
Author Topic: How To Install X2 Chip?  (Read 35 times)


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How To Install X2 Chip?
« on: August 20, 2007, 09:03:00 PM »

hi guys, I bought another xbox today for $40 off craigslist.
it came with a Xecuter 2 chip and a 80 gb hard drive.
only problem is that it keeps getting some error.
the seller told me that inside the solder broke loose
so the only way to get it to run is to resolder.
I'll give that a shot but I"m not sure where to solder
each one.
Can someone send me a tutorial on soldering a X2
Chip? Here is a Picture of the xbox.
IPB Image

and apparently my camera sucks.

any help would be appreciated. thanks

theperfekt001 - I've resized your pic and made it a link to the original huge one.


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How To Install X2 Chip?
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2007, 10:40:00 PM »

You need to resize your images before you post...that pic is huge.

And as for your problem....i really cant see anything, its too blurry. What kind of camera do you have? You can look on it and see if there is a "macro" setting on it.


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How To Install X2 Chip?
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2007, 12:17:00 AM »

In the future, please resize your images. You can always have the resized image link to the original. Thanks.


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How To Install X2 Chip?
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2007, 04:24:00 PM »

ok thanks for the help, sorry about the pic,

now after soldering those remaining wires on
I start up the xbox and it flashes green and orange just like
it says to, but the dvd drive doesn't open like it says it should
and I don't see anything on the tv. (I am on the right input for sure)
When I tried to eject the drive it made a loud roaring sound and finally ejected,
then when I put the disk in, it made a louder roaring sound so I shut it off and
the opened the top of the drive and the disk wasn't on the spindel like it
should have been for whatever reason, so I put the disk on right and restarted
the xbox and it didn't read it and it didn't so anything like it was supposed to.

I just bought this xbox from craigs and it didn't come with its factory drive
and the guy didn't know the eeprom key. if it doesn't have that am i screwed
or will the modchip work around that somehow? if not I do have an older xbox with
a blown power supply i can just switch the power supply and have at least one working
xbox. so basically, what should i do if the xbox doesn't read the disk? let me know.


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How To Install X2 Chip?
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2007, 08:43:00 PM »

oh I'm still having mad trouble with this thing.
When I turn it on it I get a no signal from my tv
but the xbox turns on for a second, shuts off
turns back on for another second shuts off
then turns back on and stays on but
doesn't show anything. I can hear a
little click from the tv when it turns itself
back on but other then that I ain't getting anywhere.
all the wires are resoldered back into there spots.
but I'm completely lost on what to do. Its got a
sweet mod on it where the controller ports light up blue
so I gotta try and save this one. lol
someone help me please.


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How To Install X2 Chip?
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2007, 09:32:00 PM »

Same thing, just turns on 3 times and stays idle
where you can't see anything.
my next idea was to try and take apart the entire xbox
and run a long wire to the back of the d0 point
so it will be easier for it to stay on. I'll keep
tryin, let me know if you have any more ideas