
Author Topic: X3 And Xbox 1.6b  (Read 114 times)


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« on: December 08, 2004, 05:29:00 PM »

there already is one  dry.gif

its called the spider, go look for it


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2004, 05:32:00 PM »

The  solderless adapter for the X3 and 1.6 boards will be out soon. How soon im not sure.


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2004, 09:11:00 AM »

The whole idea of the spider chip was NO SOLDERING - so I don't see any reason to still do it to secure the wires.
I've used some Plastic glue , it's the one you can take out with no leftovers.
You have to be quite gentle when you do it - as it's all so damn small - but it works just fine , and you can always take it out with your hands.

Regareding the BIOS : Somehow it does NOT work with 1.6B XBOX . I repeat - SPIDER CHIP comes with the CROMWELL BIOS which does NOT work with XBOX version 1.6B.
I've tried 2 chips on 2 different XBOX - they both give BLACK screen - no audio or visual , or anything. There's no way to load a new BIOS , like the M8.

Unless... you can connect the chip to an OLD XBOX and flash it there.
Anyone in Kentucky / Ohio with an old XBOX willing to help me out ??
I'm willing to pay. I can't wait for the Damn Programmer to come out.
Let me know.

Talking about programmers : did anyone succesfully managed to program it with the ALADDIN programmer ???


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2004, 10:08:00 AM »

i wish I hadn't aqlready opened up th XBOX....I coiuld have returned it for an older model.  Any way,, I don't knowe if my friend would let me use his xbox or not.  I guess i could ask him.  I could just return it and either wait for them to releaes a fix or a programer or wait for a big name mod chip brand to put out a REAL no soldering chip.  I wonder if they would let me evenb return it.  I'll bet they're getting a lot of return requests


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2004, 10:43:00 AM »

Why don't you just go trade your box with one of your friends?  Tell them, hey, I've got this brand new box, but I can't mod it, do you think you can trade me yours so that you can have this brand new box and I can have one that I can mod.  If you have friends that are actual friends, they will trade it out.


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2004, 11:23:00 AM »

First - that guy before me had a good idea . If you do have a friend with an old XBOX - just ask to trade it with him , that if he refuse to loan his XBOX to you so you can flash the Chip.

Regarding replacing the XBOX : Can you replace your XBOX to an older one ??
Where ? Do they still keep the old XBOX's ? ( 1 -1.5 )

Why can't you still replace it ?
I hope you didn't ruin the Silver Sticker ... that would lose the gurantee ...
You should have used my trick ...
The whole idea of the Spider chip was that if something went wrong ... you can return it ... at least to me it was ... so I kept everything as it was when I opened it.

Anyway - I bought it in CompUSA and I didn't see any old XBOX there ...
Besides ... my XBOX works just fine without the Chip ... so they won't replace it just like that.

Anyway - we either wait for the SPIDER programmer or check if the ALADDIN programmer can work for us.
Is there anyone who can lend us an ALADDIN programmer ??
I'm willing to pay 10$ if it will work.


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2004, 11:25:00 AM »

vern , what XBOX version you have that the SPIDER workd for you ?

How hard was the Xecuter installation ?

Did you try a longer screw with the SPIDER ?
What BIOS did you have ?


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2004, 11:31:00 AM »

I have the 1.6b version and yes it worked except I had to hold it down to stay in contact with the LPC. I tried longer screws. It pushed the screw-edge down, but tilted the other edge up ... so that was a no-go.

The Xecuter was a hard install for me, but as I said ... patience, a pair of good eyes, and reading good soldering techniques pays off big time. I used the LPC rebuild that came with Xecuter. I bought my X3 off system-mods since I read that I needed to flash the X3 to work with 1.6b ... and they already had it flashed for compatability.

Right now I have the latest X3 Bios which I flashed right on when the X3 default BIOS came up.


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2004, 07:06:00 PM »

will spiderchip refund the chip with no, or low, restocking fee?  has anyone succesfully returned on yet?  I'll see if my friend would be willing to trade but If i follow the no no-solder suggestion it would kind of be pointless to trade. I'll ask my other friend if he'd help me solder it in.  I guess I could look into it myself, but I just don't have much money to work with right now.  

Whats the easiest modchip to install to the newest xbox v1.6b?  I can just put it on a CC if I have to.  The Xecuter chips?


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2004, 06:33:00 AM »

Regarding the Refund : I doubt you'll make it. All companies I talked with claim "it is not possible that the CHIP is faulty- as it was checked before delivery" . It may be true - but not on a 1.6B XBOX ...
Neverteless , they are not willing to refund if the chip is working , and it will on their XBOX ... so I leave you to find your own solution with that ...
I just canceled the Visa Payment - as the way I see it : I got a faulty item - as they did promise it will work on any 1.6 XBOX - which is not - in the way they deliver it ( have to reflash it myself ??? ).
Second of all , I heard the new shipment of CHIPS from spider have been fixed with a bios that does work with 1.6B , so you may even get a working spider - it depends when you bought it , or when your supplier bought it.

Regarding a different CHIP : I would recommend the X3 with the new Adapter.
It is only solderless on 1-1.5 but I think it's relativaly easy on 1.6 , with the soldering things. Go check it out.


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2004, 12:24:00 PM »

Ok, I just got an X3 with the 1.6 LPC rebuild and requested the get a refund for the spiderchip.  Maybe they'll be nice and hive it to me?  Problably not, i'll just have to complain to the credit card companies for a while.  It would be so easy if spiderchip would have told the truth in the first place "Spiderchip bios's do not work with your Xbox v1.6b"


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2004, 12:31:00 PM »

Just wait a bit with that ... An inside bird just whispered me that SPIDER is going to release the PROGRAMMER very soon.
I don't know the price though but I think they should give it to us FREE - as it was false advertisment and not fair towards us.
Maybe if we all gather togheter and do something we'll be big enough to make them do it ...
Anyway - patience ... patience ... we haven't lost YET ...


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X3 And Xbox 1.6b
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2004, 12:37:00 PM »

well ok.  I accidentally sent my X3 payment to my bank account instead of my credit card and had to ask paypal to cancel it.  Where did you hear the news of a programmer for it?  and yes, by all means there is no fesable way they are going to pry another penny out of my cold dead poor broke hands.  I want my Xbox modded!  

If they refund it i'll prbly end up just getting an X3 anyway.  They hold like 10 X's more and I found someone that can solder and they owe me a favour from way back.  Got I hope I don't end up with TWO mod chips.  I guess I could trya dn sell one to my friend.  they have an older version of the xbox and the spider chip looks like its ok handling with old versions.