
Author Topic: Component Cables  (Read 242 times)


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Component Cables
« on: June 10, 2012, 07:34:00 PM »

There aren't two magic files that make component work, nor do you need to do any patching, so the guy that softmodded your Xbox was wrong and you have been reading some uninformed rubbish.

Your Xbox has to be in NTSC mode, and you can do that from X3 Config Live, or by using Enigmah video mode switcher. Once you've done that you simply plug in the component cables, then use the MS Dash or XBMC to enable the high definition video modes you want to use.


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Component Cables
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2012, 07:47:00 PM »

Hey I appreciate the fast responds, thanks. Yea the guy is still customizing my xbox so he still has it. As soon as I get it I will try those settings.