
Author Topic: Bios Neede For Big Hd  (Read 986 times)


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Bios Neede For Big Hd
« on: September 08, 2013, 11:22:00 AM »

you can use ind bios "256k" or M8+ bios 256k
and if they get flashed using hexen they will populate 256k/512/1mb.. (whatever they need to populate)
(use the F and G bioses .67)
this will give full lba support. (use m8+ on a 1.6 xbox it will work on 1.0-1.6, so a safe bios to use)

i assume you were using ind bios on your chip... you could have just edited the CFG file to help fix the IGR bug, I prefer the ind bios. has support for no dvd without editing the bios. cfg file support for boot sequences. .x files import ability to edit fluber screen. 128mb ram functionality.. full lba48 support. Its a really good bios. The IGR has to be dissabled in the CFG though. and it wont work on a 1.6 xbox.
In comparrison the M8+ bios does nothing. but that will work on 1.0-1.6 xboxes. so its a good bios to have on a spare mod chip.  

any way you would flash your bios..
after that you need to run xbpartitioner and format the drive
You cant have 1 partition larger than 1tb

i would aim for 750Gb F and 750Gb G

remember to test the written cluster sizes after you do that..
"send a 1kb text file to the F and g partition using ftp"
if it uses 16kb opf space then you have to re do xbpartitioner untill it uses the correct cluster size (i think it would be 64kb)
so a 1kb text file should take up 64kb of space if it partitioned properly.
(its possible it only needs 32kb clusters)
XBpartitioner will tell you how big it is making the clusters. so aslong as the 1kb text file matches the amount of space xp partitioner said it would take your golden.


your repair man needs to come and read about the things that can be done and how to do them.


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Bios Neede For Big Hd
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2013, 01:31:00 PM »

The only reason i can think that the files on the hard disk arent being seen is if you were using x2 5053 bios before you re flashed..
This is possible if you had the 2.6 xecuter chip..
so try that bios.

You would not want to use that on a tsop flash usually though.


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Bios Neede For Big Hd
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2013, 07:12:00 PM »

a tsop flash of m8+ or ind bios will see a large hard disk. you just have to use xbpartitioner.
the x2 bioses use a strange way to get partition table data, 5053 should not have an issue with it but it also has some strange file encryption. "claimed to be for saftey. really just there to be awkward so they can say you should use an xecuter bios on an xecuter chip"

so the reall problem is you dont see the files. but they still take up the space, so your hard disk looks smaller..
So its a bit like this..

x2 5053 bios can see the files on a disk that it prepaired.

m8+ and ind bios can see the files on a disk they prepaired.

x2 5053 can see the files on a disks M8+ and Ind bios prepaired.

m8+ and Ind bios cannot see the files on a disk x2 5053 prepaired..

and the x2 4xxx bios were worse, they did not take partition table data from the drive...  

so heres the long and short of it.
It is better to make the drive with m8+ or ind bios. because that means all the xboxes with up to date bios's can see the files on the drives.
this is better because if your xbox dies and you want to put your hdd in an xbox with a tsop flahs or a cheaper mod chip.. or your mod chip dies and you replace that with a cheaper mod chip with 256k bios, Your going to be unable to see your files..
MOST tsops are only 256k.
And the x2 bios is 512k..
earlier tsops are big enough for a x2 bios..
But really you would want to use m8+ or ind bios on a tsop.
provided the hard disk was created and then partitioned and most importantly "ALL THE FILES WERE ADDED" when it was in an xbox with m8+ or ind bios, then all the files will be accessible.

if you fill the hdd up with files on an xbox running a x2 bios and then put that hard disk in a M8+ or IND bios xbox, you will only see the free space on the drive. all the files will be invisible.

its a big reason why i never use x2 bios's


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Bios Neede For Big Hd
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2013, 05:09:00 AM »

Just a quick update, my repair man was able to finally make it work, it appears a faulty philipps dvd drive was making it impossible for the Hd to be seen ???  Anyways, it's working now thanks a million times for the the help  you provided.