
Author Topic: Xbox Won't Work Right.....  (Read 24 times)


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Xbox Won't Work Right.....
« on: February 02, 2020, 06:02:00 PM »

Hi all,

Ok... first off... I'm a moron. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)  Upon getting a new TV that is capable of doing 720p/1080i, I went to the MS Dashboard, and changed the video settings to widescreen & higher res.  Of course I should have realized, that I needed the RGB setup, but instead I had the Advanced AV Pack (Svideo + L/R + Optical).  I can't remember what the error code was.  All I remember is that it froze.  So.. I thought maybe buying the AV pack with the RGB setup will make it work again.... I was wrong.   When I go to the MS Dashboard with my Xecutor 2 (2.4 I think) turned on, it gives an Error 21.  Evox boots fine, and some games work.  XBMC won't work. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) When I turn off my Modchip, I get the "Service" error message.  Is there a quick way to fix this without completely formatting the hard drive?  I can still FTP into it if that helps.  If anyone needs more info, please let me know.

Any & all help would be greatly appreciated.
