
Author Topic: A Little Help Please  (Read 21 times)


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A Little Help Please
« on: April 06, 2004, 06:45:00 AM »

hey, me and my buddy were installing a 2.3 lite+   we installed his absolutely fine. but when we got to mine,  something got screwed up.  we went through, got everything hooked up, and then came time to flash it. so we flashed it using the exact same method as his.  both are same versions of xbox. 1.3   when we flashed it, everything seemed to go fine, the disc opened and then it shut off. but now the dang thing wont turn on, it comes on for less than a second before shutting off again.  we uninstalled the modchip but it still doesnt work. anyone know what happened?  i need some help.    thanks a lot