
Author Topic: X2.6 Bad Flash And Frag - Can Anyone Re Flash It For Me?  (Read 60 times)


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X2.6 Bad Flash And Frag - Can Anyone Re Flash It For Me?
« on: October 14, 2009, 11:24:00 AM »

Hi All

So i have a spare X2.6 which was in one of my xbox's. It was working fine until i used the Xbox in question to flash another chip, when i plugged the original chip back in the xbox gave the good old power on power off twice then FRAG.

I have attempted to re flash by booting to the Slayers disk and hotswapping the faulty chip but when i attempt to flash any BIOS to it i receive an error from Slayers saying that the chip cannot be flashed. I can;t remember the exact wording...

Im guessing that i could buy myself an external programmer but this would cost a few

Is there anyone out there who can help by suggesting another method for re flashing the chip ??

Is there anyone out there with an external programmer who would offer to re flash it for me...i will pay postage costs etc... UK only....

Cheers chaps...
