
Author Topic: Is This Possible To Do?  (Read 44 times)


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Is This Possible To Do?
« on: December 15, 2003, 01:01:00 AM »

Ok guys here is my query.

At present my box houses an x2.0 lite chip which is working very well, nver had any issues at all. However a while ago i bought an x2.2 lite to mod a friends box which fell through, leaving me with this very nice flasy red chip and switch.

I would like to use the new switch in my xbox but cannot be assed to resolder each connection so am asking if the 10 wire plug that fits into the x2.0 is identicle to the onee used on an x2.2 lite.

You see this would allow me to hotswap the chips giving me a switch for live, without having to resolder.

Thanks alot.
