
Author Topic: Bad Flash  (Read 46 times)


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Bad Flash
« on: February 22, 2004, 08:16:00 AM »

I am posting this here because from reading all of the other posts i believe this belongs here, if i am wrong im sorry and let me know where it belongs.  

here is the situation.  I was flashing my bios through evox and the electric went out when it was half way through the flash.  When i attpemted to turn on the xbox it tries to start up twice and then it flashes gren red.  i can hear the fan running underneath the dvd drive and that is it.  I was going to get the programmer and fix it that way or with the hot swap method but when i opened up my xbox i did not find a mod chip anywhere.  THeir is just a wire connecting what looks like the jumper points.  
I am running a v1.1 with Evo X as a dash and a 120Gb harddrive.  I did all the upgrades myself but i had the xbox sent away for modification.  
any information that can help me out with this problem would be great

I can email anyone a picture of the motherboard if the need it.  i tried posting it but it wouldn't accept the file
thanx in advance



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Bad Flash
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2004, 08:07:00 AM »

if you cant see a chip that means the person modded it by doing a tsop flash. and if you messed up the tsop you need to get a modchip.


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« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2004, 10:47:00 AM »

if its a 1.1 and you made it halfway through the flash try grounding pojnt a18 and a19 to boot from the lowest 1/4 of the TSOP (that should have gotten flashed)


a18, a19, and ground

PS, why does it seem liek so many peopel are flashing TSOPs on an unstable power grid? lol, a UPS should become a common mod tool, lol


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« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2004, 11:20:00 PM »

I'm in the same boat as the first guy... but my power didn't go out... i used Eurasia to flash a Sharp TSOP (because EvoX can't do it).  Eurasia reported success... then rebooted... and now the box won't come up.  Any clues on how to fix this w/o using a MODchip?


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« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2004, 11:33:00 PM »

Evox can flash the sharp chip. the only one it can't is winbond.  If your top jumper points are connected on a sharp, the box will not boot.  Disconnect them and it should be fine.  Otherwise, its a 29 wire mod, or a couple of SPDT switches as explained above.

This post has been edited by terrorvis: Feb 27 2004, 07:38 AM


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Bad Flash
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2004, 12:18:00 AM »

so if you mod a sharb by soldering the top and bottome points, and adding the extra wire, you have to unsolder the top points after the flash in order to it to boot ?


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« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2004, 12:23:00 AM »

Yes, the top jumpers need to disconnected to boot the box, and connected to flash. So most people put wires on it and twist them together after booting.  You could also put a switch on it to make it easier in the future.  

But if you connected the points before you flashed, I don't know how you got the box to boot before flashing.    

Search on this forum, there are a number of strings about flashing a sharp.


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« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2004, 12:44:00 AM »

Thanks for the reply about how to fix...  here's an update for anyone interested...  

I tried the matrix fix by following posted here.  what's odd is that tut doesn't mention connecting W2 or W1... (however when you download the special bios package for this, the zip contains pictures that show those points connected).   To make a long story short, I got the led on matrix to flash orange and green (but not the eject button).  switched to mode 3 and grounded t1.  i still got the FRAG circle of death (green/powercycle/green/powercycle/FlashRedAndGreen).  Not sure how this works.  The onboard led's say i have a good connection, but its still not bypassing the tsop.  

Next I will try 29-wire hombrew.

As far as the point about Evox able to flash Sharp tsop...  Evox gets stuck and can't erase... I spent a few hours searching, and was the 5th such person to hit the same problem.  The recommended solution was to use Raincoat.  I tried my luck w/ Eurasia... and got the bad flash.

I will keep posting here until I get this damned sharp tsop fixed (or fry the board trying...)  



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Bad Flash
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2004, 07:34:00 AM »

Thanks for all the help, it was modded through a TSOP flash,  I decided to take the safe route and i bought a Xenium chip and i am installing in in the next few days.  It has a recovery mode so i should be safe from screwing anything up.