
Author Topic: Need Help With Retial Kernial  (Read 46 times)


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Need Help With Retial Kernial
« on: July 18, 2005, 12:18:00 AM »

replace your modchip just because of Error 13? no way.

your problem is with the dash not being there for it to boot, hence the "dash not found" thing. you need to restore all the original MS dash stuff for that to work. you can try using a Slayer's disc to do this, however, i don't think this is a 100% reliable method since i do recall some people saying it didn't work for them. try it anyway, it'll cost you almost nothing except a pack of CD-RWs.

Also, any dashboard i've ever come across checks F:\Games for its games folder, and unless someone changed your Avalaunch XML file, it should check there anyway. are you saying that if you rip a game to F:\ it doesn't appear in your "Games" menu?

by the way, why do you need original dash anyway? you can use online SNTP servers if you're just setting the time.