
Author Topic: X3ce Flashing Problems  (Read 27 times)


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X3ce Flashing Problems
« on: February 28, 2006, 11:27:00 PM »

Ok, i'll start from the start. I ruined an axbox 1.6 last year fom softmodding. In order to fix it i bought the X3CE w/1.6 solderless adapter. i could'nt find the original HDD so i bught a 160 Seagate. I have installed modchips before and new Harddrives but never with the new X3CE. I followwed all the directions from team executer.and also the bios page "". At first i could'nt get the "flashbios 3.0.3" to come up at all. After an hour or so of re-checking everything and trying different switch settings it finally came up (don't ask me why?). I then went ahead and flashed through the "Flash Via HTTP" option. I ended getting the X3 3294 bios and flashed just like they said. While my E.I. said it was flashing i went back to the tv and saw the flash working. When i went to reboot i had the same problems from the begining, no picture at all. 1.) powered up with out chip gives me the regular xbox startup screen and sound but then gives me the HDD error( wich is expected since it's a new HDD and i never put a dashboard because i can't use my autoinstaller without the dam chipped flashed, grrrr). 2.) Powered up with chip on gives me blank screen and no sound.3.) powered up with the eject and power button and still no screen.I've tried each power up possible with everydip switch setting possible and still nothing. 1 more thing, after all that i opened up the box and looked at the all my connections, looked good to me, and noticed the flashprotect was on (red light) and sinced switched it to off (green light).I repeated all those steps again mentioned above and no luck at all.How could i have gotten that screen up the first time with flash protect on (red light) and nothing with the flashprotect off (green light)?? . I forgot to mention that all the lights come on on the adapter when powered on, wire "A" is red, wire "B" is red,wire "C" is yellow, wire "D" is green, and wire "E" is blue.The chip itself has 2 blue lights on and 1 green ( the flash protect off switch).Wow, i've never typed so much, but it goes with all the reading i've been doing to try and fix this dam xbox already. If anybody could help i would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance for any help i can get.



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X3ce Flashing Problems
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2006, 11:33:00 PM »

QUOTE(excaliburlives @ Mar 1 2006, 12:58 AM) *
noticed the flashprotect was on (red light)
Red means the flash protect is off.

Are you sure you have a 1.6 and not a 1.6b?


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X3ce Flashing Problems
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2006, 11:44:00 PM »

The date on it says 2004-09-20 and it has the Xcalibur video chip on it. I figured it's a 1.6, not sure on how to find out if it's a 1.6b.

On the back of the chip it says "red/protect and green/unprotected. It lights up green now and still no picture on tv.


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X3ce Flashing Problems
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2006, 11:45:00 PM »

Follow the "XB-VERSIONS" link from the XS home page to find your version.

Ignore what the chip says: red=unprotected


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X3ce Flashing Problems
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2006, 11:51:00 PM »

ok, i checked, it's a 1.6b. am i screwed? Thanks for the fast reply!


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X3ce Flashing Problems
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2006, 11:58:00 PM »

I don't think you said for certain, but you imply that you flashed to bank 5678.  If so, yeah, you've painted yourself into a corner by flashing over the 4 copies of FlashBIOS 3.0.3 on your chip.  The FlashBIOS on banks 1-4 and on the backup is 3.0.1 which is not reliable on 1.6b boxes.

You will have to do a hotswap flash to recover.


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X3ce Flashing Problems
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2006, 12:09:00 AM »

Yeah, i have to agree with you. i think i screwed myself by assuming that it didn't matter if it was a 1.6 or 1.6b . when i flashed it i'm not sure if i had it on "on, on, off, off" or "off, on , off, off" in either case i think i flashed over the orginal. i couldn't find a manual on the switches i was getting reall pissed off at the time. I'm in aliitle luck though, just found another dead 1.6 xbox a had laying around (from softmodding.hehe) and im sure it's a 1.6 and not a 1.6b cause it has the samsung ram chip. Will have better luck with that xbox still be able to falsh?? if not, i just ordered another X3ce chip (that i was going to be putting in this xbox i'm talking about now) will i be able to fix this chip whith the new one when it comes in. thank you very much so far, and i've calmed down alittle bit here now.  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)


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X3ce Flashing Problems
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2006, 12:13:00 PM »

Does anyone know if the xbox 1.6b can be chipped? Does the X3CE support 1.6b


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X3ce Flashing Problems
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2006, 12:41:00 PM »

Um, yeah it does support 1.6b. But you can only boot flashbios 3.0.3, you can't boot flashbios 3.0.1. Now you know the difference between 1.6 and 1.6b. I have a 1.6 (a if you wanna call it that) and it works fine with my X3CE.

And like Eldorek said, the only way to fix it now is to hotswap it. Or you could put that chip in any other version and then put flashbios 3.0.3 on all banks if you want. Or you can just flash a 1.6 bios on it and put it back in your box. Note that if you put the chip in a non-1.6 and flash a 1.6 bios, it won't boot that bios on a non-1.6.

This post has been edited by cerealkillajme: Mar 1 2006, 08:45 PM


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X3ce Flashing Problems
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2006, 01:01:00 PM »

Ok, i understand that part. Thye rest of my parts came in today. Bought a new case, X3 control panel and another X3CE with solderless 1.6 adapter. I will try this on the 1.6 now instead of the 1.6b, hope i have better luck. I downloaded the new 3.0.3 bios, now it says that that bios doeant work on i.6. How do i get that bios on the old chip without flashing from the 1.6 box? Also is there any direction on how use the banks? I've flashed before but never with anything as cool as the X3ce. I messed it up once and would hate to do it again. But i have to get going to work and i will have to wait until midnight until i can get back to this thing.
Thank you for your help.


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X3ce Flashing Problems
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2006, 01:39:00 PM »

Is the teamexecuter download page down? I tried downloading the flash bios 3.0.1 and 3.0.3 and all i got was a HTML page with all kinds of junk on it.


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X3ce Flashing Problems
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2006, 01:59:00 PM »

Just right-click on the link and do a "Save Link As..." (or whatever equivalent your browser has).