?  <_<

ahh well guess wut ever makes ya happy. i just feel telnet is a waist of energy :)


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Strange Raincoat 0.7 Observations
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2004, 02:55:00 AM »

QUOTE (blueinfinity @ Feb 27 2004, 11:33 AM)
lord i wanna know why u are sooo faith full over V7?


just wondering :)

and wuts wrong with my eurasia methode? huh? huh?

?  <_<

ahh well guess wut ever makes ya happy. i just feel telnet is a waist of energy :)

Who's that aimed at?

The problems I was encountering were not with raincoat 0.7, they were with raincoat 0.501, although they are equally likely with Eurasia or raincoat 0.7, as they share the same Linux kernel.  The flash program has nothing to do with the network connectivity or boot-up scripts, that's the responsibility of the Linux kernel.

The Eurasia flash kit is based on raincoat 0.5, raincoat 0.501 is a bugfixed version.

Raincoat 0.7 performs automatic file resizing and supports 151 flash types as standard, with a maximum of 253 in its configuration file. Eurasia does not resize files, supports less than 20 flash types as standard, with a maximum of 31 in its configuration file.

Eurasia is a good tool based on raincoat 0.5.  If combined with the extra features of raincoat 0.7 it would be even better.

A waist of energy?  Is that a fancy term for a beer belly?

This post has been edited by Exobex: Feb 27 2004, 10:57 AM