
Author Topic: July 4th Release Questions  (Read 64 times)


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July 4th Release Questions
« on: July 08, 2003, 08:03:00 PM »

smile.gif   Sorry for all the questions, just nervous.


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July 4th Release Questions
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2003, 11:21:00 PM »

Thanks in advance for your help. smile.gif Sorry for all the questions, just nervous.

dude - you need to read the tutorials, this information is out there in triplicate.   You also need to understand that doing any mod involves a certain amount of risk - risk of ruining or making you box unuseable - the best way to prevent  that from happening is from *knowledge* - if you don't *know* beyond any doubt what you're doing and *why* you're doing it, then you run a significant risk of being the next "OMG I SKROOD MY BOX" post in this forum.  Read.  Learn.  Repeat...  - and remember, if you hose your box, there won't be people lining up to repair it for you, *help* is available, but You are responsible for pulling this off...  Good luck...


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July 4th Release Questions
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2003, 05:35:00 AM »

Well, I understand the risk.

I asked these questions because all of the "tutorials" I believe you're referring to are for the old 007 trick, the one before the 4th of July exploit. This is suppose to be very different, and I haven't found any good tutorials online for it (it's only 5 days old). The only threads I have been able to find on this topic are from, but they just phantoms the idea, not really how to do it.

In case you aren't sure what exploit I'm talking about, this is the terribly unhelpful release .nfo that it ame with:

Unlike the original trick, you don't need to load through 007 everytime, this flashes your TSOP and replaces your dasboard with EvoX automatically.



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July 4th Release Questions
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2003, 09:12:00 AM »

Yeah, thanks alot CodeWiz, but i found that forum earlier today right after i posted the last reply.

I have a really good idea of how all of this should work, I've been coming to XBOX hacking sites and forums since shortly after the XBOX came out.  I was just worried that this new exploit was to good too be true and if I should do it.

Just a quick question relevent to this forum:
If I don't solder my TSOP, and do this exploit, am I risking damaging my bios (I'm planning on backing up my HD anyway)?

I apreciate the help and am currently reading and posting in the No-Mod forums, thanx


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July 4th Release Questions
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2003, 02:58:00 PM »

CodeWiz, I want you to know that I really appreciate you taking time out to help me out.  I'm not worried about the solder job, i have solder irons and other welding/soldering stuff laying all around my basement.  I was just under the impression that with the TSOP flash, I could only load Linux, and I would have to start 007 every time I want to use homebrew software.

Lemme tell you what I want to do:
1)  Have my XBOX load into EvoX everytime I start it up.
2)  Be able to network with my PC for streaming media files.

Would you please tell me how I can do this with my v1.0 system in the best way (without a modchip) that will be accomplish these goals?  I wouldn't mind soldering the jumpers and flashing the TSOP as long as it would boot into EvoX everytime I start it up (without going through 007 each time).

Thanx a bunch


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July 4th Release Questions
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2003, 09:09:00 PM »

Thanx again CodeWiz, I might do this by the end of the week.

However, the Xecuter Lite 2.2 Plus is really nice though (I like being able to switch between the chip and the original bios, and less risky for damaging my system if I screw up with the bios software), however, is out of stock and I don't know if they're getting any in soon (most of the other Xecuters are out too).  If anyone knows any reputable sites with a well priced Xecuter 2.2 Lite +, please tell me.  Thanx.


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July 4th Release Questions
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2003, 06:51:00 AM »

I don't know so much much about the multi-bios TSOP, I rather leave the orignal alone incase MS begins to offer a better LIVE system (who knows, maybe web browser, media networking; they were considering this a while back).  I'm not an excellent solderer and wouldn't want to ruin my original, so I am prob either gonna flash the TSOP normally or get the Xecuter Lite 2.2 +.

Thanx for all of your help CodeWiz.