
Author Topic: 2.6 Lite Flash Problem  (Read 34 times)


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2.6 Lite Flash Problem
« on: December 18, 2007, 08:46:00 AM »

So after much reading, I went home and tried some more stuff on this SOB of an XBOX.

I tried booting it while holding the white button on the controller on both bank 1 (the dead bank) and bank 2 (the EVO X microsoft dash), nothing happened.

I tried holding the power button down for 3 seconds while booting to each bank, that did nothing as well.

I burned off AID and Slayers to a CD-RW, none of these discs will boot.

Ive figured out that my dvd drive is toasted.

It wont even load a DVD movie while im in the normal MS dash with the chip turned off. Is there anyway I coulda fried the dvd-rom while installing the chip?

At this point I think im screwed. Unless someone can help me ftp into this box Im up the creek without a paddle.

When I try to FTP into it, FlashFXP says connecting, than connected to PORT=21, it sits there for about a minute and timesout. I can get to the conencting part with the EVO X MS Dash, but not with bank I guess I have no network when booted to that dead bank.

I have a different modded xbox and I tried to FTP into it, that works fine.

Can anybody help me?

All I need to do is find someway of loading a dash that I can FTP into than I wont need to worry about using the dvd-rom.

IS it possible to take the hard drive out of the xbox, hook it up to my computer and copy everything I need directly on to it?? I think that is the only way I can do this now without having to replace the dvd-rom.

Please any suggestions from you Gurus, would be greatly appreciated.


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2.6 Lite Flash Problem
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 08:44:00 AM »

I figured it out. I formatted a new drive with my other xbox and put it in this messed up one.

Now I can ftp into it and go on with life.