
Author Topic: Help! Cant Get Dash To Load Up! Please!  (Read 35 times)


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Help! Cant Get Dash To Load Up! Please!
« on: January 26, 2006, 05:37:00 AM »

I have an xecuter 3  i believe  mod chip thats installed in my xbox.. i recently unhooked my xbox and brang it to a friends house.. and everytime i tried to boot up the drive it said error 09 hdd error.. i dont understand it .. so i brought it home and went into the bios and reset the x3 configurations...thinking that would maybe due the trick.. well it didnt it seems like it put my whole system back to a regular xbox dash... now i cant even load my dashboard or play games.. i just dont know what to do.. and i accidentally enabled the vga patch.. now iall i get it is sound when i boot up and then like scribbly lines almost resembling a picture fill my whole tv... i dont get it maybe i pressed somethign wrong.. i have all my xbox data backed up on my pc... can somebody please!!! help me with this .. i dont know what i did or how to get my xbox back to the way it was... i have 3 hard drives in it and every hard drive that boots shows no picture just plays sound..... please help pleaseee!!! =(