
Author Topic: X3ce 1.6a - Frags  (Read 21 times)


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X3ce 1.6a - Frags
« on: October 12, 2007, 12:56:00 AM »

I have an X3CE and a v1.6 (1.6a not b ).  I rebuilt the LPC with wires, then redid it with the quicksolder board, then switched to wires again while double-checking the solder job.  I resoldered all my points 3 times and in the process I broke a trace (pin8/lad2) but fixed it n/p.  Despite all my tests and checks and redos, the chip when connected will only FRAG.

When the chip is installed and power is applied:
- Both the 3.3V and 5V LEDs are lit.
- The un/protect red/green LED is lit which matches the flash protect switch setting.
- The X on the bank select panel, the logo is red.

After power is applied, it will do 1 of 4 things, depending on how it is powered up:
- Power pressed quickly - 3 x boot then FRAG
- Power held - 3 x boot then FRAG, no delay from holding power
- Eject pressed - 3 x boot then FRAG
- Eject & Power pressed - Does nothing

I have used both "on on off off" and "off on off off" with no difference.
I have used every bank setting in the documentation with no difference.

When I remove the D0/LAN/HDD cable from the chip, it boots to the stock BIOS and runs perfectly.

I have tested using a multimeter from the pins on the fron to various test points which are shown in these pix.  'FRONT' is not my board, but is the clearest pic I could find of the front of a 1.6 board.  'BACK' is a scan of my LPC rebuild.  All points are shiny, they look darker in the scan than they really are.

I attached D0 to the front the last time I redid all my points to rule that out as bad.

FRONT (borrowed image - PM if problems)
  • Point ( A ) and the grey wire on the D0/LAN/HDD harness are connected.  ( A ) is also connected to the unmarked point to the right of the "8" under point ( C ).  The grey wire from H0/LAN/HDD is soldered to this unmarked point rather than the recommended D0 point on the bottom.
  • Point ( B ) and pin 11 (LAD0) are connected.
  • Point ( C ) and pin 8 (LAD2) are connected.
  • Point ( D ) and pin 10 (LAD1) are connected.
  • Point ( E ) and pin 7 (LAD3) are connected.

BACK (view at full resolution, "a" looks like a "d" if not at full size)
  • pin 01 connects to ( a )
  • pin 02 connects to ground
  • pin 05 connects to ( c )
  • pin 07 connects to ( d ) and ( e ) and also ( E ) from FRONT (LAD3)
  • pin 08 connects to ( f ), ( g ), ( j ) and also ( C ) from FRONT (LAD2)
  • pin 09 connects to pin 15
  • pin 10 connects to ( h ) and also ( D ) from FRONT (LAD1)
  • pin 11 connects to ( i ) and also ( B ) from FRONT (LAD0)
  • The lost trace is at ( f ) and is repaired by routing ( f ) to pin 08 to ( j )
  • ( b ) connects to ( A ) and the unmarked D0 from FRONT.  I moved D0 to the front while debugging.

I believe I did these when the chip was OFF.  The voltages I get with my ANALOG meter are:
  • pin 01 - 1.8 (does not match FallsInc's LPC Voltage Diagram)
  • pin 02 - ground
  • pin 03 - 0
  • pin 04 - x
  • pin 05 - 3.3 (match)
  • pin 06 - x
  • pin 07 - 2.3 (does not match FallsInc's LPC Voltage Diagram)
  • pin 08 - 2.3 (does not match FallsInc's LPC Voltage Diagram)
  • pin 09 - 3.3 (match)
  • pin 10 - 2.3 (does not match FallsInc's LPC Voltage Diagram)
  • pin 11 - 2.3 (does not match FallsInc's LPC Voltage Diagram)
  • pin 12 - ground
  • pin 13 - 3.1 (does not match FallsInc's LPC Voltage Diagram but close)
  • pin 14 - 3.1 (does not match FallsInc's LPC Voltage Diagram but close)
  • pin 15 - 3.3 (match)
  • pin 16 - x

I checked all the pins and only 09 and 15 are bridged.  13 & 14 are not, and neither is 07, 08, 10, or 11.

Well, it's late and that's about all I can think of.  If you have any questions, let me know.  I think I covered everything.  Oh, my theory is that the soldering is good, but the chip is completely blank, including the backup.  Hopefully someone will see something on the scan that I missed...