
Author Topic: X3 Bios Problem Saving Settings  (Read 48 times)


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X3 Bios Problem Saving Settings
« on: October 17, 2009, 05:56:00 PM »

I have a weird situation going on with the X3 Bios and I wanted to see if anyone else has seen this or maybe an idea on how to fix it.  My buddy installed the X3CE in his 1.6 Xbox earlier this week and brought it over to me to flash.  I was able to put X3 3294 on there without any problems but I am unable to change any of the network settings.

I've tried multiple times to change the it from Static to DHCP but every time I reboot the XBox it goes back to Static.

For some reason it will not load the dashboard at boot up either.  When I Select "Reboot to Dash" it will load it though.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?  I'd really appropriate any help.




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X3 Bios Problem Saving Settings
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2009, 11:41:00 PM »

For some reason it will not load the dashboard at boot up either. When I Select "Reboot to Dash" it will load it though.

This looks like a feature of the modchip itself. It looks like it boots into some feature setup menu. I remember I had a chip that only booted automatically to the dashboard if you had a valid bios in bank B. You also had to power the xbox with the eject button.

The network settings are a dashboard feature. They are usually stored in a dashboard configuration file. Your modchip might have it's own network settings as well (to make it possible to flash the chip from a pc.), but I assume that once the dashboard is running, it will use it's own settings. Maybe the chip isn't having a permanent storage option for it's network settings. In that case, it would take longer to boot if it was set to dhcp, and there is no dhcp server available on the network.



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X3 Bios Problem Saving Settings
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2009, 09:52:00 AM »

Winter all ready got this advice on team-xecuter's forums, but I will post it here as well in case the same question comes up later from someone else.

OBCD is right in that the booting to dash/bios is a setting that needs to be changed.  The X3 Config Live bios defaults to booting back to itself.  You have to go into the settings and disable the feature, then when you reboot it will follow your identified boot paths (also defined in the config live settings), and if you ever did want to get back into the bios, you would boot while holding white.

As for the network settings, I really don't know why that is. I was thinking that maybe there was a save button, you might need to press, but after looking at my machine I didn't see a save, so i am not sure what to do about that. Sorry.

I dont have time right now to grab the lnk, but if you google "X3 Busted Chain", you will find the link to his awesome x3 bios guide.