
Author Topic: Bad Flash, What Now?  (Read 67 times)


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Bad Flash, What Now?
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:22:00 PM »

Hi guys.  I'm a bit of a noob and have screwed up my xbox.

I have an xbox 1.6 with an Xecuter 2.6CE.   All been o.k. but XBMC keeps freezing and doing weird video things so I decided to try a different BIOS.

Don't ask me why, but I tried to put on an Evox M8 v16 FC 137 BIOS (1Mb).  Since that went on, I get a FRAG on either BANK1 or 2.

I've since realised that the banks are either a single 1Mb or 2 x 512Mb.  Bugger!!!

I don't have a programmer and don't know anyone, so.....

I assume the best bet is for me to buy a new Xecuter chip and start again, or does someone know where I can get this repaired?  I'm in Leicester.

Thanks in advance