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Author Topic: Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost  (Read 135 times)


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« on: February 21, 2010, 02:04:00 PM »

a buddie talked me into a xbox mod. its the origional black one, he called it a virgin, as no one has ever opened it.
I got what he told me the xecuter 2.6 light and solder less adapter from divineo. and a 200 gig hard drive.he wanted me to get the big drive so I could save all my games to the drive like he does
well i went to him and he opened it up and put the chip in and hard drive , and couldnt get it past the call for service screen.
and then told me he didnt know what to do , and to post for help. he gave me this disk with auto installer on it, and it says sorry your xbox doesent reconize this disk.
so I went home and played with it. with the switchs set to disable the chip and old drive in it works as before.
So now what.?????... What I need is someone to walk a dummie thru this.
What I wanted the mod for was for the xbmc and naviX. and he said he had some emulators to run old games like pacman and glaxian, that my kids wanted .
so can anyone tell me what to do. I have tried reading thru somethings and have no clue what I looking at.
my only other option is to find someone to send it to....but I think with a dummies guide i could get it running


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2010, 06:43:00 PM »

whats the error number that it gives when it says call for service?
try different bank settings on the chip.
has the chip had a modified BIOS flashed to it?
if no one has ever flashed the chip then it should still have flashbios on one of its banks (a blue screen for flashing your bios).
if it has been flashed before then google and download a copy of slayers 2.7 and burn it to a dvd-r (memorex works pretty well)


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2010, 11:07:00 PM »

QUOTE(murauder @ Feb 21 2010, 08:43 PM) *

whats the error number that it gives when it says call for service?
try different bank settings on the chip.
has the chip had a modified BIOS flashed to it?
if no one has ever flashed the chip then it should still have flashbios on one of its banks (a blue screen for flashing your bios).
if it has been flashed before then google and download a copy of slayers 2.7 and burn it to a dvd-r (memorex works pretty well)

well it tried with different switch settings will hook it back up and see what the error code if there is one. all i saw was alot of writing. and call for service. the chip is new. so how it came is how it is, i never saw a screen for flashing the bios. the disk he gave me was the one he used on his xbox, which didnot do anything.
i tied the switches on bank 1 and bank 2 and nothing different happened. if the switch for the chip enabled is on i get the flashing red light on front, if i disable the chip it boots normal, same goes no matter what position the back switch is in


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2010, 01:04:00 AM »

if the chip doesnt work when you turn it on it means either the install is wrong or the chip is bad. The easy way to find out which it is is take the chip to your friends house and see if it will work in his xbox. If the chip works and the flash bios screen comes up like murauder mentioned the chip is good. If the flash bios does come up or it dont try flashing the chip by first put his chip in his xbox then boot the xbox and then with the xbox still on switch the chips out and flash your chip with a bios that will work in your xbox if all goes well you can start his xbox with your chip on and it will work. If the flashing doesnt work your chip is most likely dead. If the flash bios came up when you tried to use it in your friends xbox then check to make sure your solderless adapter is installed right. Also make sure its the right solderless adapter for that chip and for your xbox.


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2010, 08:47:00 AM »

QUOTE(steveo1978 @ Feb 22 2010, 03:04 AM) View Post

if the chip doesnt work when you turn it on it means either the install is wrong or the chip is bad. The easy way to find out which it is is take the chip to your friends house and see if it will work in his xbox. If the chip works and the flash bios screen comes up like murauder mentioned the chip is good. If the flash bios does come up or it dont try flashing the chip by first put his chip in his xbox then boot the xbox and then with the xbox still on switch the chips out and flash your chip with a bios that will work in your xbox if all goes well you can start his xbox with your chip on and it will work. If the flashing doesnt work your chip is most likely dead. If the flash bios came up when you tried to use it in your friends xbox then check to make sure your solderless adapter is installed right. Also make sure its the right solderless adapter for that chip and for your xbox.

I went and looked again
he gave me slayers auto install he used. he said its the newst one and he just used it to update his
I cant get the error screen to come up
all it does id the chip is on with the switch is try to boot. box will try 3x then the front button will just flash red. and do nothing. I can turn switch off and box will work as it did before we put chip in. he went and checked the solderless adapter ( it should be correct it came in a kit) like the intructions said and he says that part is fine
so I will try the place i got chip and see what happens there


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2010, 07:47:00 PM »

QUOTE(rob251 @ Feb 22 2010, 10:47 AM) View Post

I went and looked again
he gave me slayers auto install he used. he said its the newst one and he just used it to update his
I cant get the error screen to come up
all it does id the chip is on with the switch is try to boot. box will try 3x then the front button will just flash red. and do nothing. I can turn switch off and box will work as it did before we put chip in. he went and checked the solderless adapter ( it should be correct it came in a kit) like the intructions said and he says that part is fine
so I will try the place i got chip and see what happens there

I wrote company I got chip from and they agreed with you guys and want me to send chip back for replace ment
will let you guys know when I get new said could be sevearl weeks
thanks for the help


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2010, 08:07:00 PM »

what version is your xbox by the way?

check HERE


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2020, 09:11:00 PM »

QUOTE(murauder @ Feb 22 2010, 10:07 PM) *

what version is your xbox by the way?

check HERE

1.4  1.5 has focus chip according to that guide


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2020, 10:39:00 PM »

have you tried powering on with the power AND the eject button?
2.6ce  has 2x 512k banks on it. selectable by powering on with the power or eject buttons. one or the other should have flashbios on it


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2010, 12:32:00 AM »

You need to flash a BIOS onto the chip before it will do anything.

Boot up to FlashBIOS 3.03, then flip the switch to the other bank, then reflash the chip.

Best option would be to flash via http (network flash).

Connect your xbox to your PC, then flash the BIOS from your PC:

You will need a hacked BIOS to flash onto the chip. I suggest X2_5035.
It's a 512K BIOS so it will fit on the bank without having to resize it.

Download it to your PC, then follow the flashing tutorial above to put it onto your chip.

Once it's on the chip, you can use Slayer's to install a dashboard onto the hard drive.


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2010, 08:51:00 PM »

did you use x2 5035 vOLD? or x2 5035 v16?


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2010, 09:33:00 PM »

one of the problems I hate about executor chips is that e=when you try and flash it with a bios it always flashes both banks. Thats why no matter what bank you choose its the same thing. You probablem is totally fixable and you have alot of different choices. First though you are gonna need ftp access to the xbox if not you are gonna need to download slayers boot cd.


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2010, 09:45:00 PM »

one of the problems I hate about executor chips is that e=when you try and flash it with a bios it always flashes both banks.

Nope. It only flashes both banks when you try to flash a 1MB BIOS.
If you're simply flashing a 512k BIOS, it'll flash it to whichever bank you have selected.

My guess is you flashed the 1.6 version of the BIOS onto the chip.


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2010, 09:46:00 PM »

the file names should be either x2_5035_vOLD_512k.bin or x2_5035_v16plus_512k.bin. you need the old one if your xbox is not a 1.6 (which from what you said its a 1.4 or 1.5).
me and steveo walked a guy through a blind flash (on a doux2 i believe) somewhere in these forums.. i cant seem to find it though. so you can def recover from this

edit: steveo and alex beat me while i was searching for that thread. steveo do you know where it is? it would be a lot easier to just link him to it than write it all out again.


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Xecuter 2.6 Ce Lite Help !please Newbie Is Lost
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2010, 11:25:00 PM »

I've done a blind reflash on a TSOP'd motherboard. Not sure whether it works with a chip, but it's worth a try.

You can download EurAsia Pro Generic Flash Disc v1.3, then burn to discs (CD-RW or DVD-R).
Disc 1 is EurAsia, Disc 2 is your custom BIOS. Since your chip now has a hacked BIOS, it SHOULD load the EurAsia flash disc.

1. insert EurAsia disc into your xbox, then shut down the console with the disc inside.
2. Boot up xbox with disc in dvd drive
3. EurAsia will open the tray automatically when ready
4. Take out EurAsia disc, and insert BIOS disc & press A
5. Console will shut down when done
6. Power it back up & hope it works.


If your buddy has an Xecuter 2.6 (or X3) chip installed in his xbox, you can hotswap and reflash.

1. Acquire FlashX and view readme.
2. FTP FlashX and your BIOS to the xbox hard drive.
3. Boot up modified xbox and once it reaches the dashboard, remove working chip from LPC pins (leave d0 connected).
4. Install bad chip onto the LPC pins (no d0 wire needed).
5. load FlashX from the APPS menu (or wherever you have it installed)
6. Reflash chip with your BIOS
7. Remove your chip and place his back on the LPC pins


I'd try the EurAsia method first, walk-through (with someone's help) second, and hotswap as a last resort since you'd need your buddy's xbox to do this.

... if all else fails, mail me the chip and I'll reflash it for you. smile.gif
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