
Author Topic: Backups And A Dashboad Prob  (Read 21 times)


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Backups And A Dashboad Prob
« on: November 30, 2005, 11:44:00 PM »

ok the problam i have is my xbox wont play most any of my backups. it playes normal xbox games fine.
Evox sees the disk as a game but when i then go to load it i just goes to the loading screen and then resets back to the dash. this is the same if i play the game from my hdd or disk and i know there is nothing wrong with the backup disk because it plays on other xboxes that i have modded for my friends.

i have a V1.4 xboxs
IGR is turned off in x3 config and evox.
the clock is set.
im running X3 3294 bios  i have tried other bioses and they dont work either.
i have installed slayers 2.6 and the games wont run off avalaunch or xbmc either.
4 out of the 5 games i have wont work at all.
i have tried to patch the xbes with quix. tried to rename the default.bak to default.xbe and patching it but
that did not seem to do anything either.
the strange thing is that madden 06 wich usted to work stopped working.
i thought maybe it had somthing to do with the hdd but its been the same on 2 different hdds.

The other thing i have a problam with is my xbox seems to be having issues booting to m$ dash to
a good 50% or more of the time when i start it up(with the power held down to disable) the xbox will start up and the eject led will be solid green. but i will have no audio or video. other times it starts up fine...
if i start it up with the mod it boots fine everytime. if i remove the chip all together this no audio/video is not a problam as i have removed the chip to find out.
btw this was a pin header install
  AND also i have cleared the cache
     any ideas guys?