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Author Topic: Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial  (Read 781 times)


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #135 on: September 02, 2007, 01:40:00 PM »

Going to have a crystal xbox arriving in the next few days and i have been doing the research to allow me to fit a chip,h/drive and get it all working 100%(hopefully)

The previous owner had tried a softmod whcih has given the xbox an error 16.

First question is regarding the bios.I believe that flashbios is already on the xecuter 2.6 chip from new and i can then put a hacked bios(thinking about an x2 bios when i can confirm what xbox version i have)onto bank 2 and leave the flashbios on bank 1.When using x2 bios manager if i save the hacked bios to bank2 and leave bank1 blank then burn to disc,will that put the hacked bios on bank 2 and leave the flashbios on bank 1 or does it overwrite bank 1 and leave it without a bios.

Hopefully you can understand what i mean from the above.

On a separate note i have d/loaded aid and have 20 rar files all with aid41.then r0 to r20.

Are these just revised versions all included in the download.If so i guess i find the newest one with the aid iso  file and use that to create the boot disk.

I am sure i will have some more questions later in the week when i get the console and get the other items ordered.

Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.Another noob as you have probably guessed who wants to get it right first time.


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #136 on: December 27, 2007, 10:36:00 PM »

I followed the instructions as mentioned in the tutorial. I have flashed the bank 1 with flash bios ver 3.0.3 and bank 2 with Xecuter2_4976_MultiVer_256k.

Then I reeboted my XBOX with bank 2. Now I am gettgin error 16 (Dashboard not intialized) Please help.

Do you think I have the wrong bios for my XE 2.6 mod chip?

I have also installed a new larger HDD at the same time that I flased my chip. I am trying to load EVOX 2.6 using  the auto installer ISO but cannot do anything. Please advice.


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #137 on: April 26, 2009, 11:31:00 AM »

I have X3CE. I turn bank 1 on but something strange happens. The chip flashes 3 times and then nothing shows on the screen. I tried bank 2 but nothing happens. banks 3 and 4 goes into the Flash Bios 3.0.3 menu. I tried flashing Evox m7 bios but it says "Unknown Flash. Haulting!" I have write protection off so what's wrong?


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #138 on: November 10, 2009, 04:27:00 PM »

Thanks! Your guide was perfect!


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #139 on: April 07, 2011, 10:44:00 AM »

Hi lads
Noob here so hoping you can help. Firstly I bought a crystal xbox from ebay (1.6). It has an executer mod chip (dont know which one) but it has the switch at the front of the console with the three switches (maybe they all do but I thought Id mention it). I read that replacing the hard drive with a mod chip was much easier than with a softmod so I invested in a 750gb ide off ebay so its worked out quite expensive.

The hard drive fit went fine and I installed XBMC with the aid disk. I noticed that most of the hard drive wasnt accessible on the first bank but it was on the second? With the first bank I can only see 120gb. So, on the second bank my f drive had around 700gb installed and in use. I was using an ftp programme to move my stuff on and all was going fine until I noticed that files were disappearing etc etc as I filled the drive. After investigation I found out this was because of the partition size and things were corrupting.

So I tried launching xbpartitioner to see if I could reorganize the partitions. However, when I launch the programme I get a warning message ' lba48 info not found, custom partitions will not work with this bios'. I used bios checker and the bios I am using at the minute is the following: X2 4983.06

So could someone point me in the right direction in terms of where I need to go? I am assuming I need to reflash as in the opening post, if so, what with? Once I have reflashed is it just a case of using xbpartioner to divide the drive up into the appropriate portions to make all of it accesible?

Many thanks in advance.


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #140 on: April 07, 2011, 11:28:00 AM »

Use X2.5035. Edit x2config.ini to point to your preferred dash location, then put it on C:\ and E:\ before you flash. Once the BIOS is flashed to the chip you can run XBPartitioner 1.1 to format the F and G partitions. Make sure you check the cluster size before loading any data - see the link in my signature for details.


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #141 on: April 07, 2011, 02:03:00 PM »

Use XBPartitioner 1.1, and check the cluster size as per the link in my signature. That solves the problem.

Edit = edit with a text editor

x2config.ini = the name of the file you edit - the one that controls how X2.5035 is set up.


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #142 on: April 07, 2011, 02:24:00 PM »

There's a readme that comes with X2.5035, and the config file is commented, and it's not at all complicated.


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #143 on: April 07, 2011, 03:13:00 PM »

For a 1.6 you need x2_5035_v16plus_512k.bin

You don't use FlashBIOS - you use Evox to do the flashing.


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #144 on: April 07, 2011, 07:34:00 PM »

You don't need evtool or flashbios for what you need to accomplish. You just need to use the Evolution X dashboard to flash your chip with the 5035 bios, as Heimdall stated. That is all you need to do.

To do this, FTP to the xbox and install Evox in E:\Apps\Evox\, and put the 5035 bios in E:\Apps\Evox\Bios\. Run Evox  from UnleashX's applications list, and flash the bios from within the Evox menu.

You may also be able to use an installer DVD like Slayers or Hexen to install Evox as an app if you are not sure how to FTP.


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #145 on: April 08, 2011, 09:13:00 PM »

QUOTE(xboxmods2977 @ Apr 8 2011, 02:34 AM) View Post

You don't need evtool or flashbios for what you need to accomplish. You just need to use the Evolution X dashboard to flash your chip with the 5035 bios, as Heimdall stated. That is all you need to do.

To do this, FTP to the xbox and install Evox in E:\Apps\Evox\, and put the 5035 bios in E:\Apps\Evox\Bios\. Run Evox  from UnleashX's applications list, and flash the bios from within the Evox menu.

You may also be able to use an installer DVD like Slayers or Hexen to install Evox as an app if you are not sure how to FTP.

Right I tried and I made a horlicks. I got the proper file from xbins. I installed the evox dash and created the bios folder with the bios file inside through ftp. I flashed the chip with evox but when I turned it on I get nothing, black screen and no video output. Was punching myself repeatedly in the face when the wife came in and asked me the problem. When I explained she said when I was going through it the other night she could have sworn the xbox said v.1.4 when I loaded the AID disk ohmy.gif Why was I certain it was 1.6! And could this be my problem - will the 5035 bios still work on v1.4? Its a crystal xbox btw.

So where do I go from here? Since I replaced the hard drive to the bigger one I am getting an error 13 when the chip is disabled. If I pop the original hard drive back in will it be possible to disable the chip, boot the original dash, soft mod with evox, turn the chip on and flash from inside the soft mod? Totally pissed off. Edit: Just to say I think the machine is working okay bar video and audio. I have no red led lights or anything and disks appear to be spinning up/loading etc etc.


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #146 on: April 08, 2011, 11:16:00 PM »

It may be as simple as a missing or incomplete dashboard, so try cold booting with AID.

If that doesn't work, switch to the other BIOS bank and boot with that (without AID) and report back.


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #147 on: April 09, 2011, 03:39:00 AM »

QUOTE(murphio @ Apr 9 2011, 09:29 AM) View Post

Hi mate, yeah I already tried all that unfortunately. Dont think it is a dash problem because even when I have had no dash whatsoever I still get the green XBOX logo and audio on boot. The only way I can get a video/audio output signal at all to my tv is by disabling the chip. With it enabled on either bank I get a 'no signal' message.

The strange thing is that the led light stays green and 'appears' to cold boot the AID disk (I say appears because without video and audio I cant tell for sure). I tried leaving it for a few minutes and ftp'ing to the box on the same ip as before with evox with no success. Gutted. If I go the softmod route will evox try to flash the bios already loaded into memory (ie the softmod bios)? Or, is it possible to disable the chip, boot with a softmod, re-enable the chip and reflash with evox?

Thanks for your help.

I have given this some thought and I am fairly sure that at least one of the dashboards told me I was running version 1.6. In fact I am certain. The AID disk may have given conflicting information when it told me I was running version 1.4. If the xbox is 1.4 then I flashed with the wrong bios. I wont be too dismayed If I can put in the original hard drive and softmod - I wont have use of the chip and it will be a smaller drive but it is better than nothing. But obviously Id prefer if there was some way of pulling this from the fire uhh.gif


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #148 on: April 09, 2011, 12:08:00 PM »

QUOTE(murphio @ Apr 9 2011, 09:29 AM) View Post
If I go the softmod route will evox try to flash the bios already loaded into memory (ie the softmod bios)?
Softmods don't flash any BIOS, they patch the in-memory copy of the BIOS at runtime.

QUOTE(murphio @ Apr 9 2011, 09:29 AM) View Post
Or, is it possible to disable the chip, boot with a softmod, re-enable the chip and reflash with evox?
Depends. In general you can only flash the BIOS source you booted from, so if you boot from the stock BIOS (on the motherboard) and run a softmod then the only thing you can flash is the TSOP on the motherboard. HOWEVER, if your Xbox is a 1.6 then what you described will work - boot a softmod then enable the chip and flash it.

You really need to open up your Xbox and work out which version it is before you decide what to do next.


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Xecuter 2.6 Bios Tutorial
« Reply #149 on: April 09, 2011, 09:01:00 PM »

QUOTE(Heimdall @ Apr 10 2011, 02:08 AM) View Post

 In general you can only flash the BIOS source you booted from, so if you boot from the stock BIOS (on the motherboard) and run a softmod then the only thing you can flash is the TSOP on the motherboard. HOWEVER, if your Xbox is a 1.6 then what you described will work - boot a softmod then enable the chip and flash it.

This is not intended to confuse the OP, but there is one specific case where you can boot from modchip bios and flash the tsop and it's intended as a last-resort rescue procedure. But the general principle still holds true - you can only flash the bios that you booted from.
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